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  1. What the? Really? That wouldn't make any sense, ever. If I was dual-wielding spells/weapons, it would only make sense that a left click goes with the left hand and a right click for the right hand... the other way around, that's just silly... I don't get it either, I'll see when I play. If steam lets me. Edit: there are also eight hot key slots and short cuts keys to nearly all the menus. This makes perfect sense. Think of any game in existence which involves weapons being used in the right hand and shield or something else in the left, such as Oblivion or Morrowind - left click always swings the sword and right click blocks with the left hand. This is how games have always been.
  2. Actually, Pete said that that trailer was a mix of 360 and PC footage.
  3. You don't like Steam? I have no desire to provide any company with more personal information than necessary, or allow them access to my PC. I also refuse to use EA Origin. I have no desire to load extraneous software on my PC. I resent the fact that Bethesda believes they have the right to treat honest customers who are paying full price for a retail software package, including the physical media, like common criminals. But, to answer your question directly; No, I do not like Steam, nor do I favor the direction PC gaming is trending. I might as well be a (expletive deleted) console gamer. Thank you for your interest. Easily the funniest thing I've read in a long time. Would read again.
  4. The videos have been taken down now, so no need to worry anymore. EDIT: Sorry, this was already posted.
  5. No clue in hell how I managed to miss this, and I apologize if this has already been posted, but...oh my god. My ears. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcgkzXpBawg
  6. Ohhhh dear, there is simply no way I will be able to run this game with my: - i7 2600K - Crossfired Vapor-X 5770's - 8 gigs of ram 8)
  7. He's referring to how you can "climb" mountains in Elder Scrolls games by spamming the A button and essentially floating up them.
  8. He said the Wii U, not the Wii. The Wii U could most likely run Skyrim no problem.
  9. New gameplay videos!: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/tgs-11-elder-scrolls/720773 http://www.gametrailers.com/video/tgs-11-elder-scrolls/720774 I wish he wouldn't have played in 3rd person so much, but it's great so see more new movement animations.
  10. I'd say there's a pretty good chance that this is a PC screenshot, as Pete confirmed a while ago that it was an in-game screenshot after people assumed it was pre-rendered. To be honest, I still suspect that the fog surrounding the mountains has been doctored...but if not... :woot: http://oyster.ignimgs.com/ve3d/images/08/65/86535_CompositeMountain.jpg
  11. Those are only guesstimated system specs for Battlefield 3.
  12. Indeed. I'm surprised people are happy that the cooking won't be mini-game like, as I'm unsure of how else Bethesda would implement it while still retaining interactivity, which is the key word for me in this case. If the jobs such as smithing, woodcutting, cooking, and alchemy are interactive, I'll be a ridiculously happy camper, as it all adds to the role-playing experience. If I can also pretend I'm a chef...oh god. Do I seriously have to wait until November to play this.
  14. HUNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. That is exactly the level of interaction I was hoping for in terms of crafting.
  15. Yeah. I definitely wanted to decimate each and every female in Oblivion.
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