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About GotMeFaded

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  1. I actually came to the forums to request this exact mod. I can't believe it hasn't been done yet. The normal walk around camera is too far out, I don't need / want to see Geralt's feet, and I believe combat would feel a lot more intense if you were constantly at the closer indoor distance. I'd like to see a mod that forces the camera to be at this distance at all times, and not have to use CheatEngine to do it.
  2. Hey guys. I've been playing a bit (well, more than that) of Skyrim lately, and I happened to notice something I'm really wishing I didn't, because now, it's bugging the hell out of me. Over my hands, when I'm using a spell, such as Flames, I'll see a seam around the area of my hands. While it's not as noticeable when seen as a picture, let me assure you it's much easier to notice when it's moving with you. I uploaded the two pictures into an album on Imgur since I want to keep this post clear of gigantic images. You can see the album by clicking here. Note that the first picture is what it looks like naturally in game, and the second picture is merely an attempt at showing you where the seams are. Now, I really doubt that it's an issue with my computer, so I'm going to skip over my computer's specs. (I run a custom mix of High / Ultra settings with these mods, meshes, and textures between 40 ~ 60 FPS depending on the area) But I will provide a list of mods and texture / mesh packs installed: (And let it be known I'm running the latest version of Skyrim with Dawnguard installed) Installed Mods: Installed Meshes / Textures: Any help on identifying the issue is greatly appreciated, GotMeFaded
  3. GotMeFaded has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?
  4. So I had been searching the web for awhile to find a way to have unlimited perk unlocks. Most of the things I found would give you max skills or all of the perks unlocked instantly, but that was not what I was going for at all. What I wanted was a way to be able to still level up all my skills, and unlock the perks when they became available. Of course, you could always use the console command for this, to unlock each perk individually, but that just wouldn't feel the same to me. My characters always end up being the "Jack of all Trades" type, and that doesn't help with choosing Perk Distributions. And since I play on Xbox, and only use the PC version for console commands (don't ask me why), this was also the only way to do this. So after looking around the web, I compiled a way to easily (takes like 15 minutes total), have all the perk unlocks you will ever need. And this is safe to use on your main character, just make a back up save, just because. So here we go: STEP ONE [Gathering the Materials]: -Download and Install ArtMoney: Link STEP TWO [Prepare the Programs]: -Open ArtMoney -Open Skyrim, load up your save -AltTab to ArtMoney, and click the little down arrow next to the Select Process bar, and choose Skyrim STEP THREE [Preparing the Player]: -Open Console Commands in Skyrim with the "~" button on your keyboard, and set your character's level to 1 using this command: player.setlevel 1 -Using Console Commands, set a skill of your choice (for tutorial reasons, I will choose pickpocket), to level 1 using this command: player.setav pickpocket 1 STEP FOUR [That Tedious Part]: -Now begin to level up that skill until your character levels up, thus unlocking you a perk, using this command: incpcs pickpocket -This part takes a little while, but you don't have to do it forever, keep reading. -Once you level up, open up your skills, raise a stat (Health, Magicka, Stamina, doesn't matter), and do not spend the perk point. You should have one perk available to spend. -Now AltTab to ArtMoney, and click the Search button, and type 1 in for value, and hit OK. You'll get a ton of results, I got a little over a million. -AltTab back to Skyrim, and continue to raise your pickpocket skill until you level up again. Once you do, raise a stat, and don't spend your perks. You should have two perks available. -AltTab to ArtMoney, and use the Filter button, and type in 2 (this represents your current number of perks) for value, and hit OK. This will narrow down the amount of results you have. -Keep repeating this process, (getting another perk unlock, and filtering the search in ArtMoney), until you have narrowed it down to 2 results. STEP FIVE [Almost There!]: -Now that you have narrowed down the search to two results, you should see that one result is a Type 2 Byte, and the other is a Type 4 Byte. Click on the Type 2 Byte, and click the Red Arrow to move it to the other box. You will now see the number of perks you have available to use under value. -Double click on that number, and type in 251. This is the total number of perks you will ever want or need for your character. -AltTab to Skyrim to see if you have 251 perks available, which you should. If it has worked, go ahead and save your game, and you can close ArtMoney. You're done. STEP SIX [Optional, Getting Your Character Back To The Original Stats]: -I did this because I didn't want to feel like I was cheating, I wanted to unlock the perks as my character used them. If you know the Console Commands well, this isn't that hard. Just load back your original save and see how much health, magicka, and stamina you originally had, and your original pickpocket skill level. Remember the values, and then load the save with all the perks. -To set Health, Magicka, or Stamina back to normal, use this (as an example) player.setav magicka 290 This would set your Magicka back to 290. -To set your pickpocket (or whichever skill you used) back to normal, use this player.setav skill 17 This would set your pickpocket skill back to 17. And that's it. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to say something, I'll be watching this as much as I can. I also should give credit to VMob of Gamefaqs and Ziraxle of Gamespot for their information, because using those two guides allowed me to compile this one. And to the nice people of the Elderscrolls Wikia for posting the known console commands. Thanks for reading!
  5. 1. About the same size. 2. In game menu / inventory / skills / map, that general stuff. 3. Wight ect? 4. Yes fast travel is in the game. 5. Yes. 6. Yes.
  6. When something isn't in the game, generally the developers will straight up say, "It's not in the game." But if something is spoiler related, then, "We aren't talking about it." I've seen plenty of things wrong in gaming magazines and especially online write ups. I'm not saying this is wrong, but it does come as a surprise to me. Either way, I'd like to see how Bethesda reacts. Although I assume it'll be ignored, just like the map and manual supposed "leak." I still have hope that there are werewolves in the vanilla game, but it looks like it'll be DLC right now. I'm just honestly surprised that it went down this way.
  7. Console gamer here. I just come here for the forums. Later, after I've done EVERYTHING I CAN in Skyrim, I'll mod the gavesave (if I wish to keep playing that save) off my Xbox, so I can continue playing on the computer version with that save (which I plan on buying later). This is assuming that the PC save and Xbox save are the same types of files, which was an extremely convenient truth in Oblivion. It's something I constantly did for Oblivion, so I could do certain things on the Xbox version that other's just wouldn't be able to do. No content adding mods, I'm not that kind of modder (for Xbox), although it is possible if you know what you're doing. Just little things, like an extra pair of Boots of Springheel Jak to wear, so I would still have them upon Thieve's Guild completion. Either way, I'm a console gamer hands down. Doesn't mean I won't be getting the PC version later.
  8. The whole reason I bought Oblivion was for the armor degradation. /end sarcasm Needless to say, I too, don't give two cute ducks about the loss of repair hammers.
  9. http://s3.amazonaws.com/kym-assets/entries/icons/medium/000/005/545/OpoQQ.jpg?1302279173 Nord all the way. I've always played a Nord in the previous games. Or, at least the little bit of Morrowind I did play. And don't worry, still going to be active on the forum. Just uh ... been busy. Reddit has pretty much taken over my life. I made an f7u12 comic that made it to front page, first place. Almost 200,000 views on the first day. So that's what I've been doing. ಠ_ಠ
  10. Tehe. I like how stuff I've said on this forum is still being talked about today. And hi Nate. OP if you have an Xbox or PS3 pick up Dark Souls, I played it all weekend.
  11. THAT IS SO WEIRD. I thought the exact same thing haha! The funny thing is that a flamethrower coming out of your hands has nothing to do with Ezio. It must resemble the bad-ass in him.
  12. No, I just spend as much time as I do on this forum because I don't think Skyrim is great. ;) Clever.
  13. FF13 is the epitome of disappointment in what Square Enix has become for me. FF3 was probably one of my favorite games ever, and that was two dimensional. I had such high hopes for FF13, too. But it really was not what I had expected. The battle system is cool, but gets boring. I ended up modding my gamesave and giving myself spectacular equips and stats, and maxing ATB Bars. I preceded to skip past enemies and kill bosses standing in my way, JUST SO I COULD FINISH THE GAME. I just wanted to be done with it. But no- apparently you can't have more than 6 ATB Bars, so if I unlocked another one, the game would freeze during battle. Being too lazy to fix my game save, I just said, fudge this, and decided I was done with the game. But yeah. Sorry to get so off topic. Good luck beating it though.
  14. Sorry hoof, if I came off as rude, I didn't catch your spoiler. And yeah haha I'm sure the weapon helps a lot. Can't wait to get farther in the game. And Hawke, I'm not far in the game at all yet, but I'm sure that's helpful. I plan on experimenting with the classes a bit more before I get going. I'm currently playing as a Wanderer, and the other classes look great so I may mess around a bit more before I start sticking to my Wanderer.
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