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Everything posted by trees415

  1. Given the supposed "disaster" of bugs that I was expecting since the xbox launch had gone so poorly, I've been surprised at how few bugs i've encountered. I have about another 15 or so esp mods I've been running alongside it, yet I haven't encountered a single conflict with any of them. Maybe I just got lucky, but I'm gald they delayed the release for PC as i can see how some of the bugs that were mentioned could be completely game-breaking. No offense, but you mainly have yourself to blame for that. Save corruptions, while very unlikely in the situation you're describing, have always been an issue for TES/Fallout games. Thus, you should ALWAYS backup your saves before you do anything that introduces something new into the game, whether it's a new mod, a DLC plugin or even after removing mods. While the gamesave files tend to get very bloated, you can easily compress them down into a rar archive or something, as you will likely cut down over half the size of your collection of saves just by doing that. Now, that being said I find it hard to believe that loading the dawngaurd plugin simply "broke" you're save. What's more likely to be causing the issues would be any mods you've installed that conflict with the data in your dawnguard plugin. If you have any mods installed, I'd suggest you turn off anything that modifies your characters behavior, or anything that had made changes in an area that is now used during the dawnguard quest. Most graphics mods like texture replacements or FXAA injectors should be fine, just be weary of any plugins that might be similar to the DLC itself.
  2. I'm having the same exact problem. Even after disabling all mods and starting a new game, I still am unable to access this new area. Edit: nevermind, I was thinking the same thing as Vinh834, i didn't realize there was a secret cave...
  3. First, set you're normal map back to it's original state. Then, copy/paste you're original texture onto the alpha layer of your normal map, and make it very dark to the point that you can barely make anything out when looking at the alpha channel alone (Don't make it completely black). Also, textures tend to appear brighter in game then they do normally, so I'd suggest making your color texture slightly darker as well.
  4. Well, since it was built 5 years ago by a mainstream computer company, I highly doubt your motherboard can take ram sticks larger than 1gb, and since you only have two slots you're stuck with a 2gb max. Thus, you're going to have to sacrifice either game quality (by removing mods/reducing your graphics settings) or money out of your wallet to purchase a new rig. To be honest, I'm rather impressed that you managed to keep your computer in that good of shape for five years. My previous computer was a pile of spare parts five years after I bought it.
  5. They're Giants, of course they should kill you in one hit, though perhaps their windup could be slower to make up for the high amount of damage they deal. In any case, I haven't heard/seen any mod like that in particular, however I can't imagine it would be very difficult to do. Why not try and create the mod yourself?
  6. Are you loading the game from a particular gamesave? Try starting a new game, and see if you are still having problems. Also, make sure that you are not running any mods until you can get the game to work again.
  7. Honestly, I think it's lame that most of the mods that add new shouts use spellbooks as the teach shouts. Why isn't anyone using word walls? They are so easy to do from scratch, much eaiser than mannequins or bookshelves in my opinion.
  8. The tool your looking for is TESVsnip, though I'm not sure if it is included with the NMM. While I'm not sure which feature you are referring to, if it exists then I'm sure you will find it in tesvsnip.
  9. At the moment, I'm in the midst of working on a skyrim music enhancement mod, in which I'm recording some tracks to complement the existing music of Skyrim. While there are some excellent tracks in the game, I felt like it was missing some "epic-ness" (tracks with heavy brass, war drums, that kinda stuff). Anyways, I'm curious to see if anyone has had any success adding music to the game via scripting? Given the fact that there is no scripting of music in the vanilla version of the game as far as I am aware of, at first I was hesitant towards taking that route. However, one major complaint I've had with the game is that the music tracks are poorly triggered/implemented in-game, especially the combat-focused tracks. So, has anyone actually used papyrus to implement sound fx or music tracks? Did it work well or was it buggy?
  10. You've got a bridge to tend to troll, best be off now.
  11. Well, I've never heard of the place you're hosting on, and I doubt it gets as much traffic as the nexus. Thus, why don't you just remove a few unimportant replacement textures so that it isn't considered an asset replacement, then post in on the nexus? It seems like your concerned about people not using your mod, yet you just expect people to find it on some obscure website.
  12. I'm sorry, but that made no sense at all. Place an interior cell between each door? Can you explain that part a bit more?
  13. Would have to be done completely from scratch if it was to be publicly distributed, as you can't use content from previous Beth games in a mod for Skyrim, and vice versa. Thus, it would be a mammoth of an undertaking, and would likely require a large mod group in order to produce something on the scale you're describing.
  14. Great idea for a mod, there could be a few missions where the player gets to plan an ambush against a group of nobles or something. Basically, you tell your fellow bandit-mates where they should hide, then you signal the ambush. I can't imagine that being too difficult to script... Anyways, that town looks sick, I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out of this. Good luck.
  15. Not impossible, just unlikely.
  16. That's very strange, however this seems like a question that would be better suited for the Bethesda support staff to address.
  17. That is a good idea, so why not create new art rather than porting stuff from Oblivion? Outside of creating the actual painting, it seems like it would be a relatively simple mod to create.
  18. That sounds great, however If I were you I would scrap half of the buildings you've got planned if you expect to ever get this finished. Not doubting your abilities at all, however that's an incredibly extensive list of different buildings, and without a huge team to help you it will take a very long time to complete. To build one library took me a week or so to put together and work out any bugs. Just my 2 cents, but I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
  19. When you're installing mods in esp/esm format, make sure you are placing them in the data folder located in your main skyrim installation directory. Typically, this is going to be located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data" Also, make sure that your skyrimprefs.ini file located in the Documents\My Games\Skyrim folder has the following line: [Launcher] bEnableFileSelection=1 Once you've ensured those two things, you should be good to go.
  20. Out of curiosity, what does SBW stand for?
  21. Not sure how that would be any different from a paralysis spell...? What if you attached the pushactoraway spell effect to a paralysis spell? That would give you both a knockback effect as well as the player not being able to move. You could even remove the green ISM so that it doesn't look like a paralysis spell.
  22. TESVSnip works great, and it's listed in the download section here at the nexus.
  23. There are two "SkyrimPrefs.ini" files. The one that you need to edit is in the folder where your gamesaves are stored, which is usually located in the "Documents\My Games\Skyrim" directory. The other one is located in the game's main installation folder, and the full file-path should be something like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Skyrim\SkyrimPrefs.ini". edited both files just to be safe, but the former is the one that matters.
  24. Doing that isn't going to pack your files into a bsa archive. instead, go to file---create archive, then drag the files you want to add into the window (the files need to be placed correctly within the game's file structure prior to doing this). Once you've done that, just hit pack files then save your plugin.
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