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About demonofsarila

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  1. There's a legendary effect for armor (that I'm pretty sure isn't from one of the mods I run), so a legendary modification mod might work to get your character moving faster. The Nano suit has a way/type/version where it up's your movement speed. Shouldn't be too hard to track down in FO4Edit so you can mess with it.
  2. This isn't really a request, more of a I'm trying to find (cuz I will be suppressed if no one has already made something close enough to what I'm looking for). I'm doing a luck-based build and was hoping to find some armor similar to Domino's (from Marvel) that still fits in with the Commonweath dirty look. For example, the Nano suit is form fitting, but it doesn't blend in with the Commonweath the way the Black Widow armor or Eli's clothes does/do. Plus the nano suit has this future tech material look to it, I'm wanting more of a cloth or leather look. I also would like it to have bits of combat gear (gun holster/s, various straps, belts, etc) sort of like say the The Rebel (in the Mercenary pack mod), but again be form-fitting. Oh and I was really hoping for it to use the vanilla body cuz I don't use CBBE. Sorry if something like this is super-easy to find, I must admit I'm not that great at using the nexus search tools. And if for some reason nothing like this has been made, I will be surprised but I do not plan to make it myself. I'm not that passionate about marvel characters, I could name my luck-based build Rango instead of Domino, I can't seem to make a nif file that doesn't crash the game, I have basically no experience in 3D modeling, and I've had to re-install windows since the last time I spent a week trying to get that software like blender to even run on my PC. I have nothing but the up-most respect for people who can actually create 3D assets, because saying I can't make them is a gross understatement. Pics of Domino for ref: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/avengersalliance/images/c/ca/Domino-Modern-iOS.png/revision/latest?cb=20141108170258 https://images-cdn.9gag.com/photo/areBywX_700b.jpg https://img00.deviantart.net/7e6f/i/2013/176/5/4/deadpool_the_game___domino_by_ishikahiruma-d6ao8kc.png
  3. Ok so the messages have a field called display time that's supposed to apply as long as it's not a message box. Except I can't get it to do a darn thing. I've set it to 1 and I've set it to 99, both times the message stayed up in the corner from around 3 sec. I've made my message, added it as a property to my script, filled it with the message and called it with MyMessage.show(). The correct message comes up at the correct moment, but then disappears after 3 sec regardless of what the display time is set to. Is there something I should do to fix this or is it just like a known issue? Or worse, is there a chance I have some other mod breaking things on me?
  4. Is this any help? https://www.autodesk.com/products/3ds-max/free-trial
  5. Sorry if this is an unhelpful question, but why do you want something that has to be repaired as soon as it has been made? If it's just to make the player spend more resources, why not change the recipe for it? Is it possible to have a script basically drop a small grenade on the object? A custom explosive with a tiny blast radius? My thinking being the game has some sort of logic against an object killing itself. What if you just damage the object via scripting and blame the damage on something besides the object itself? Idk if there's a function for that. Another idea, is this an object that a player is only going to build one of? You could add an activate via a perk that says repair, which grants them the ability to use the object.
  6. Can you give a screenshot of what the stretching looks like? It sounds like a texture/UV mapping type of problem. I want to say this sort of things usually has something to do with the points, so like your feet have the wrong number of points or they're in the wrong places.
  7. For them to be on your head or neck, you're going to need a mesh of them on your neck or head. I don't think those are in the game, so you might have to make them. I know Elianora has some, and according to her permissions you can use them as long as you credit her. I don't *think* the game allows for switching what mesh a given item uses, so I think you'll have to make them separate items and you should be able to switch that. Outfit Switcher changes the player's equipped items, I'm assuming via scripting. I don't know for certain, but you could try picking the mod apart and seeing if you can figure it out or reaching out to the mod author. As far as the in and out of combat bit, I know there's some sort of event for like when combat ends or something like that. My vasaki mod uses it because I found the event in the HC Manager script for survival mode. Maybe this: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=OnCombatStateChanged_-_Actor
  8. Don't worry about it :smile: Though if your end goal is to go from green to red, that means you could just make a green one and a red one, then use papyrus to switch between the two.
  9. I'm just going to assume you mean papyrus not python and say this https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=ImageSpaceModifier_Script might be useful to you.
  10. I don't think it's so much that beth tries to make it hard, just that it's not easy by nature. Fallout is a complex program after all. Sorting things into containers drives me batty, I don't mess with them much and when I do it's pretty rare. A lot of them are made from common things like steel, so I'm not sure if forcing you to make more of them would really balance survival to be harder, except the whole remembering where you put things. Which I suck at. I use DEF_UI and VIS so I don't need to manually sort stuff into containers. But that's my style. Anyway, should I see anything, I'll try to keep this in mind :)
  11. I just archived some nif/material/dds files related to a mod of mine without any CK crashing. I also clicked Add to try to put in a random texture file from a random other mod without any crashing. Could there be something wrong with the texture files? What happens if you try to pack just a single small texture file from something else? Either vanilla or from another mod. Uninstall/reinstall CK? Or at least repair it? How much file space are we talking for these textures? Does the ba2 file size have any type of limit to what it can take? I doubt this is the problem, but idk what else to suggest. EDIT: Ok, might be a dumb question, but the texture files are in the data/textures folder in the first place, right?
  12. I'm by no means an expert, but as far as i can tell, just because there's a field there doesn't mean it's actually used / does anything. CK isn't the most vetted or user-friendly piece of software out there and it's used to mod Skyrim as well as fallout. Anyone who knows skyrim might be able to correct me, but there aren't any container that limit the number of items in game. To my knowledge there's no built in way to limit the number of items in a container. Containers can filter out certain types of objects (the bobblehead stand and weapons racks wont take a deathclaw hide), but the number of objects isn't really limited (I assume there is some crazy theoretical limit, like how a float variable can only hold a number so big, but if there is one it is way way up there). Since there's no existing container to reference and the CK doesn't seem to want to work, you might have to make a way yourself via scripting. Though I'm not sure how much scripting can be done to containers because https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Container_Script doesn't have anything to go on. But I've never tried to mod a container before and I can't get a magic effect to change an AV without scripting, so I might be the wrong person to speak up. I must admit that I am curious, why do you want to limit the number of items in a container?
  13. Oh, those are objects types in CK.... sorry, I'm pretty clueless when it comes to 3D stuff, most especially when it comes to the area of lighting. I combed through the materials and nif again for anything like what you were saying before I knew you meant in the CK. Ok so a found the Light QuantumLight01 which is used by the AddOnNode LightNodeQuantum. If I change the color in the light itself it changes the color that is projected onto surrounding things for both of them, so progress. The addon node doesn't have any use info, but I think I've found where the nif pulls in node based on the index the node has. Thing is, the index can only take numbers and I'm worried about it conflicting with a dlc or another mod. I might just use the nuka punch for my object, idk. Anyway, thank you so much for your help :smile:
  14. I've been trying to change the color of nuka cola quantum, ideally to red. But I can't figure out how to change the color of the light it projects onto near by objects (or the floor, like in the screenshot). I've changed the colors in all 4 dds files, gone over all 4 material files, and gone through all the nodes in the nif. Does anyone know how this tends to work? I was looking for just a color hex code to change, but I've changed all of them and it's still the old color.
  15. There's a UI framework mod. I haven't looked into it much, but you might be able to make your own menu, one that is more similar to the vanilla weapon modding menu, where you can pick and choose each different piece of the gun, then say craft and get that gun. You saying horizon made me think of the way the mod Horizon uses the normal message system in the game to present new option for doctors and traveling, and steve is right. Even if you filtered it down, you would still need subcategories. But there's just so many different possibilities from any base gun, it would be more user friendly if you could find a way to pick the various parts of the gun individually like when you're changing an existing weapon. If that's a dead end, what about picking a few useful combinations of mods, for example the hunting rife is best put to use as a sniping weapon, and making an easy way for the user to craft that. And if you want to accept multiple mod pieces that are close enough to get that useful combo, then maybe try something like script your own container that the user tosses everything into. Another thought, using a terminal / holotape to let the user pick what to craft and just use scripting to put the finished product in some container. Or maybe skip the recipes all together. Custom container thing that you trade with to give it mods, and when the player has the pieces of the gun they want, they activate the container. A script runs a check (like data validation) to make sure there's like 1 receiver, 1 barrel, 1 scope/slights, etc. and either tells the player they goofed or says congrats your gun is ready (again having the script dump the gun in this magic container). Ok I think I'm out of random ideas. I like my last one the best. ---- edit: I lied. Expanding on that last idea, the container could just be a place to store mods and when the player activates it, it runs a check to see just how many different guns it can make. Though I don't know how to many a message box that has custom choice in fallout. Anyway, even if you don't do that and it just comes up with what the first kind of gun it can make from what's in the container, you should try to find a way to show the player the name of the gun about to be made in infamous "are you sure?" style.
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