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  1. M48A5, Thanks for the response. I've been editing the Prefs.ini so far, and making sure that the Custom.ini doesn't have anything conflicting (I use MO2, so separate ini files for each profile). After changing font #2, all seems well- all the pip boy menus seem correct, Darnified looks great, Main menu, hud menus and MCM menus are normal per Darnified and terminal type, whether hacking or just reading is clear and readable as always in Vanilla. Conversation, level up and container menus work fine, haven't tested either the character generation menu (would have to start a new character to test), and haven't tested the barter menu yet, but otherwise all is well. You probably have a point about TTW versus Standalone FNV, which may be why this problem didn't occur more frequently back when the game was first released. BTW, unless I missed it, the config and various other Darnified related mods are still available on Nexus, but the actual Darnified UI itself seems only to be available on TTW, unless I just missed it on the Nexus- I looked for it earlier when I deleted and reinstalled it, and could only find the TTW download for the actual UI mod. Thank you for your help,
  2. Interesting. That fixed the issue. May have created another one for later; I haven't tested all the various in game menus yet, but for now everything is resolved. Thanks! For anyone else who encounters this, there are a couple of mods I've seen with font alternatives to use with Darnified; I haven't used any of those, but if using the Darnified default fonts, out of the vanilla games default fonts, #s 3, 5, 8 and 9 are the same between Vanilla and Darnified and should never cause any kind of conflict. Changing the Default Darnified fonts #4 or 6 only back to the Vanilla game ones will allow terminal text to be read properly, but appear to be used in game start main menu, MCM and some Hud elements. The overall Darnified 'look' is definitely spoiled, and text looks huge on wide screen or higher resolution monitors. Changing font #1 allows for terminals to be read properly, and Hud/ main menu and general 'look' of Darnified are ok, but pip boy menus revert to vanilla fonts, making the text on them seem really large if you're used to the Darnified pip boy menus. But reverting either font #2 or #7 back to Vanilla gets terminal displays back to normal, keeps the on screen/ Hud Darnified elements in place and the pip boy Darnified menus. #7 seems to make the main menu and possibly the MCM (can't remember if I tested MCM for that one) a bit larger and clunkier looking than #2. But changing just Darnified default font #2 from Darnified FranKlein Bold 16 pt back to the Vanilla game's Monofonto Large, and leaving all other fonts according to Darnified default ones doesn't change any other Darnified menus/ Hud elements or MCM that I've tested in game so far, keeping the Darnified overall appearance, but does allow terminal displays to look just as they do in Vanilla game. I'll continue using that change and update if I encounter any further issues, but for now all is well. Thanks again for the assistance!
  3. Sorry, When I made the most recent post, I was responding to M48A5, I had not seen GamerRicks most recent reply. I will try doing as you suggest and see if I can narrow down which specific font is the issue. Thanks,
  4. Thanks for the reply! Yes, the Darnified Config tool is helpful in setting up Darnified- has a script that allows you to copy the Darnified fonts I listed earlier automatically , either into an ini tweak file to use with Darnified, or Apply them directly. I tried reinstalling Darnified, including using the config tool, but the issue still persists. The UI and Hud use the new fonts without a problem, all the game menus I've tested, the pip boy inventory, even the MCM, all use them, and they all look wonderful. But using any in-game terminal just shows a blank looking terminal screen with the default green glow background, and no readable text at all, even though using the mouse will pick up the menu lists from the terminal, and allow them to be selected, they just don't show visibly- either the font size is somehow so small or large that it's not visible, or perhaps the font color is the same green as the background; I'm just not sure. If it were only a matter of the Cheat terminal mod, I could just revert to vanilla fonts, extract my items from the portable containers, go back to the Darnified fonts, and not use the Cheat terminal mod anymore. But terminal hacking, not to mention being able to read terminals, use them to unlock some doors, etc.. is such a frequent occurance in the game that it remains a problem. As much as I like the appearance and clean look of the UI, if it renders a good chunk of the game unplayable, it isn't worth the trouble. I just can't understand why only terminal menu text is affected, and other menus seem to adjust to the Darnified fonts without a problem. Thanks,
  5. Thanks for the response. Yes, those are the default fonts- all the terminals in the vanilla game, as well as the Cheat terminal mod, use one of those, and with those in my ini settings, I can read the cheat terminal text clearly and move items back and forth between containers. But with those font settings, Darnified looks terrible- they defeat the whole point of Darnified, to give a cleaner look to Hud elements and maximize screen space, which Darnified does by changing those default fonts to its own font system and reorganizing Hud elements. When I change the ini to the Darnified fonts, Darnified UI looks great, the Hud looks great, and I've had no other problems, but terminals become unreadable, because they are set to the default fonts. I could understand if the text looked blurry or punctuation marks were strange or the line breaks were off, but I would have still expected some kind of white text on the green terminal screen background. Instead, If I change the fonts to the Darnified ones, I can no longer read terminal text- terminals just appear as a blank screen. The text is there, and can even be clicked on, but isn't visible for some reason. I'm not sure if the text is displaying the same color as the screen background, or why it doesn't show up. What I was hoping for, since altering fonts back and forth every time I want to use a terminal is cumbersome, was a way to tweak text display on terminals so that the Darnified fonts actually show on the terminal screens- again the text is there, if you remember the menu list sequence you can still click on the options- it just can't actually be seen. What I'm after may be impossible, since the font files appear to be universal and effect everything in game- terminals, menus, etc..., there doesn't seem to be a way to 'force' terminals to actually display the Darnified font text in the same way that Darnified displays it in Hud menus. The Darnified fonts are the default ones from the Darnified UI mod: sFontFile_1=Textures\\Fonts\\DarN_FranKleinBold_14.fntsFontFile_2=Textures\\Fonts\\DarN_FranKleinBold_16.fntsFontFile_3=Textures\\Fonts\\Glow_Monofonto_Medium.fntsFontFile_4=Textures\\Fonts\\DarN_Sui_Generis_Otl_10.fntsFontFile_5=Textures\\Fonts\\Fixedsys_Comp_uniform_width.fntsFontFile_6=Textures\\Fonts\\DarN_Sui_Generis_Otl_13.fntsFontFile_7=Textures\\Fonts\\DarN_Libel_Suit_Otl_24.fntsFontFile_8=Textures\\Fonts\\Glow_Futura_Caps_Large.fntsFontFile_9=Textures\\Fonts\\NVFont_Test.fnt I think all of these menus are actually stored as xml files, and I suppose could be manually edited, but I was hoping for something more simple. There are other UI and Hud mods, and I can try those, and I'm not sure whether Darnified is even still being maintained, but I really enjoyed Darnified on Elder Scrolls Oblivion, and hate to lose it for FNV, but being unable to use or hack terminals in the game without saving and tinkering with ini settings every time is ridiculous. It may also be possible that I screwed up the Darnified UI mod install in some way. It's been around a long time, and as many people as have used it over the years, I can't believe no one else noticed that it renders terminals unreadable, so it may be a user stupidity issue. I will try to reinstall. I used the version from the TTW download site; I saw somewhere that it was more recent than the one on Nexus. If the problem gets resolved, I will update my post in case anyone else runs into this issue later. Thanks again!
  6. Hi, I just started a new playthrough on pc for FNV. I had played before, but on console. I have some experience modding Fallout 4 and Skyrim SE; but modding FNV is new- this is standalone FNV, not TTW. I've been using the Fallout New Vegas Cheat Terminal Redux by gir489, mostly for the personal storage feature since I'm a hoarder. Recently installed some UI mods I had seen in videos, which made the Hud, etc... look amazing, but I found that when using Darnified, I have to change to the alternate fonts, which is not an issue for the UI mods, they look great. But apparently in game terminals always display text in the default FNV font. When I use the Darnified interface, I can't access my personal storage containers, as the Cheat Terminal window 'looks' completely blank- text is there, just unreadable. I can use Darnified in my saved game until I need to access a container, then exit the game, and switch the Ui back to the default fonts, swap items, but Darnified looks a lot messier with the default font, and it's a convoluted workaround. I want to make a patch to make these two mods work together, I assume by changing the font settings for game terminals to the Darnified fonts, but I don't know where in Geck or the game ini settings, to go to find the font settings for game terminals. Thanks!
  7. Hi, I'm starting a new play-through. I have normally used the West-Tek mod in the past for night vision, thermal and detect life effects in game, but I've been having game crashes at the armor workbench anytime I try to craft or modify eye-wear pieces. I have a new load order and could probably keep the mod and figure out where the conflict is, but I decided to make my own mod and use the CK to try to make a simple pair of custom black rim glasses with night vision and detect hostile life effects. I also wanted to play around with different custom shaders for the detected actors, and image spaces for the night-vision. I can create spells, enchantments, and even perks which I think have the effects I want, but since detect hostile life involves a projectile on other actors I can't seem to find a way to 'apply' the enchantment to the custom glasses themselves- they only allow enchantments that are constant effect and targeting self. And when I create an enchantment that is constant on self, the night vision effect with the new image-space works fine but doesn't highlight other life. Any help appreciated,
  8. Hello, I've been playing Skyrim LE and SSE on both consoles and pc for a while, and modding games, but haven't ever really learned how to use the creation kit, and I'm trying to finally do that and starting small. There are two mods I frequently use on play-throughs, but that have a very minor conflict, for which I've not seen a patch, so I was going to make one just for my own use. The two mods are Windhelm Docks Pathways, by Urtho, which adds a walkway from the main Windhelm bridge down to the docks; and Hidden Hideouts (City) by lesi123, which adds a small shed basement as the hideout for Windhelm. Like the other city hideouts, there is one entrance from within the City 'worldspace' and one out into the exterior Tamriel worldspace. There are patches for Better Docks and Open Cities for the Windhelm docks mod, and a modular installer for the Hideouts mod, but I haven't seen other patches. The issue I have when using both mods, is that when exiting the Shed basement from the Hideouts mod into Tamriel, the walkway added by the other mod covers up the doorway, leaving you in a 'limbo' space. You can open the console and use tcl and airwalk up to the walkway, but this is obviously immersion breaking. What I want to do is move the exterior 'Tamriel' door from the Hideouts City/ Windhelm mod upwards and over a bit so that the door marker puts the player onto the docks walkway from the Windhelm Docks mod. Since I'm new at this, I thought I would ask experienced creation kit modders how to go about making the patch. Do I need to modify either of the two affected mods directly, or create my own empty mod as the active file to hold my patch and load it after the two mods? I assume I just load whatever esm masters are required by the two affected mods, but do I also need to load each of them? I really only need the Windhelm docks mod to correctly verify that the door positioning is correct once the patch is running; the only actual modification is to the door position in the Hideouts mod. Thanks!
  9. Re: reply from DoctorKaizeld Thanks! I've become so familiar with using MO2 that I haven't been brave enough to try Vortex yet, but I keep running across positive comments. I'm comfortable with the way load order in general works, whether with LOOT or manual sorting. What I was trying to determine was whether my load order suggested anything to more experienced modders that might cause glitches or ctds, particularly around Helgen/ Riverwood. The only two mods I have loaded that are specific to that area are the Hunters cabin and Levelers Tower mods, but I've used them in previous playthroughs without running into this issue. My system is new-ish, and defaults to 'Ultra' settings on installing the game, but certainly isn't state of the art or anything; I thought perhaps my Weather/Lighting/Realistic Waters/Grass mods might be in the wrong place or might not play well with each other. I'm also using Noble skyrim for most textures instead of the 2017 pack that I used in prior versions. I don't know if its relevant or not, but in addition to the above mods, I am using an ENB- Ruhvaak Dahmaan. Really just trying to get some ideas of things to activate/deactivate or install/ uninstall in order to get back to a stable game.
  10. I was starting a new Skyrim SE play-through and doing a sort of modular install of mods a few at a time and testing them for stability, and had a very stable play-through going then a week or two ago several of my mods needed updating. I also misread one message popup, and thought that I had a steam error and re-verified my game files in steam, which resulted in having to redo several game settings after verification. Since then I have random CTDs, which don't seem to leave anything in the logs to help identify the problem. The ctds are usually in the exterior worldspace when just walking or riding around. I use MO2. I use the Live Another Life alternate start mod, and the ctds seem to happen more frequently near Riverwood after leaving toward Helgen, or when approaching Helgen itself from any direction, though they sometimes occur elsewhere or when going from exterior to interior cells and vice versa. I did have the Helgen Reborn mod installed, and I deactivated it, and started a new profile and new save/start from character generation, but the ctds still occur as before. I don't know if its related but the Live Another Life quest progression also seems somehow off, about 8 times out of 10; after leaving the Helgen cave with either Ralof or Hadvar, things proceed normally until arrival in Riverwood, then either Hadvar or Ralof get close to Alvor or Gerdur, and simply stop before going up to them and initiating the dialogue lines. When this happens I can still talk to them, but they only offer generic commentary as if they were still on the road toward Riverwood, and not arrived in Riverwood and standing 2 feet from Alvor/ Gerdur. I did try the RASD alternate start once, and the alternate Helgen/ Riverwood scenes played out normally, but I didn't extensively test that game beyond that point as I like the LAL mod and am more familiar with it. Loot shows no errors, masters have been cleaned, all mods are updated, and all conflicts showing in MO2 have been resolved. Is there anything in my Load order that more experienced eyes out there spot that could cause this? Here's my load order: 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp 6 6 Campfire.esm254 FE 0 Lind's Wizard Robes SSE- Texture Replacer.esl 7 7 Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm254 FE 1 LostEnchantments.esl 8 8 OBIS SE.esp 9 9 Frostfall.esp 10 a Ars Metallica.esp 11 b SkyUI_SE.esp 12 c iHUD.esp 13 d Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp 14 e campersworkbench.esp 15 f craftableeverythingspecialedition.esp 16 10 craftableeverythingspecialeditiondawnguard.esp 17 11 craftableeverythingspecialeditiondragonborn.esp 18 12 CampfirePrimitiveShelter.esp 19 13 SimpleCampfireAdditions.esp 20 14 JMR Camp Storage - Requires Campfire.esp 21 15 FoodforFrostfall.esp 22 16 Warm Drinks.esp254 FE 2 CBBE.esp 23 17 AMatterOfTime.esp 24 18 TimingIsEverything.esp 25 19 iNeed.esp 26 1a iNeed - Extended.esp 27 1b Sit Anywhere.esp 28 1c Chesko_WearableLantern.esp 29 1d MOD - Simply Better Horses (SSE).esp 30 1e Leave Combat.esp 31 1f Point The Way.esp254 FE 3 playercelllocationinfo.esp 32 20 FNIS.esp 33 21 FNISspells.esp 34 22 FISS.esp 35 23 wizDynamicThings.esp 36 24 UIExtensions.esp254 FE 4 AddItemMenuSE.esp 37 25 JaxonzEnhGrab.esp 38 26 Cloaks.esp 39 27 Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp 40 28 Holidays.esp 41 29 BecomeABard.esp 42 2a CollegeApplication.esp 43 2b Elemental Destruction.esp 44 2c Bound Tools Spell.esp 45 2d Forgotten Spells.esp 46 2e Celtic_Music_In_Skyrim_SE.esp 47 2f Celtic_Music_In_Skyrim_SE_Dungeon.esp 48 30 Vivid WeathersSE.esp 49 31 RealisticWaterTwo.esp254 FE 5 RealisticWaterTwo - Needs Mod Patch.esp 50 32 Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin SSE Version.esp 51 33 XPMSE.esp 52 34 Insignificant Object Remover.esp 53 35 Beards.esp 54 36 Brows.esp 55 37 12FemaleBrows.esp 56 38 SPTConsistentOlderPeopleSE.esp 57 39 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp 58 3a The Eyes Of Beauty - Elves Edition.esp 59 3b Realistic Haircolors.esp 60 3c RaceMenu.esp 61 3d RaceMenuPlugin.esp 62 3e RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp 63 3f RLO - Exteriors.esp 64 40 RLO - Interiors.esp RLO - Effects.esp 65 41 Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim - Merged.esp 66 42 Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim City Edition - Merged.esp 67 43 HoldBorderBanners.esp 68 44 CompanionsTweaks.esp254 FE 6 More Radiant Quests for the Companions.esp 69 45 BlendedRoads.esp 70 46 nwsMirabelleFollower.esp 71 47 Vivace.esp 72 48 Chaconne.esp 73 49 Bijin_AIO-SV 2018.esp 74 4a My Home Is Your Home.esp 75 4b AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp 76 4c sandboxcylinderheight.esp 77 4d Provincial Courier Service.esp 78 4e PAN_NPCs.esp 79 4f Run For Your Lives.esp 80 50 Hunters Not Bandits.esp 81 51 LevelersTower.esp 82 52 Rervun - Build Your Starter House - Winterhold.esp 83 53 Rervun - Build Your Starter House - Rift.esp 84 54 Rervun - Build Your Starter House.esp 85 55 Rervun - Build Your Starter House - Reach.esp 86 56 RiverwoodHuntingCabinSE.esp 87 57 FollowerPerdiccas.esp 88 58 Giraud Gemane Sells Books.esp 89 59 IcePenguinWorldMap.esp 90 5a Atlas Compass Tweaks.esp 91 5b Atlas Legendary.esp Vivid Weathers SE - Bruma Patch.esp Vivid Weathers SE - Falskaar.esp254 FE 7 Qw_CloaksOfSkyrim_USSEP Patch.esp 92 5c MagicalCollegeofWinterhold.esp 93 5d ClassicClasses.esp 94 5e Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp 95 5f Alternate Start -- New Beginnings.esp 96 60 Starting Spell Choice.esp 97 61 MCoW_CampfirePatch.esp 98 62 Bashed Patch, 0.esp
  11. Update (that was fast): I thought I'd start the trial and error by uninstalling Crafting Mastery, which for some reason I thought added the actual ammo workbench itself. I was going to then reinstall and untick some of my other mods, but when I deleted CM, reran my patch and launched the game, the bench was still there and now perfectly detected all my primers, casings, etc. I think that mod did add a clutter workbench and some other items, as well as recipes, but everything I've been using frequently is still there or I can buy or craft somewhere else. Bottom line- issue is resolved. Thanks, Original Post: I have a new playthrough and have been using Crafting Mastery by LXY Duckboy. I always enjoyed the ammo crafting in FNV and the ammo workbench at first worked with no problems. I have Weaponsmith, New Calibers and Loads of Ammo, and getting the load order correct took a bit of tinkering, but was able to craft all the ammos without any problem (used the Hard setting with gunpowder, primer, casings, etc). Now I suddenly can't craft ammo. I can make primers, casings, and gunpowder, but when I try to make the actual ammo, the workbench greys out the gunpowder, etc, that I just made as if I have none, even though they show in my pip-boy inventory. I found one old thread online, that seemed to indicate a conflict between Awckr and another mod. Only mod I've installed recently that might have affected ammo were two standalone weapon mods - the Browning 9mm and the M0 pistol. I've updated both Crafting Mastery and AWCKR, rerun LOOT and redone that smashed patch, but when I go in game, I can't actually make any ammo. The prior post I found seemed to indicate it was eventually resolved by trial and error, which I can try, but I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for. is this a known issue? Thanks
  12. An update: Still not sure what mod the names were pulling from, but I used trial and error to deactivate and reactivate different mods, and found a couple of things. Regarding Load Order, I found the mod listing for https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10844/ , a load order and enhanced performance guide, which helped greatly in sorting some mods manually and giving a general guide for load order. I also found one significant problem which was that when I reinstalled the vanilla game the most recent time, I somehow deleted most of my Data folder, including all non vanilla scripts and plugins. I also deleted Concealed armor and reinstalled new copies of Armor Keywords, Valdacil and the various patches. Once I reconfigured everything, my playthrough got much better. I still need to finish adding the other mods I wanted and continue to test to make sure game is stable, but original issue seems to be resolved. I appreciate everyone who viewed original post. I do still have a couple of questions since I'm so rusty. A) I've played Fallout 4 mostly on console, both with and without mods, but pc offers so many additional choices. I started this playthrough to sample various clothing/ armor / weapon mods and look at some crafting expansions to see which mods I liked. Later, I'll do another playthrough with some of the faction additions/ changes and large quest mods, then one for survival mods- again just wanted to sample a little of everything to see what's out there. For weapon mods, I was going to install Weaponsmith, but there are a lot of required mods and individual weapon downloads, as well as the ones included. I think most of these are asset mods and don't necessarily have esp files, but I want to get the load order correct- do the standalone weapons to download outside of Weaponsmith go above or below the esps (if any) for Weaponsmith, New Calibers, Loads of Ammo and Scopes? B) I also may have found out why I was having trouble with MatorSmash and Wrye Bash. My original install was with MO2, but a prior game version. I wanted to give NMM a try when I restarted the game, so I reinstalled it and downloaded NMM and associated it with Mod files. Later, I decided that I missed the familiar (to me ) MO2 interface and structure, and reinstalled again. I cleaned up the old Fallout folder and also the My Games folder, but forgot about the AppData folder, which still had the Plugin.txt from when I was using NMM. Everytime I would start Wrye Bash, it would detect the game (heaven knows how, as often as I'd moved it), but the only items it would show were the game and official dlcs, and a bashed patch esp. Now I realize it's because it was using the plugin.txt file from the vanished NMM install. What I don't know is how to fix it so that Wrye Bash detects the current game folder and mods instead of looking for the old install. I normally have Wrye Bash, LOOT, MO2, etc in a Utilities folder on my C drive and use them for all my games instead of multiple installs, but have separate SSD drives for each game and its mods. Again, thanks for viewing the post. I have prior experience with mods from PC Skyrim LE and Special Edition, but have gotten rusty over the last couple of years. Have had Fallout 4 GOTY for PC for ages, installed it, and played a bit with just one or two mods, then abandoned it. Recently, I thought I would restart it and do a full playthrough and explore some mods. I'm having several issues, but I'll post about them one at a time. I've reinstalled the vanilla game and verified game files via Steam, and was trying to build a stable core and working load order that I could tweak further as I went. I used Guide and load order from BiRaitBec on the Nexus site, and things went well- it was wonderfully detailed and led to a stable beginning with nice textures and no CTD's. But I wanted to take out some of those mods that I don't use and install some that I do, and now things are getting weird. I'm used to having both Loot and Wrye Bash to help with conflicts and load order in Skyrim, but I think I have fubar-ed Wrye Bash, and can't get it to work correctly at all (no bashed patch) and I understand from browsing on the forums that LOOT is nearly useless for Fallout 4. I'm using Mod Organizer 2, which I use for Skyrim and am very comfortable with (tried NMM, but I like the virtual file structure in MO). My immediate issue is Item sorting and Load Order. For Fallout 4, I'm unclear on where Item Sorting mods go in the load order. So, first question, am I correct that in MO2 only plugin order matters, rather than mod order? Second, I just finished a new playthrough from Vault 111 to Sanctuary, and all my items have names I've never encountered before. I'm using Valdacil's Item Sorting. For instance the wedding ring from the vault is listing as " Wedding Ring of Diving [ballistic Mk 1] (10 lb Bag of the Pack Rat) ". I think the bag is maybe referring to the Wearable backpack mod, which I thought I would try, but I don't know how I got one in the Vault, and I haven't crafted one. And all the weapons, clothing function as they normally do, but I don't know what "Diving" or "[ballistic Mk 1] refer to. I thought possibly that the Proto Vault Suit mod, which I think has a bunch of different linings that can be added, might be in the wrong place, but I don't see how that would affect the name of the wedding ring or other items. Same kind of thing- the baton from Vault 111 is " [Knife] Baton of Atom's Judgement " Eyeglasses from Overseer's desk are " Eyeglasses of Diving" WTF??? I've deleted the Raider and Mercenary packs from the original guide, which had some odd names, deleted all saves, and started a new profile, but from previous playthroughs on both Console and PC, I've never seen "Atom's Judgement" "Ballistic Mk 1" or "Diving" appended to any items this early in the game. Game also CTD when I use Armor workbench, but not Weapon. I think that might be because of mod Concealed Armor, which I think I read can have compatibilty issues. Does anybody know the correct order to put these things in, so I can resort them and see if the problem is fixed? I have: (this is current plugin order in MO2, top to bottom) Workshop Framework esm (from BiRaitBec guide- I have never used before) Concealed Armor esm Armor Keywords esm Loads of Ammo esm (going to install new calibers later, just haven't gotten there) Concealed Armor esp Armorsmith Extended esp Eli's Armor Compendium esp Loads of Ammo Leveled List esp Crafting workbench (drdanzel) esp Crafting Mastery (LXYDuckBoy) esp Valdacil's Item sorting esp I have some other mods, but none I can think of that would affect item names or cause CTD at armor workbench. Any help greatly appreciated,
  13. I'm having problems building the hearthfire house in The Pale (Heljarchen). Used to play Skyrim on console, and always made Heljarchen my primary house, but when I got PC version & began using mods, have previously been unable to buy the land from Jarl Skald- the proper responses were listed but the deed was never issued. I have Legendary version, and use the ETAC mod, modular version, with patches, and I thought the Dawnstar ETAC was possible culprit, but I recently found an old post related to the Pocket Hearthfire plugin for Pocket Empire Builder mod. The HF pocket plugin had a script relating to the Pale house that made it impossible to buy from the Jarl, even after completing requirements. I just started a new playthrough when I found that post. I kept the HF plugin mod, but deleted the script, then completed the Pale needed quests. Now I can purchase the property and visit site correctly, but the quest hangs at the "use the drafting table" stage. It can be forwarded by console command, but the actual foundations, house and exterior buildings never appear, even after being 'built' with the construction bench- also, in the console version, I think the land on the house site is smooth and flat when you arrive at the bench area, but there are still some downed trees and rocks on the site in my game. I tried deleting the HF plugin completely, reverting to a save in Nightcaller Temple, and going forward, but same issue. A couple of other posters mention birds or grass mods causing house not to appear, but I have a laptop with minimal acceptable specs, so I don't use any of those. I have the USLEEP updates, but not the individual HF one. Is there anything else to try so I don't have to start a new character? Thanks,
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