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Everything posted by xGreyWolfx
So, I've been playing Skyrim since release, and yet am still unable to create a character I'm truly happy with. Is any one able to create a character that resembles Jason Statham in asthetics/appearance? If someone does eventually get around to this, I don't really mind if the Char's Nord, Imperial, Breton or well....any thing else. Cheers fore reading/taking the time to consider this, Grey Wolf.
Oh My God! fantastic, this is what I've been waiting for. Great work Man. However is there any chance for a Great Helm or something?
So, I'm just curious, but would it be possible for any one to convert some armour models from the Obl. Mod "Knightly Armoury" -> http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=19228 Or would it be possible to acquire the programs and read some tuts on how to do this myself?
Hey Guys. This Mod reads as pure epicness, but is there anyway to get the more misc./rp orientated animations to play when we activate objects? seen in the Immersive First Person View mod for Obliv., such as bending down to loot bodys, "pushing" open doors etc. If any one has any thoughts on this, i'd like to shamelessly plug them into http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/473074-saer-skyrim-animation-enhanced-role-playing/page__p__3880037__fromsearch__1#entry3880037 I'm not trying to be rude or anything, i just feel that i've got an alright idea for a mod, and it'd be great if someone could help me with implementing it.
Feedback! Going to make animations mods
xGreyWolfx replied to SonOfAnarchy13's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Hey Anarch. I've had an idea for a rather extensive animation mod for awhile, and was wondering if you had any thoughts on it, or even if you were interested in working on it. Obviously You, as the Mod Author, would have fulls rights...etc etc. I was just wondering if it would even be possible to work on this Mod when the CK comes out tomorrow. Skyrim Animation Enhanced Role-Playing -
LE S.A.E.R: Skyrim Animation Enhanced Role-Playing
xGreyWolfx replied to xGreyWolfx's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Most definitely, I agree with you one hundred percent, However, seeing as I have no ability to even attempt altering some script files, I can't do it, xD -
I don't know about You, but I would LOVE some http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19228 Helmet and Armour models to be ported over.
I still think it would be better to just have a Shout that switches you from from Human to Dragon form, acquired when you **SPOILERS** Ascend to High Hrothgar and meet the Grey Beards **SPOILERS**
I was expecting to be able to sit down and engage in some type of Drinking mini game as seen in one of the Trailers, all the while having some different music bar the same two songs playing in the back ground.
It's pretty damn awesome, and I was thoroughly disappointed when i discovered it wasn't in the game.
Hello Fellow Forum Members! Once the Creation Kit is finally released, hope-fully a friendly Modder/Tweaker will fulfill this request, since I lack both the skill and knowledge to even attempt it. I'm attempting to present a rather ambitious project that incorporates Skyrim's in-built animations and "nodes" for NPC animations and actions into a complete and wide-ranging mod that allows the PC to do (mostly everything) that NPC's can, and also use some vanilla animations and apply them to objects and actions in the world the PC can already perform. This pen-ultimate goal is "S.A.E.R", or "Skyrim Animation Enhanced Role-Playing". As previously mentioned, the general concept behind this ambitious mod project is to apply several npc specific animations and actions to the PC, and thus allow the PC to perform these actions in the same manner as an npc, thus increasing (IMO) the sense of immersion and realism with-in the game, as well as aiding in Role-Playing. However, I'm very aware that the cost of implementing these animations would also most likely result in a major slow down of the game-play, and an increased sense of "clunkiness". Examples of what both I, and the prospective Modder want to achieve include: -Forcing the "use" or "grab" animation to play whenever the PC picks up an miscellaneous item, or opens a door, thus representing "grabbing" an item or "opening" a door (This can be observed whenever NPC's use/activate a door. -Using the animation Ralof play's when he checks the dead body of his comrade in Helgen's Keep whenever the PC loots a dead body or chest, to simulate bending down and checking the body/container for gear. -Applying the "Lever Pull" animation to all horizontal Levers in the game world, thus actually "using" the Lever, much like the lumber mill lever animation in Riverwood. -"Equipping" the appropriate prop (be it food or drink, or perhaps even a book) and forcing the appropriate animation to play when-ever the PC eats or drinks an item, or activates a book from their inventory. -After the PC visits the Bard's College and has the appropriate item, the PC can "play" the instrument in Inns and Taverns, like NPC Bards. (Not entirely sure if this is possible-could add some purpose to the Bard's/Skald guild. -When ever a Dragon lands in close proximity, perhaps the animation for being "shaken" could be played (seen when Alduin collapses the tunnel in Helgen's Keep) -"Combat taunts" such as hammering your weapon on your shield, seen by most enemy warrior/fighter NPC's -Most other Animations that the NPC's can perform will also, hopefully, be able to be played by the PC. In addition to this, I (The Modder) also hope to eventually be able to mod in the Nodes and Actions that are exclusive to NPC's, such as Hunters sitting on tree stumps at Hunter's Rest, or leaning over the strategic map of skyrim in Stormcloak camps. Also, much like Oblivion's "See You Sleep Mod", we also hope to be able to have, when a bed is activated, the animation to play for the PC getting into the bed and going to sleep. If anyone would like to, eventually help (do all the work) of this Mod, then know that You have My, as well as MANY other forum goers undying thanks and gratitude. If anyone see's this idea as worthy of a modder to implement, then post in this thread, send me a PM, or /Edit-Update: After perusing the Forums for a few more months, I've also seen a huge multitude of proposed realism tweaks and overhauls, which will hopefully include features such as real tme carriage/wagon rides, driving your own wagon, and various addition of flora fauna which will hopefully increase realism and immersion in Skyrim. I'm going to try and contact prospective Authors of these mods to see if they'd be interesting in working on/incorporating this idea into their compendiums. Thanks for Your time, Grey_Wolf