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Everything posted by RubberMan01

  1. If you're not experiencing play difficulties and/ or you don't have big yellow exclamation marks all over the place then I'd leave them be. Because I mod continuously I have millions of errors all the time and can still manage to play.
  2. Yeah mate sort of. http://www.milkshape3d.com/ I have ultimate unwrap pro lol and still use Milkshape haha A bit confusing at first but I find it does the job if used just to texture. Never attempted to make anything with it though....looks awful for that. I'll stick to Maya/ Wings (Wings is awesome! and free)
  3. I no longer use niftexture. I've been using Milkshape to slap the textures on my meshes lately and the cool thing is you can export direct as a Nif.
  4. I have Eric but I never really finished it. I wanted much more options to go with it and the textures weren't really very good. Just flat stuff as the wife's laptop couldn't handle MGSO or anything like that. I have also considered remaking them all so that the original ruins could be replaced if someone could actually be bothered doing that lol
  5. Seems you have played around a lot since I last came on here. Sorry been working away. Surprise job so just had to run off lol I shall check through the posts later when I have the time but as I said...looks like you've been busy :D
  6. Here you go mate: http://mw.modhistory.com/download-69-6033 If all fails I think I still have it on another hard drive.
  7. Looking good mate. I'll check that anim out later when I've finished wiring up this ceiling lol
  8. I don't do animations lol Always avoided them but yeah that is a good way of doing it. It needs to be on for a split second and anything more than that just looks silly.
  9. Unfortunately there isn't enough time to render the damn thing so unless I can find a better way to time it, it's either a no go OR an animation.
  10. There is no lightning in the game at all. It just switches a light on and off to flash the screen bright for the illusion. Going to try enabling and disabling the mesh within the same frame/ pass and see if it's on long enough to see it. It lights things up nicely when it's on lol and it plays the thunder sound but looking at it for a second is a bit much. be right back with hopefully a happy response otherwise it's a dumper.
  11. The script works fine but..... a second is way too long to keep the mesh on screen and I don't think you can make it do it any less :(
  12. Hopefully the one with the square door lol Ok, going to test this.... Begin _SG_lightning Short thundernowFloat timer If (MenuMode == 1)Return ; Don't run script if menu openEndif ;; Temp: Make sure we have correct weather for testing....; If (GetCurrentWeather != 5) ; ThunderChangeWeather "Sheogorad" 5ReturnEndif ;; Disable mesh if not thundering; If (GetDisabled == 0)If (thundernow == 0)DisableEndifEndif;; Enable mesh if it is thundering; If (GetDisable == 1)If (thundernow == 1)EnableEndifEndif Set timer to (timer + GetSecondsPassed) If (thundernow == 0)If (timer == 5)Set thundernow to 1Messagebox, "It's lighning now"EndifEndif If (thundernow == 1)If (timer == 7)Set thundernow to 0EndifEndif If (timer == 15)Set timer to 0Endif End _SG_lighning
  13. http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb431/Simon_Griffiths/lightning.jpg First attempt. Now to get it to actually work when it should lol Already sick of running the game....
  14. Wow that was a lot to read lol serves me right for being too busy to come on here! Everything looks great. Lightning....had that very same conversation last week with my son who seems to think it wouldn't be possible to make it look any good. Wont stop me trying though lol I will play with the idea shortly and see what happens although he may be right about it looking kak. Getting the size right and the timing would prove quite difficult but that makes it more fun. Will have to actually mesh something that looks like lighting first.
  15. Matter of interest. Where you from? I agree about the lift thing. Maybe use some grating (like prison bars) from one room to another so you can see there is more to the ruin to give you a reason to carry on hunting. As for traps. They would need to be placed manually in world wherever you wanted them. There aren't many limits to trap types it just depends if you can think of them lol and I'll script them up. Tesla trap! Sounds lore friendly to me. Anything with shock seems to fit in with the Dwemer so yes that is a good idea. Just on my way to fit a new sink and taps for a neighbour lol (I do stuff like that for free for the old ones cos I'm soft!) The riggers of everyone knowing you're a builder....... someone always wants something and they want it for free! My email: [email protected] Feel free to share your thoughts. bbfn
  16. MUCH better. P.S. sorry for the short answers but been very busy mate.
  17. I scripted that several years ago so no idea how I did it haha I will take a look at my scripts when I get a minute and see if I can figure it out.
  18. The top tower looks better with the doom rather than the silly shape it has.
  19. Not had that problem yet mate. It seemed to work first time... dumb luck in play I think lol
  20. I can't use a mobile phone lol! I think it's an age thing. Once you pass a certain age you can no longer set clocks on digital equipment either.
  21. Um. You do know the lore behind Morrowind don't you? Red mountain erupts and destroys what you know as Morrowind leaving it like a " global volcanic apocalypse" Unfortunately for your purposes it is rebuilt.
  22. Well the boats thing has been done as as the walking Silt strider. In these cases you wouldn't use any kind of bounding box but a script to remove the ability of the user to move the player.
  23. The lift was easy. The rotating cogs in time with the lift was hard hahaha A bounding box keeps the guy in. Also there is nowhere to go once the lift starts moving. I wish you could see the door open when you put the sphere in the hands lol as that's cool :D The textures are missing from the hands for some reason. Must have missed one .. Also some of the spider guards have shock attacks etc.
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