Overheating of GPU, RAM or CPU most often results in colourful artefacts showing in-game, not in fps drop. Hard drives can withstand far higher temps than 50°C; it's the constant cooling off and re-heating that cause damage and results in erratic behaviour due tothe fact that the metal of the disks inside the HD expand when heated and shrink again when cooling off, but enever to their original size and form,resulting in time in a disk or disks with jagged, cake-walk-like edges that no longer fit int othe tight space of their enclosure... @drayman1011 Are you by any chance either using F4SE and/or have you altered the line bUseCombinedObjects in your .ini file? Also, for some reason, FO4 doesn't like overclocked stuff, so try with your CPU (and whatever else is overclocked) set to stock speeds... Yes I am using F4SE.