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Everything posted by mensch8maschine
Hi! I installed a second Skyrim so that i wouldnt loose my heavily modded old game with a level 72 character. I switched the install folder location under the NMM settings to the new Skyrim. It didnt work out, so i switched back. Now, NMM's Plugin rider shows me all my old installed mods as activated (checked), however they aren't set as installed (checked) under the Mods rider. I'm guessing that some log file got changed or lost. any idea how i can get the old settings back?
How to declutter savegames? (suckers won't load!)
mensch8maschine replied to mensch8maschine's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
so in other words my game is more or less healthy, just the save files are too big. pitty... a well, i guess i should have played a character per class instead of one uber warrior/mage/thief/kills everything dude ;) btw, i've got quite a few pimped out mod-followers, do they impact much? -
HI! I was wondering, is there some tool to declutter savegames? I've got a level 71 character and over 130 mods, my saves are 15 MB large. My problem: whenever I save during a battle and quit the game, reloading that save gives me a freeze (black screen) once the loadscreen is done. However I CAN load slightly older saves from the same battle (from experience i save A LOT during these battles, especially when fighting multiple dragons (Deadly Dragons). I guess there is just too much going on during my save, so maybe DECLUTTERING them would help. also FYI, my load order:
@ELITE you seem to know your way around Optimizer Textures, mind if I pick ur brain: 1) would you recommend the BSA optimization option? 2) have you ever used the Maximum settings?
could a bashed patch / levelled list cause CTDs? I got my problems after merging a bashed patch via wrye bash, specifically levelled lists... i get a freeze at the end of the loading screen on my last three saves. in fact, it feels as if loading a save actually corrupts it! wxPython gave me an error message: I disabled ValsCrafting, redownloaded it, didnt make a difference.
oooh, ASIS, i'm gonna try that on my next playthru! But that time I'm going to leave out LOTS of mods. And to all those brilliant minds out there that create mods and tools and such PLEASE create some kind of debug program! (fat chance anybody will read my request ;))
welcome to the club, i'm easily 110+ and crashing constantly. ever since i installed the 1.6 patch i cant enter certain buildings. i activate a door and BANG! CTD. sometimes i crash while fast-traveling. is there some sort of logging tool that records what skyrim does? EDIT: @Arkath: CLARALUX really messed with my game, had to uninstall it. EDIT#2: OMG it was the !"§$!§"$ ASTERIA !!!!! dammit, how does that compute, why does it stop me from entering Vrindrel Hall? A well, hope that was the only CTD cause.
How do you make modifications to favorites?
mensch8maschine replied to darkdill's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Ok if i understand you correctly you want to edit the favorites menu to show i.e. some non-vanilla mod spells or weapons. To do that you must find the "favoritesmenu.cfg" text file which is located in: C:\***\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Interface\favoritesmenu.cfg Now lets say you have a destruction spell called "meteor" that is not part of the vanilla spells. 1) favorite "Meteor" 2) alt+tab to your desktop (no need to quit Skyrim) 3) open the favoritesmenu.cfg with a text editor 4) find the destruction spells 5) under "keyword=" you will find a list of spell names, seperated by commas. simply add "meteor" to that list, and save the change 6) alt+tab back to Skyrim 7) open favorites menu VOILA! "Meteor" now shows up under "destruction" -
Its been a while since you guys posted this, so maybe you've got some new insights, coz I have the same question. BTW, dont Duel Combat and Deadly Combat do more or less the same thing: - blocking costs stamina - damage is stamina dependant - stamina regens faster - weapons do more damage when they hit Or am I mistaken? And why did you combine the two?
Did that, (almost) all error messages are gone! thanks. I do get a warning: "an invalid plugin load order has been corrected" I get it repeatedly... And if Wrye Bash corrects my load order, should i use it instead of the BOSS.exe to create my load order? EDIT: still getting CTDs, just not so quickly...
So, ever since I installed the newest patch my game CTDs about 1 to max 2 minutes into the game, especially with lots of fighting NPCs (using Occupy Skyrim, Immersive Patrols, Warzones, Deadly Dragons). I'm also using the latest SKSE. I didnt have that problem before. Even removed Duel Combat and all my animation fixes. Mod list: I use MNN to download/install mods, BOSS to sort them, and recently Wrye Bash for bashed tags. Now Wrye Bash gives me loads of error messages, one of the scariest being "Update.esm is corrupted" (the newest update). HOWEVER, it keeps referring to TES4, which is Oblivion... Also, i have quite a few mods in the install tab that are highlighted red. Is Wrye Bash even set up right for Skyrim? What am I to make of all that? EDIT: I updated Wrye Bash and now I'm not getting any CTDs while many NPCs are fighting, HOWEVER I can't enter certain buildings anymore, like Vindrel Hall and Understone Keep in Markarth... I open the door and get an IMMEDIATE ctd... :(
I've got the EXACT same problem, need to talk to the gourmet, can't enter the keep. Also, I couldn't enter a part of the Labyrinthian, which is also Dwemer themed. I had assumed it may be dwemer texture or lighting related... my mods: EDIT: whats the "game cache" and how do you verify it? EDIT: couldnt "moveto player" Anton Virane to me (neither RefID 0001990A or BaseID 00013387 worked), so i progressed my queststages of "Recipe for Desaster" (DB08) via console so that Virane was questioned and killed. I can now proceed with the quest, but I STILL can't enter Understone Keep!!!
Hi! I finally got Beth's texture pack to work, however i sometimes get CTDs and FPS hits, probably due to the higher rez. My questions: 1) which MOD texture packs out there get me the same / better effect without such a strong performance hit 2) are "texture optimizers" recommendable (little programs that reduce texture sizes for faster loads while not loosing HD) 3) i found a thread recommending adding the HRTexturePack unter "Archive" in the skyrim.ini and DEACTIVATING the esps in NMM, then adding other texture mods. Tried that, didnt work for me (invisible heads). HOWEVER, if i did something wrong, would this improve performance?
mensch8maschine replied to Skrotetor's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Hi! You post is a bit old, hope you read this anyway ;) just wanted to check if i understood you correctly: 1) by changing the skyrim.ini as you recommend the bsa's get loaded BEFORE any other plugins/mods, so they are the primary files that get overridden by mods/plugins? 2) What is a good modder alternative / enhancement for the official HR Texture Pack from Bethesda? I sometimes get CTDs when moving to fast, guess its the larger textures... 3) there are TWO texture optimizers on Nexus that reduce texture sizes. would you recommend that? EDIT: just added your archive recommendation to the skyrim.ini and my characters and some NPCs heads VANISHED! -
Hi! I seem to have messed up my game when i installed the HD Pack, it won't start but just freeze on a black screen (uninstalling HD didnt help either). SO, i guess i have to reinstall the whole game, but i really really want to continue with my current saves (they are NOT corrupted). this includes the 100+ mods. I couldn't find a comprehensive step-by-step for doing that anywhere, so if anybody can help me that would be MUCH appreciated!
Hi! I'm using the above two mods and they are both working, no ctds or anything, BUT they dont mesh well; all the stuff created at a smelter (using Val's Meltdown) can't be used in CCO crafting, and even enchanting. example: i can and create charcoal and soul gems at the smelter, but i CANT use them to create items at the forge or for enchantments (i CAN use filled soul gems to reload enchanted weapons...). found or bought soul gems / charcoal however work fine for crafting. FYI: "Complete Crafting Overhaul" balances crafting recipes to be more realistic and increases craftable items "Val's Crafting Meltdown" lets you melt down clutter, armor, jewelry etc. back to their base materials
Hi! I'd like to increase the number of autoslave slots, from the current three to lets say six. Any idea how to do that?
so much input, where to start!! ok, so this is what i did: First i used "Better Horses". Then I removed it using the "uninstaller". Then I got "Convenient Horses". much more elegant, and it "spawns" ONE horse for ONE follower which worked great (!) and seemed smarter than "parking" horses for followers in stables - i dont know about you guys, but i constantly lost those while exploring! then i added UFO, for the second time (following all the install instructions to the letter ;) ) result: all the cool CH stuff for MY horse still works, but instead of spawning horses for my multiple followers (as i had hoped) the spawn horse is now gone. and i'm still losing the "parked" UFO horses... yeah i know, the UFO horses have to be handled a certain way, i guess i sometimes simply forget while fasttraveling and POOF they run away! so i guess my questions are: 1) which mod GUARANTEES me follower horses for ALL my followers ALL THE TIME that dont run away and are always there as soon as i mount my horse? 2) (getting back to the "horse killing" ;) ) I found my lost Frost - UNMOUNTABLE - somewhere in the wilderness, fighting bears... he's unmountable bc i had to remove "Better Horses uninstaller" to make room for CH. i dont want to touch CH anymore, SO: how exactly can i make him MY horse again?
Can somebody explain ENB to me?
mensch8maschine replied to mensch8maschine's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Wow, those screenshots are really lovely! And thanks so much for your comprehensive explanations, just what i was looking for :thumbsup: -
Hi! I've been trying to wrap my head around ENB since screenshots look really lovely, but i am having some problems what to use and how to install it. From what i gathered, there is the ORIGINAL ENB by Boris Vorontsov (http://enbdev.com/index_en.html), and it usually consists of three main files that DON'T go into the "data" folder, which means i cant use NMM. Then there are a lot of people who use his "software" to create their own versions for Skyrim. I would be really grateful if somebody could explain the basics to me so i can choose one. thanks!
Yes, thanks, worked wonders, combined with the appropriate console commands to slowly advance from setstage to setstage, thank you! It didnt actually let me fix the broken NPCs, but i was able to finish the quest and become a werewolf!
Whats the difference btw "setessential" and setREFessential" ?
hm, right now i cant even find the damn thing.... tried buying a new horse at Whiterun stables instead (i hoped my horse got killed after all), but the guy told me he has none to spare and that he already sold me one. so i guess that damn horse is out there somewhere! i also found a STEAL + "My Horse" in that stable, a leftover form "Horse Branding", which i removed a loong time ago. Man, some of these mods, if your not careful, they really leave a lot of junk in your game. if i disable a horse (should i find it), will new horses spawn at the stables? PS: oh and your post didnt sound snotty ;)