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Everything posted by jonny8late

  1. Do u think ill be able to get it from gamestop the day it comes out? probably, but im just making sure
  2. What do u like to imgagine why your character started off in prison? i like to imagine that he was doing something for the greater good, but still committing a crime, so he or she is found guilty. And them getting bailed out is a chance of redemption.
  3. From reading one or two of the many hands-on demos from the journalists, at least one of the guys ran into a remote shack where there were either burned or maybe just dead bodies laying about. I'm pretty sure it wasn't random but rather set to that location, but it's definitely along the lines of strange or unexplained from what I read. However, jonny8late, keep in mind....Morrowind was a very weird place. Everything about the landscape was very odd and alien pretty much compared to the fairly realistic Cyrodiil and Skyrim provinces. So to expect a shload of crazy stuff is wholly too high of an expectation. But I think there will be some, maybe just not as crazy as Morrowind though.
  4. Like in morrowind the strangest weirdest things would happen. In oblivion there was some of that but not as much as morrowind. I want to see an old abondoned has with a dead body in in and notes leading u to specific locationm. c
  5. Will u be able to make friends? Will u be able to have a girlfriend or wife? And if so can u cheat? Do u want intimate relationships to be implemented as a choice?
  6. There were many boats and ships in oblivion but u could use them for transportation. Will skyrim feature boat transportation? Would u like it?
  7. Has anyone heard any news of maiq the liar returning in skyrim? If not do u want him to be implemented? I thought he was really interesting
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