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Everything posted by adamized01

  1. Microsoft pretty much made the web standard. IE is compatible with almost ALL code. Its the fools who made browsers like FireFox that decided not to make their browser compatible with some code...especially PHP coding. Live with it. Lol, browsers like mozilla, firefox, opera, etc. They are made according to the standard. Only Internet Explorer follows it's own standard and has strange features. There are two standards Internet Explorer and everything else. Well never mind the Internet Explorer vs. Other browser issues. There are pleanty of other issues that this sites users have. Such as trouble downloading from the database (assuming that they can access it at all). For example an couple of the recent mods don't seem to be downloadable. I've noticed that this is an frequent issue. To resolve many of these problems it would be nice if mod authors would share thier mods through one of the large open peer to peer networks and post an link to them in the database entries. That way even if the database has problems or something goes wrong, users would still be able to download the databases content. I'm currently working on creating peer to peer download listings for many mods, addons, etc. Unfortunately it's taking some major time to create them. Reguardless of my efforts much of the content was already being shared over various peer to peer networks, so all I've really done is provide an somewhat stable source and soon will be providing an listing on my website. Ideally distributing them from an http/ftp server would be the fastest and best way. However the bandwidth requirements on such an server would be heavy. So distributing them through peer to peer networks is the next best solution. Also it has the advantage of having no central server, so even if one system is taken offline the content can still have multiple sources online.
  2. If it were not for this login bug, I would probably just get rid IE when I update my system next. This dumb compatibility bug is very bad. Every web developer should develop sites according to the web standard and not microsofts strange messed up one. It's bugs like this that force people into using IE, instead of better webrowsers! Also why is this site only distributing mods through http/ftp servers, when it could be simply posting p2p links to them and not wasting bandwidth on hosting them? What would it take for this site to have such p2p links added? Also so other users know, there are many mods being distributed through the gnutella networks and edonkey2000. I bet this sites bandwidth requirements would be significantly dropped by adding p2p links. Heck it couldn't hurt. Anyways I've noticed frequent database related problems in relation to the downloads. The content db seems very buggy and flakey.
  3. Ok let me explain some things about the different archive formats. zip - old outdated, no recovery records, no signature, often gets corrupted, provides the lowest quality compression compaired to other formats. rar - provides decent compression, recovery records, signature, archive lock, best sfx installer features. ace - provides best compression, recovery records, signature, decent sfx installer features. Wow I didn't realize that soo many people had a problem with installing plugins... oh hold on a second I did. Thats why I created a project to resolve these fustrating problems, of course there were other reasons I created the project. Here is a link to the projects thread. Click Here to Goto thread
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