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Everything posted by Wraithofdoom

  1. Wraithofdoom


    So, im gonna try a real Roleplaying playthrough, this is just info i can come back to if i forget, but if you wanna read & leave a comment, please do. Name: Hjnor Race: Nord Born in cyrodill, his Father and Mother were murdered when he was very young, he was raised by the Thieves Guild in Cyrodill, learning to steal. Eventually he got the idea to go face up to someone and do an armed robbery, the person resisted, so he killed him, since he was just 10, he was sent to a reformatory, 6 years later he was out and when he returned to the guild he was beaten almost to death by the whole TG and expulsed for killing and for being caught, bringing unnecesary attention to the guild. From this point on he had no protection and no money, he moved to Leyawiin and used his skills to rob food (since he had no fences now, robbing valuable items was useless). He was poor and miserable. He was taken after a couple months by an argonian living in the outskirts of the city. This argonian was a former Shadowscale, now dismissed due to losing both his legs. The argonian needed someone to exact his revenge and taught the young boy everything he knew, after 5 years of training he sent him to finish off the argonian that chopped off his legs back in black marsh, Hjnor suceeded due to all the training and returned to tell the old argonian, who then begged him to kill him to end his suffering, he told him he would leave him the house. Hjnor worried about the food, someone was sending supplies to the old argonian and if he was dead the supplies would stop coming, this is all Hjnor thought about, the fact the argonian was gonna be dead didnt bother him at all. He did it still since the argonian was insisting. The counts men came to take the house, Hjnor presented the last will of the argonian that stated he was now the owner but the count took the house anyway and left Hjnor on the street without food or shelter again. At this point he felt a need to visit Skyrim, the homeland of his people. He was 25 by this point He will do anything if it benefits him and realizes that the world is an ugly place where only the toughest and most prepared survive, he has no problem with killing anyone and simply cant feel love for another being (psycopath), only admiration, amusement, how usefull he/she is for his own survival, stuff like that. He also wants to be rich and be a leader, but most of all he wants to be feared. He loves hunting and does so in the weekends. He respects Argonians and generally "likes" them and cares for them as much as he can and finds their culture fascinating (which he saw in Black Marsh). He dislikes orcs, he thinks they are a monstruosity. He fears the Daedra and doesnt want to indulge their wrath. He respects magic users and sees the thalmor as powerfull and best avoided. He respects high elves and dark elves but thinks Wood elves are weak. He thinks the civil war is meaningless and doesnt care who wins. He thinks the 9 divines are false since they dont manifest in Nirn (speak, show up, etc). He thinks the stories about the Akatosh avatar are fake and that the statue is just that, a statue. He could care less about Talos and the whole controversy.
  2. So there are a ton of crusades mods out there but not one of them has decent textures, at all. RUS XIII has some great teutonic and templar knight textures, but its not in the Holy land. Why not make a mod with graphics like FLORIS, Textures like RUS XIII and located in the holy lands 3rd crusade ?
  3. For me its the fact that the game has all this mods in different time periods of actual history, and that the game is actually realistic (a 100 % realistic medieval game, finally !!! ), i still think the game deserves more of an audience and definetly more mods. So what do you like best about M&B W ?
  4. Incredibly classy trolling, showing you the candy but telling you "no no, even though we did it in a week it wasnt in the game, and we dunno if you will ever get it, but here it is and its flashy and well made, have a look". Lol seriously though i like Bethesda and hopefully they will release those things in a big pack as a DLC. The vampire stuff was almost hurtfull, i really want that vampire Lord now.
  5. yeah i want a mod too, console commands feel a little too much like cheating for some people, we still want the immersion of having to "earn" it, even if it means leaving the pc while you watch some tv, its still more immersive to come back with a bunch of gold made by "working" than just spammig stuff in your inventory. Respect the RP feeling.
  6. Both are good games, wait until Skyrim gets the mods and it will be better than Oblivion. As they stand right now Oblivion is still better. Judging the vanilla games, Oblivion is better imo, i like Cyrodill more, the quests and guilds were better (specially the guilds) and the game was much more inmersive, with skyrim you feel like playing a very good and fun game but its hard to be pulled into the world like in Oblivion.
  7. Spare me the lectures. I know about the mod you have linked in your signature i was asking for a simple tiny fix since obviously COH will take a few months at least.
  8. elsweyr and blackmarsh both in one game.
  9. yeah i made a thread about this a while back, they may be planning to charge for mods, so just dont upload there, use the Nexus instead.
  10. Wow that is a long post OP ! Lets start: 1- Dont rant about graphics, they look good enough, the characters animate correctly. Graphics dont make or break a game, i can still enjoy Oblivion without graphical mods just adding gameplay mods like Unholy Darkness (checking it out at the moment, really fun) & others. 2- Archery Does not Auto Aim 3- Dont expect any other sort of combat from a TES game they are stat based and not very action or skill oriented, be gratefull we get finishing moves this time. 4- The NPCs are somewhat flat, true, but you cant pour 100 dialogue lines into each NPC so they can all tell you their story when you are talking about a game this big, i agree important characters like Delphine or Babette should be more developed. 5- The Guild storylines (maybe with the exception of the DB and Thieves guild) are an absolute joke this time around, 100 % agree on your thoughts about the Companions, around 5 main missions, all of them boring and repetitive (kill werewolf hunters) and the whole point is just to cure Kodlak. 6- I am very pleased with the Radiant missions, they keep me occupied, finding stuff to do in Skyrim is a lot easier than finding stuff to do in Oblivion. Conclusion: All you have said about graphics makes you sound like a 12 year old hungry for some flashy colors and lights. Your other points are much more valid and you can see i agreed in some cases, i also would like to add that this game is clearly much more "mainstream" oriented to try and find some of the COD (or other mainstream gamer type) public, the RPG factor suffers from this. Overall though, you seem to stress yourself too much with things that will be fixed in a couple of months by modders. Wait, be patient and i am sure this will be the best game ever for you eventually, just wait till the modders get their hands on the CK and start putting out gameplay fixes and whole questlines out there. And Bethesda's DLC will be more substantial or so they say, personally im really excited to see if they'll do an Expansion like SI.
  11. check your active effects to know wether something makes you inmune to disease, i know for a fact vampirism does, dont remember if Licantrophy is supposed to do.
  12. they will surely try to turn people away from the Nexus and into their site, they will offer what seems like an easier way to download and install mods (this will appeal to some of the more mainstream COD or maybe younger public), they will try to offer "new and improved" stuff to make novice modders upload to their site (like the "extra easy" way to upload right from the CK). Will they be victorious ? No, at least in my opinion. People are already active here and wont leave the Nexus for some Steam thingy with a couple of Neon Signs that say "jump in". SW will censor and control a lot of mods. Also i think its possible they plan to charge for mods in the future, since the SW agreement clearly states that Valve can and will choose on their sole discretion to charge for a mod. Anyway they cant shut down the Nexus, unless some of this Bills ever pass.
  13. i dont think it will be a success, people will keep uploading to the nexus like they always have. Plus thats whats delaying the CK, and they will have a lot of control around the mods etc. Bottom line, Nexus isnt going anywhere, SW will likely fail.
  14. A simple mod that makes Werewolf transformations unvoluntary, so that you turn each night and not at will (which totally breaks all lore about werewolves). EDIT: ouch i meant to post this in requests, sorry.
  15. Why dont they simply stop with this really moronic bills that try to destroy the internet in those countries, are they trying to make them inhospitable or something ? eliminate all the internet (no, im not dramatic, they practically do just that) to make people unhappy, uninformed and bored in the whole country ? Trying to get decent and hardworking people in jail because they posted something with a minor copyright infringment or some other little thing that nobody cares about ? what does that achieve ? give me a break with the "its to stop pirates", thats BS.
  16. if you change your appaerance but stay with the same race your stats will stay as they were, if you change race everything changes. People will recognize you as the race you are at the moment even if you started the game with another one.
  17. Definetly Astrid, that voice is perfect. And i guess Kharjo too.
  18. to answer the question: Graphics (all of it from animations to models and the gorgeous world). Combat. Werewolves. Crafting. Companions (not the guild) Snow yay ! The Bad: Short guild questlines Vampires suck even more (lore wise) and they have no intention of ever adding violent feed or aging/blood points or so it would seem, or bringing back clans. (dont worry modders will do it eventually) Less Inmersion (feels too mainstream, too much like a game all the time) Still i like it way more than any other game in the past 2 years or so, such is the beauty of an open world (for those of us who enjoy that kinda thing).
  19. gave it a 7/10. The only reason i can find to play this instead of Oblivion is the Graphics. Guilds are shorter, Vampirism that i love is even worse and when you have Unholy Darkness in Oblivion its kinda hard to adapt back to the mediocre system vanila uses (no power building like blood points or aging, loss of power when feeding, now not even sun damage, the list goes on). But i dont worry too much because in 8 months or so this will be my favorite game, why ? mods. Bethesda is great at building worlds but they keep trying to push the "mainstream" gameplay in an attempt to win some COD people, they should be adding more to the RP element of the game and dont focus so much on the combat in my humble opinion. Again vampirism is a perfect example of this, they made it "easier" since sunlight doesnt really hurt you (you dont die or take actual damage) and they dont even bother adding some kind of aging system because why complicate it for the mainstream kids ? In morrowind we had clans whats up with those ? banished. I might come out as obsessed with vampires but thats just what i like to do with my character so the flaws are fresh in my mind. Talking about the guilds. The DB was fine in my opinion, shorter but still very interesting. The companions is a joke, they get 4 or 5 "critical path" quests and most of them are boring (go kill werewolf hunters over and over again). The thieves Guild is the best of the ones i played, but again too short, why cant we have quality and quantity when the game was in development for about 4 years, just compare to oblivion, those were nice guild questlines, this just end when you feel you are half way through. Oh and i second what NAPALM said, the game is less inmersive this time around.
  20. so dark elves live for 400 years ? my dark elf vampire has no meaning anymore :( lol thanks for the answers, the beasts are a mistery ? i thought bethesda would have confirm this information somewhere.
  21. How long do the elves live ? i think its not inmortal but its more than men right ? what about bretons, since they are half men and half mer ? and the beast races, i would guess they live less time, is that right ? just curious.
  22. i seriously make a sneaky character every time i first play an rpg (that allows sneak), then when i get bored i move to diferent options.
  23. ok thanks guys, i did a new install and apparently its not doing it now, maybe it was some mod since now i only use the nekhanimal.
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