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Everything posted by code5150ine

  1. So... I modified music files and I did add my own song for battle music. I noticed theres somekind of rules for music which start to play (I dont know is the rule same for every song, or is there different rules for different songs) So the song which I replaced is named "MUS_Combat_Boss_01.xwm" When it started to play my own song which I added, the original "rules" affected to the song. When the song starts to play, it goes forward to the and. And after 2 minutes the song starts again, this time few seconds after the actual start (there is some kind of start effect in the song...) it repeats again after 2 minutes. Totally 3 times the song plays and then it goes fully to the end. It can be noticed when you put your own song. The song goes with that rule, and it stops like suddenly. It does not sound good. I tried to inscpect ini files, but didnt found out nothing. Someone knows better? Can the rule be modified?
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