Similar to how objects can be crafted and placed in Fallout 4's settlement system, there needs to be a mod that is a fusion of the already existent(and in my opinion awesome) camping and campsite mods that allow you to craft and place objects like campfires, tents, bedrolls, chairs, etc which basically allows you to set up your campsite anywhere and the settlement system(implemented in Skyrim to a lesser degree of course though it would be awesome if possible(think how awesome it would be to start your own settlement and become the Jarl of that settlement but I egress)) in Fallout 4 where you can make objects and place them about in an area where people move in and you defend it etc. I personally lack all the talent that would be required in making such a mod, and personally I just want to be able to add a few decorations to Sky Haven temple in the form of a few extra bookshelves for Esbern, whats a Archivist without a large collection of books? I may also want to play as a crazed wizard who took over an ice cave and modify the place for myself. Or lead a pack of feril werewolves and live in a cave(being able to make and place extra objects could really make that place homely by werewolf standards(I have a few werewolf and follower mods)). Does anyone agree with me that such a mod would be awesome to exist and how in a way needs to exist if a mod like this doesn't already exist? Second question for ye, is there a mod like this already out there? Let's talk. :P