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Everything posted by KaiserGray94

  1. How does one set it to the right file and location?
  2. Having the same issue, weird thing is that despite being set to open in one drive (L) it's trying to open it from the defunct E drive
  3. Are you f*#@ing telling me this is a permanent bug? How the f*#@ does manually trying to install fores new idols even cause this?
  4. Any Idea when they're going to update SKSE64 Special Edition so we all don't have to screw around with file overwrights, etc.?
  5. http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:643108 Special thanks to 'Synikal' for one of the best answers to this question ever. Pls forgive me for quoting you[synikal] if it is not to your liking. "SynikaI I have found a solution! They will act like Blades and dress like blades and move into the Sky Haven Temple. You can do this by: 1. Open the console while the desired NPC you wish to recruit into the blades is currently your follower and click them to select their RefID. 2. Type into the console "SetConsoleScopeQuest FreeformSkyhavenTempleA" (Without the quotations, of course) 3. Then type "ForceRefinToAlias blade01". (Or replace 01 with 02 or 03 depending on what the next available blade slot is. You can check this by typing "sqv FreeFormSkyHavenTempleA") After that they should move their home to Sky Haven Temple and will do so once you dismiss them from being your current follower. To get a second person into the blades follow these steps but FIRST you will need to cause the game to initiate the next stage. Check which stage the quest is currently in by typing "Player.sqs FreeFormSkyHavenTempleA". If you are on stage 10 then it is still waiting for you to recruit a follower to the blades. If you have and are now wanting a second you must type "setstage FreeFormSkyHavenTempleA 20" to cause her to move onto the next follower and replace 20 with 30 once you have the first two. Once you have all three needed change out the 30 with a 40 and it will point you to talk to Esbern about dragon lairs to start the repeatable quest "Dragon Hunting". That's it! I hope this solved the problem for anyone else who has this pain in the ass."
  6. Similar to how objects can be crafted and placed in Fallout 4's settlement system, there needs to be a mod that is a fusion of the already existent(and in my opinion awesome) camping and campsite mods that allow you to craft and place objects like campfires, tents, bedrolls, chairs, etc which basically allows you to set up your campsite anywhere and the settlement system(implemented in Skyrim to a lesser degree of course though it would be awesome if possible(think how awesome it would be to start your own settlement and become the Jarl of that settlement but I egress)) in Fallout 4 where you can make objects and place them about in an area where people move in and you defend it etc. I personally lack all the talent that would be required in making such a mod, and personally I just want to be able to add a few decorations to Sky Haven temple in the form of a few extra bookshelves for Esbern, whats a Archivist without a large collection of books? I may also want to play as a crazed wizard who took over an ice cave and modify the place for myself. Or lead a pack of feril werewolves and live in a cave(being able to make and place extra objects could really make that place homely by werewolf standards(I have a few werewolf and follower mods)). Does anyone agree with me that such a mod would be awesome to exist and how in a way needs to exist if a mod like this doesn't already exist? Second question for ye, is there a mod like this already out there? Let's talk. :P
  7. I am new to Nexus Mod Manager, and I'm having one issue after another. Previous issues I went online and found the solution within 15 minutes. However, I have yet to find a solution to the current issue. The mods I download from the Nexus do not appear in the plugins to be checked like I believe the should; they are active on the mod section but do not appear in the Data Files upon the launch for Skyrim or the plugins section for the Mod Manager. They have been downloaded and even activated on the mod section but not the plugin side. The mods I have gotten from Steam workshop are all there as plugins, but any mods from the nexus are not. What do I do to finally enjoy the mods available on the Nexus but not Steam Workshop? -Kaiser
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