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About MissElly

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    United States
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    Bioshock/Fallout 4
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    Bioshock Series

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  1. I have seen some recent games include this. Considering Resident Evil 7 has this too if you play it on PC. I do believe it is possible to do this since some weapons in the game already have an effect similar that move when the character moves. Like the railway rifle. Is anyone working on this or wanting to work on this? Sorry no reference photos.
  2. Need some help setting up a model for in game. Models are already mapped and textured. Just need some help getting the models set up correctly and then I can put them in game. I have experience with the older .nifskope and then everything changed with the newer one. I can also export to .nif myself but I also need help moving my separated parts to separate files. My weapon models can be seen on the nexus in my photos. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/users/2913652/?tb=images&pUp=1
  3. Need some help getting a .nif set up. I have everything mostly ready as to model and textures. I know how to set everything up in the Creation Kit but I really just need some help getting the weapon to .nif and all the pieces working together for mods. Would anyone like to help?
  4. Mods list: Fallout4.esmDLCRobot.esmDLCCoast.esmArmorKeywords.esmDLCNukaWorld.esmDarkerNights.espRealisticLights.esp100%Shadows.espRemove Interior Fog.espFO4LaserBolts - InstituteOrange.espFO4LaserBolts - NormalPurple.espFO4LaserBolts.espPip-Boy Flashlight.espArmorsmith Extended.espWeapons of Fate.espGlowing Eyes.espKSHairdos.esp3dscopes-framework.esp3dscopes.esp3dscopes-AddToSpawnList.espLovingPiper-TrueReporterSE.espBNPA_NAVI Armor.espAlienAssaultRifle.espLESwapAndCreate.espBobbleGirl.espScavenged NCR Armor.espFamily Mauser.espClassicSniper.espClean Water - Tropical.espStG44.espAtomicBeauty.espVivid Weathers - FO4.esp=1Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.espVivid Weathers - Nuka World.espReload Sounds.espTFDeagle.espTracers - Light em up.esp
  5. Overheating of GPU, RAM or CPU most often results in colourful artefacts showing in-game, not in fps drop. Hard drives can withstand far higher temps than 50°C; it's the constant cooling off and re-heating that cause damage and results in erratic behaviour due tothe fact that the metal of the disks inside the HD expand when heated and shrink again when cooling off, but enever to their original size and form,resulting in time in a disk or disks with jagged, cake-walk-like edges that no longer fit int othe tight space of their enclosure... @drayman1011 Are you by any chance either using F4SE and/or have you altered the line bUseCombinedObjects in your .ini file? Also, for some reason, FO4 doesn't like overclocked stuff, so try with your CPU (and whatever else is overclocked) set to stock speeds... Yes I am using F4SE.
  6. I have liquid cooling. And the CPU has Ran stable for quite some time now. And it stays between 28-45°C
  7. So I have looked everywhere for help and I really can't find it. Game will run at around 40-59 FPS until about 15 minutes in and my frame rate drops to about 2-10 FPS maximum in and out of any building in the DLC. Making me have to restart my game several times. Cooling is not the issue since my card is at an extremely high fan curve. I have lowered my settings Medium-Low which I should not have to but it still persists. Don't have many mods enabled and don't have an ENB. Any Ideas? My Rig: i5-4690k 4.4GHZ Overclocked16GB Hyper X 1600 MHzEVGA GTX 970 SCWindows 10 Pro
  8. Error 20 or 40 I believe It happened when I moved my hard drive to my new workstation. 3DS Max 2013 was given to me so I don't believe.I have the original key for it to be recovered. Thinking about getting Fusion 360... What I really need help with is trying to export UV's on this properly and start doing textures. I have the programs to do textures.
  9. This is not exactly finished yet but I am working on my first weapon model that I am wanting to texture but I do not really now how to properly get a UV map out of it to even start. And yes my Autodesk 3DS Max stopped working and I never got to use is... So I started working with Autodesk 123D and I hope that does not screw anything up in the future if I plan to put this into Fallout 4. Is there anything you would recommend me start at or maybe someone can help? You may see and move around the model here > https://p3d.in/hRnbl
  10. Use a scarf or something. There is a ton on the nexus
  11. Have you checked on Gunnetwork or Lovers Lab?
  12. I know this has been requested before in past Fallout games but I do believe it will work well with Fallout 4. Another really big anti-tank rifle. If someone would be able to model this that would be amazing. http://i340.photobucket.com/albums/o340/Mrwolverine/IMG_5418-1.jpg
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