Ok time for a rant and rave topic... Why? Because me and my fiancee are going through hell trying to get this game to work properly on the PC... With this much trouble we should of bought the X Box version.... Why didn't we then? Well cuz we wanted custom mod characters and all that cool stuff... OK here's the whole story.... Once we got the game, the install was fine.... Or so we thought... When you get to the main menu screen the screen keeps flickering.... I dought it should be doing that.... The main game seems to be fine... Here's where the real troube starts... We wanted to use our Xbox 360 Windows 7 controller... It didn't work period.... We even did the configureations and still nothing!.... It took us 3 days to get the controller working... How? We had to install Xpadder in order for it to work... We had to match the keyboard keys and mouse to the Controller buttons, D Pad, Sticks, and the triggers.... Ok so here I'm thinking everything's fine now we can start Modding! Oh goodie! NOT!!!!!!!!!!! Now here's where we go through hell trying to get these mods to work! We installed the unoffical pach, and the KT Custom Fix pach... And we even installed the Thief pach and it was all working... It extracted perfectly.... But when we tried installing the Ren's Beauty Pach it didn't work period!... We even tried doing it manually and still nothing.... Then I found out that the install from planetelderscrolls.com isn't a working file.... Um ok.... So I downloaded the one from Nexus instead... Here's when winrar decided to give problems.... Tried extracting it to the Data Folder and it said that there were no files to extract.... It then did the samething to the AinmhReworked Mod that I tried installing too... Then I thought maybe we did something wrong so we deleted the Data Folder and started over again... Guess what? when we tried to extract everything back again it wouldn't work! Winrar keeps saying No Files To Extract.... How is this possible? When we try extracting it to the Desktop it's fine... :( Then we tried using the 7 zip program, and that doesn't work either... All I want to do is play this game with a custom character mod.... It shouldn't be this much trouble to do so... I heard great things about this game from my fiancee and from other people and wanted to give this game a try... And I can't even do that with all the problems we been having with this... Is it because we are on Windows 7? If anyone can help us I'd be most thankful!