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Everything posted by EvilBr33D

  1. If you have the GOTY Deluxe version from Steam, you should have Battlehorn Castle. Up to you on whether you should grab the CS or not - if you don't intend to edit any mods, you won't need it. i have the retail version, not from steam. Thanks for ur help
  2. yes, i got the GOTY deluxe, but noticed i dont have fighter stronghold/battlespire EDIT----- Battlehorn DBL EDIT------- should i get the construction set?
  3. Yeah, I noticed that about battlehorn also, i cant seem to find it on my disk, maybe an error (?) Yeah, the sups are driving me crazy, pretty sure it's a manual install, but thats how i messed up my 1st install, just going to wait until someone clears up that mystery lol. Thanks Candex, you have been a great help :) EDIT------ spelling errors again
  4. Not to say its pointless (maybe I used too harse a word), but here is the log Boss gave me. bare with me, im just getting used to this sites forum rules.
  5. OK, got both wrye and boss, now the fun part. Its taking me the better of 2 days to install this so i have no future problems, and now i find Boss to be completely ( dare i say, confusing ). I got a "log?", in which it reorders the mods to work, but heck, in my current state, I probably couldn't install a simple program. TY for the help You and Y have giving, gives me hope for Skyrim, dare i say minus beths help. Sry, i went a Lil OTP, but, I install the supps i use, correct? EDIT------- just realized what was going on, its "recommending" I install various mods to work with the vanilla version. I would, but I'm going to add mods soon, is the recs pointless? DBL EDIT------- no supplimentals are installed yet, now I'm really confused........
  6. Thanks Candex, any bit helps. so to be sure, I dl and install Wrye Bash and BOSS 1st before the supplementals patch right? +kudos to you EDIT------ Fixed spelling errors
  7. OK, I think I've reached my WTF moment with the supplementals, I cant't figure out which file to dl. I got OBMM, going to get Wrye Bash soon, but the file options are driving me crazy. Plz help, and Kudos to those who reply. Thank you.
  8. Thanks Ygfbv, you've been a big help +kudos, can u provide a link, or can i find it here?
  9. thanks, i kinda figured that out already lol, but was sleepy last night, so brain wasnt working. New question to those who want to answer ( and it is appreciated, believe me ), what other mod managers should i install besides OBMM? EDIT------------ And are they complicated to install, kind of new to Oblivion mods.
  10. Thanks, i'll try that out. Again, thanks a million :) *Edit- Do i install the official mods before or after the UOMP?
  11. Hi guys, im new to this site and what i wanted 2 ask is, is the "unofficial patches" for oblivion good for SI? The Reason being i did a " very clean " install, because i messed up my original install, by placing it in the X86 folder. After I re-installed the 2nd time, OBMM told me the a couple of dlc's where in conflict with the scripts, cue another re-install. I plan on using mods, just wanted to be sure. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks for any responses.
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