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About canopyfive

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  1. I made a duplicate of the Blades Sword (aka Akaviri Katana) with a unique name because I'm tired of my enchanted weapon losing the name I give it and reverting to "Blades Sword (Legendary)". Problem, when I give the item to my toon in-game and go to the grinder wheel, the sword doesn't show up in the items I can upgrade. I've looked back and forth between the original and the duplicate item an point for point they're identical except for the name. Am I doing something wrong? THANKS!
  2. Ok...When i open the original, i get the "main surface" covered by an alpha channel. And I also have 11 "minimaps" also covered by alpha channels. After removing the alpha channels, i make the adjustment i want, removing the texture of the hair, then reapply the alpha channel, save it and load it up. When it loads, the skin is all shiny and the limbs and head don't blend with it. Do i need to make the same changes to all the minimaps and reapply the filter or should i just give up and accept that there's going to be hair texture even when the color is gone from it?
  3. I have the original files. There was an odd filter on them. I have them, but not in layers. I'll try to make it work with what i have. Why would there be multiple sizes of them? One of them is the same size as the rest. The others are smaller, then smaller, then smaller etc. It's weird.
  4. I don't have Robert's Original, just Slof's BB's. I have tried to open Robert's but nothing really comes up...unless it's REALLY tiny and shoved in a corner somewhere...
  5. Awesome. I got this s*** ALL figured out now. Did everything you said and now it's working for males and females. Two more questions, do i still need to even use the esm for robert's better bodies if i'm changing the data files anyway? Second question, is there a file out there, I've been looking all morning but not finding anything, that has robert's resource files? Slof's, though beautifully done, are frighteningly over-muscled and the skin tone is pretty shiny. I'll keep looking in the mean time but if anyone knows where i might find these, it would be helpful. Thanks again for your help Wetblanket, you and Hickory have been amazing. I really appreciate all the help.
  6. So the _n file is the map, and the non_n is the coloration?
  7. Alright...Got the plug-in, altered my male and female skins. There's no hair on the male...well there's no color to it, but there's still the texture of it. And then on the female, the same process didn't work. So do i need to do something with the meshes as well? Slof's resources have female bodies and female high rez, same for the male. I'm going to keep tinkering, and i really appreciate the help a lot, but if you know what the problem is, feel free to bash me over the head with it. thanks!
  8. You guys ROCK! Thanks much Hickory and Wetblanket. Going to try it out right now!
  9. Wow. I am one blind renob. Thanks Wetblanket! 'Nother question. So i have the resource files, i have it all pulled apart and cleaned up and how i want it...now how do i save it as a .dds? I'm doing this in gimp because i don't have photoshop. Also, shouldn't this be in meshes? Or is that just the build? I'll keep tinkering...if you have any further info though, it would be appreciated.
  10. Is there a robert compatible mod out there that takes the pubes off the males and females?
  11. Ok...where do i find Wrye bash? And more importantly...what is Wrye bash? And yes, yes kind Razorpony, I'm a total noob at this. Thanks!
  12. I have tweaked a few items in-game, both mods and standard equipment (mainly bumping up damage on items and changing names), and i notice now that i cannot use the "player.additem" command because it says it cannot find it. Anyone run into this? Does anyone know of a work-around?
  13. Yes i read the readme, and thanks to Slof answering some simple if terribly noobish questions, everything got updated and fixed marvelously. Thank you for your help as well.
  14. In fact i HADN'T installed them correctly, they are now there and because robert's v5 scare both me and my gf, they do not work properly. is there an average v5? or is it just the super 'roided-out ripped ones?
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