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About DrCrowTGamer15

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Mass Effect 2,flight simulator 2004,Sims 3
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Star Fox 64
DrCrowTGamer15's Achievements
Apprentice (3/14)
Well if you want to see what I ended up doing in the end, take a look at this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Em5oJ_C-TK0&t=315s I sadly wasn't able to make it work with the save editor, have no idea what is going on, but I made it work for me in that Shepard still has a ton of renegade scares to help make her ugly and my in game explanation for why Shepard looks so different in game 3 is that she spent all her money on plastic surgery:) Well thanks for your help, and have a happy new year!
Thanks for your help, thanks to thinking about some of the things you said I had an idea and got the game working am now two hours into a new playthrough of Mass Effect 3, and my first as renegade Femshep. I just found out that the trouble I was having with Femshep for over a week was because I used a custom Femshep, any time I change anything with her, even if it is just hair colour from the default the game would not let me load a saved game, but once I took the same files and changed them to the default Femshep, then all of the sudden they worked perfectly, so a week of grief and having to use a friend's internet to redownload all the DLC, and what I am left with is having to use a Shepard who looks completely different from The Shepard I spent 40 minutes creating in game 1 and imported fine into game 2, and even if I started from scratch on game 3, if I changed anything from default I got the game problem, so it was not the files I was importing, since they all worked fine once I switched her to default, this is from the same publisher who made The Sims, how can changing the hair style cause so many problems? I think EA rushed this game out the door without running a single bug test. Well that is what I get for buying a game from them, I should have known what I was in for, so this one is on me, buyer beware. So yeah the PC is my system of choice for playing Mass Effect because of the keyboard and mouse unless I want to play as Femshep. I think if I ever do that again I will be getting a copy of the series for the 360 and hope the game doesn't have the same glitch in that version. I am just glad the nightmare is over, but this is going to make my Let's play come off as a little strange, still I guess I could add a caption saying my evil Shepard was so vein that instead of preparing for the invasion between games, she got plastic surgery to make herself look more pretty, still I hate losing the ugly face I worked so hard on, still it is a small price to pay for a working game, so over all I am happy with the outcome.
I will try flipping the gender because I discovered the games works fine when playing as male shepard. I am guessing Bioware is just a completely sexist company and they decided to punish anyone who tried to play as Femshep by making it impossible to save, talk about a bunch of jerks. I am looking into hacks to get passed this as search on google seems to point to this being a default setting on the PC version of Mass Effect 3. It seems the game''s director didn't want Femshep in the series at all so a bug was put in to punish anyone who played as her. Bioware is clearly an evil sexist company and I will never play any of their or Ea's games after they pulled this stunt.
Thanks I will give getting a whole new copy a shot as I have reinstalled the game once already and that did not help at all. If that doesn't work I guess I will have to try getting a new hard drive and installing the game there since that is the only way to be sure the install is completely clean. I''ll let you know if any of your ideas work. Thank you and merry christmas.
Okay has anyone else run into this glitch on the PC version of Mass Effect 3, every time I start a new game it starts up fine but then when I save and have to reload the game because I died or I had to leave it be for a while, the loading screen just gets stuck. I have been trying to solve this problem for days with no luck. I have gotten rid of all my mods, I have reinstalled the game, I have done everything thing I can think of but I can't finish my renegade femshep playthrough because the game will not let me load a save, it just loops on the loading screen no matter what I do. Now it will load my older saves just fine, but I keep starting new files and every time I die or have to do something else on my computer, I have to restart the game. I am guessing from now on the only way I can play Mass Effect 3 from now on is to play it in one long forty hour unbroken session without dying once. EA's tech support has been unhelpful, of course, just telling me to reinstall the game after I told them I already did that and then telling me just to buy an XBox One and download the series on that system, which I can't do because of my internet and I lack the funds. If anyone has run into this problem of the looping loading game screen and knows I fix for it I would be grateful for the help, thanks and Merry Christmas. If this doesn't have a fix I am just going to toss game in the trash and pretend the series ended with Mass Effect 2, is there any sort of mod out there for Mass Effect 2 that gets rid of the last cut scene where you see the Reapers coming to the galaxy at the end of Mass Effect 2, because without that shot Mass Effect 2 could work as the end of the series, the Reapers need the Citadel to get into our Galaxy in Mass Effect 1, Shepard stops them, so in 2 they make their last ditch effort using their slaves but Shepard kills them all, so they are trapped in dark space for the rest of time with no way back to the galaxy. I am can tell you one thing after running into game breaking bug after game breaking bug in Mass Effect 3 there is no way I am risking one cent of my money on the next game, since there is no reason for me to believe the think will ever start and EA never patches bugs in their games. Sorry if this turned into a rant but after almost a week of this I am hopping mad and had to vent and this page is the only place I have that will understand that I am ranting because I love the whole series so now not being allowed to play it is just frustrating. i wanted to see how playing renegade turned out but that is off the table since I can never start a new game ever again. If you do know of a fix please help me. Thank you for your time and putting up with my venting, and sorry if it upset you, but even a double dose of my panic attack meds were not calming me down, at some point I just had to let it out somewhere. Thank you for putting up with this and Merry Christmas.
@DrCrowTGamer15; There's no need to be a "Premium Member" to upload (or download) anything here on the Nexus. Ever. Membership is totally free. The only differences with paid membership are: ( a ) ad-free, ( b ) faster d/l speeds possible (no cap), and ( c ) access to the "Supporter's Image Share". As a Supporter, (which I see you are, and which is automatic and lifetime after having been a paid member for any period of time) you get ( a ) and ( c ) anyway, and I *think* you get ( b ) as well. :thumbsup: Okay thanks, I like to support the site so I will be paying again once I finish switching and get my new debit card so I have paypal set up again, but that is good to know.
Well here it is. http://www.nexusmods.com/masseffect3/mods/450/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fmasseffect3%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D450%26preview%3D&pUp=1 We had to use the original painting version because the person who drew that was the one we could get a hold of to ask if it was okay, but it's the same design and I still think it looks really good, hope you enjoy it.
Good News! I got a PM and as long as we give the husband and wife team who made this photo credit and send them a link to the mod they are fine with us using the photo as a mod, so we are good to go. I had a bit of fun figuring out how to replace the default photo with this one using texmod on my own, I don't know how to make that a .mod file though and I am switching bank accounts so it will be a month or two before I can start paying for membership again so i can't upload at the moment. Still this is good news and I can tell you it looks great in game.
Oh i had not thought of that, I will try and get in touch with the person and get permission. Thanks a bunch! By the way I am sorry I didn't reply sooner but for a while I have been deal with a virus on my computer and I only just got in under control, I have not dared to go online while dealing with this thing and it messed up a bunch of stuff on my PC so this is the first chance I have had to reply to this thread. Thanks again, if I can get permission that was a huge help, even if I can't it was very nice of you to make this for me.
Okay, well I wanted to swap out the photo in ME3 with the one above but all the instructions I have found assume the user has photoshop and not GIMP and I can't afford a copy of photoshop right now so I was hoping that someone with a copy of photoshop would be willing to do the work for me of replacing the photo and releasing it as a mod, it has been done before, just not with a version of Tali I felt looked alien enough. I didn't know about the money thing. I will remove the offer from my post. I figured since there is a donate button on every mod there was nothing wrong with it, thanks for the heads up. Sorry if my post was a little confusing, hope this clears things up.