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About Aheeia

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  1. thx for picking it up good additional ideas to give the power armor more realistic damage feel
  2. ok the power armor parts get destroyed in the end, looks cool to with smoke etc. but till then the armor part looks shiny new even it has been pounded by any kind of weapon... so a power armor model handler that changes the visuals according to the amount of fire would be really sweet. like in gta where you can wreck your car, power armor should take visual damage as well... hope im not the only one with this need/idea
  3. hi there im looking for or maybe wish for a power armor overhaul with damage decals and damage sounds. meaning that the parts change to a more used and damage look & sounds depending on the amout of fire they take. bullets and scrapnel holes, laser burnes, mud and blood splashes (melee % ) should accumulate according to the amount of hits the armor part takes until its destroyed. looking forward to tips what mod to install if it already exists or feedback on the possibility that such a mod might be realised. info for modders on what it takes to create can also be shared. thx!
  4. this would add tons to immersion! :thumbsup:
  5. i would really welcome this. also wounds and arrows on the character should stay until healed... also if npc's retreat from battle you could track them down better with footsteps and bloodstains :)
  6. I really like where this is going. Thanks to Kairo who puts the suggestions into the request list. the question is if a modder can deal with all that content. if so it will take quite a while to develop. maybe it can be done with priority modules, step by step. can't wait to see the CK go live and the results the modders will present. allthough my mod list is already large and contains conflicts so my game crashes from time to time... well if there is going to be huge mods i'll shure restart with a fresh installation crossing my fingers theres going to be a horse lover who delivers a large horse mod skyrim so deserves!
  7. im aware of that. again those are just ideas to inspire. actually a character and name replacement of e.g. Lisette on top of the audio replancement would already do. the rest is nice to have...
  8. these are just some ideas without knowing if its possible at all. allthough there are already some mods in that direction. for example this one: Bard music replacement by Malukah
  9. would add a lot to immersion when your companions grow with you...
  10. Like many others i was amazed by Malukah's cover of the Dragonborn theme. To honor her great cover i thought of a complete Malukah as a Skyrim bard mod. Simply place Malukah herself in the game as a bard. Here are a few feats of the top of my head. feel free to post other suggestions. - Model her as good as possible with a guitar and have her sit on a chair with a similar posture like the youtube video when she starts to play - Model her own clothes or armor - Maybe she can provide more tunes or variants, so that there could be a little selection in the request menu! - Maybe have a little quest about her and the song Dragonborn - Possible to add her as a companion. with her unique perk "Dragonborn calm" she could calm/stun enemies while playing the tune or heal the surounding etc. - Make her famous in Skyrim so that NPC's talk about her "have you heard Malukah's Dragonborn song. it will give you peace in troubled times" etc. ofc these are some complex feats and dependable on the publish of the CK... never the less i hope a good modder takes up this idea. saludos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z9TdDCWN7g&feature=share
  11. i like that a lot and the original request :thumbsup:
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