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Skyrim: Taking FOREVER to Save
FierySwordswoman replied to FierySwordswoman's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
The culprit is not Steam. Steam only backs up saves at the end of a session. To top it off backing up to the cloud only uses network bandwith, not any kind of processing power. Also, I've never heard a thicker English-speaking accent in text form before. Australian? -
Skyrim: Taking FOREVER to Save
FierySwordswoman replied to FierySwordswoman's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
166 days later and this comes up again. Uh, let's see..... I also have Interesting NPC's but I really doubt it's a definitive cause. If I had to make an estimate, it'd be the complexity of a game save. I'd say a better test would be: -Use Alternative Start to start in a particular place (like Solitute) and only explore near the city for a while. -Once you absolutely must leave, go to every major hold and then some. -Compare times. ---If so, it's likely the game saving a million small things and choking your first 2 CPU cores. ---My friend who has far less complex mods, overall less mods, and has a slightly better CPU has reported no weird save time increase. I've recently started a new save in Solstiem and just traveled to Skyrim for various side quests. My saves seem fine. -
0) I never said vanilla skyrim was much better lol. Every time I see Uthgerd I die a little on the inside. She's a warrior. She should know better. 1) Then you might have to try different armors entirely. Immersive Armors(UNP/Vanilla) and Tera Armors(UNP/CBBE) both have lots of armor and working level lists. Personally, I use Immersive Armors. -Default skyrim is pretty in-between 'Looking Cool' and 'Protective'. -TERA is much more 'Looking Cool' -Immersive Armors is much more 'Protective' 2) I don't know if this would be enough to set off your personal 'bikini-alarm', but for CBBE you won't get much more according to Nexus search results. Based on the screenies, it's pretty "on-the-fence" between bikini and armor; some of the joint areas are cut out. I feel your pain with the armor issue in the sense that every armor pack besides Immersive Armors and like half of the Tera Armors are pretty much swimsuits. Also, Mother of god that's a long list, Jeir. Looks like the OP has potential homework.
Transferring a set of mods between pc's?
FierySwordswoman replied to malistaticy's topic in PC Gaming
NMM? Sorry, can't help you there. Mod Organizer keeps every mod in a "mod" folder and doesn't touch the skyrim directory. NMM installs everything straight to your gamedata folder. So, as I said, either redownload them all by checking your old load order, or copy the entire Skyrim game directory located by default at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\" and then try to install it again. Steam'll read the already-installed files and you'll be good to go. Trust me, I've done the whole 'copy everything' before back when I didn't use Mod Organizer. -
If you start removing the edges of armor and make it more "form fitting", then good luck deflecting a greatsword swing. Based on the title, I assume you play as a female character. So, if the armor was feminized, you'd have more or less an armored outline of the female body, yes? Females have breasts, yes? Those breasts would create a "V" shape in the chest area, yes? Now. Think about where the sword would go if it hit the "V" anywhere.... That's right. All the kinetic energy would go straight to the sternum. Ouch. Thicker, less "form-fitting" protective armor will usually form a "Ʌ" shape on the chest instead. Like this ebony armor. To help visualize this, imagine a ball falling onto a set of armor lying on it's back. o o V Ʌ On the left we have the "V" made by the breast area of the feminized armor, and on the right we have the "Ʌ" of the standard armor. If the ball on the left falls, all of the kinetic energy is reflected inwards to the center of the "V", which would be the middle of your chest. If the ball on the right falls, the kinetic energy is reflected off to the side, saving your luscious ribs. Of course, you probably don't care about any of this, in which case... Find a mod that converts all of the armor to a non-vanilla body type (UNP, CBBE, 7B, etc.) that doesn't go full strip-club and then install that body type to match it. That's the closest thing I can think of off the top of my well-angled helmet. My recommendation would be to try and find a UNP one since that's the closest to vanilla of the major types. It also works good with XP32/XPMSE for compatibility and has changeable textures.
Transferring a set of mods between pc's?
FierySwordswoman replied to malistaticy's topic in PC Gaming
If you bookmarked them, export the bookmarks. If you use a mod manager, copy the load order .txt file If you use neither, copy skyrim's load order .txt file. If you don't want to re-download everything, copy your mods folder as a 7zip/rar file. If you don't want to re-download everything and on't use a mod manager, copy your entire skyrim installation as a 7zip/rar file. -Also make sure to grab your save files from C:\Users\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\ -
I've had a "brilliant" idea for something. It involves me setting my FOV a few degrees above what I normally play at, but only showing my normal on-screen. Example: I play at 70° I set it to 80° It displays 70° I now have 10° off-screen. How would I do this?
How bad will my system be hammered?
FierySwordswoman replied to Landry7ate9's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
About the quad-core thing... It depends on how you run Skyrim. If you just run Skyrim without anything else major, you could have 16 cores and it wouldn't make a difference. This is because Skyrim can only use a certain amount of threads (probably 2) like most other programs. So, the only way more cores would contribute to the speed of your game would be if you had enough demanding things running in the background (like capture software) to the point where it filled up all of your free cores and started using the same ones as Skyrim. This'll most likely never happen to the average person who has 4+ cores unless something is doing heavy filework in the background like a full-system antivirus scan, in which case you're hdd will be overloaded anyway. TL;DR: it's hard to run out of cores if you have 4+ and you just play games. Your low single-core clock speed will matter the most. I have a non-overclockable i5 2400 from January 2011. It runs at 3.1 ghz and has 4 cores. GTA V, Skyrim, Battlefield 4, etc. etc. I've literally never had a game max it out yet. -3.1 ghz on a 2ND gen, desktop I5 is typically more than enough for any game. Almost no current game uses all 4 cores. -Laptops almost always have weaker clock speeds due to either thermal or electrical bottlenecks. Usually both. I hope my ramble enlightened you. But don't just take my word for it. Look it up, too! : D EDIT: also, don't get the wrong idea and think that the Hertz is all that matters. There's a reason octa-core AMD processors running at 4.5ghz are still molested by standard Intel ones like mine in many scenarios. Also the same reason why a 3.2 ghz Pentium from 2001 won't even come close to modern CPU's of the same clock. This is because of technological differences and, importantly, IPC count. Intel processors like mine or newer equivalents are generally the way to go for IPC count. People who've tried to use the Dolphin Emulator on an AMD CPU can attest to that. -
How bad will my system be hammered?
FierySwordswoman replied to Landry7ate9's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
That 2.3ghz isn't the best processor for skyrim by any means. Skyrim needs a freakishly high single-thread performance. It *is* a 2011 game, though, so you'll probably not have any serious issues. I want to assume your 965m 2gb is more powerful than my 560 ti 1gb. I run ENB and Grass on Steroids with a few hd texture packs (reduced to x1024 with Ordenador). You don't seem to use any texture or enb mods. 8gb of RAM is overkill by skyrim terms. I have a 22 gigabyte mod folder and my skyrim only uses ≈900mb of RAM at a time. So, the only real thing that'll snatch up yo frames is the grass mods, so just tweak your iMinGrassSize=## to use up as much frames as you're willing to give and you'll be fine. This is assuming your laptop cpu doesn't bottleneck everything. -
Skyrim: Taking FOREVER to Save
FierySwordswoman replied to FierySwordswoman's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Well, I played for 5 hours straight and still have fluidicly fast saves; so, somewhere in this thread is a solution, but I don't know what it is. It wasn't the XPMSE thing since I never dared disable anything related to that. In fact, I never added/removed/updated any mods or plugins. Someone in the room is a secret genius, even if they don't realize it either. Filesizes today: Lilvia.ess: 11.5mb (+0.1 gain) Lilvia.skse: 1.83mb (+0.2 gain) Lilvia.ess.bak: 11.3mb (+0.4 gain. IDK what's backing up my save files every hour or two or so.) -
Skyrim: Taking FOREVER to Save
FierySwordswoman replied to FierySwordswoman's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
You may have XP32. I have XPMSE. My non-quicksave at the end of the super-session: Lilvia.ess: 11.4mb Lilvia.skse: 1.63mb Lilvia.ess.bak: 10.9mb - not new, was modified 3 hours prior to the last 2. Probably from when I entered the console command 'Save Lilvia 0' to get my character's name as the save name. Maybe. All of my quicksaves were used testing the save speed a couple seconds ago, so I don't have their .skse files to check. the 2 autosaves both have a similar .skse size, saved at the inn with the ghost in the Reach. My older character's saves (a lot more hours on this one, missing 1 or 2 larger mods.) Hibana.ess: 11.8mb Hibana.skse: 2.16mb Hibana.ess.bak is insanely old. Here's my SKSE.ini um... cause... why not: 16x the recommended isn't that large, right? I mean, I probably have a good few script-heavy mods going, and my latency isn't bad. -
Skyrim: Taking FOREVER to Save
FierySwordswoman replied to FierySwordswoman's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Uh...... So because I use Mod Organizer, I created a new profile with no mods except the ones installed to my skyrim's root (SKSE and ENB) and decided to create a new game. Saved and closed at Helgen just to check how small save files could possibly get because I'm self-conscious about mine. I then deleted the test profile, loaded the default, and went back in-game to my proper save, only to find it saving in 1 second again. I fast-traveled to a few different major holds (except Markarth because I always end up murdering the guards trying to arrest me for something Eltrys did) and saved again. 1 second. I've not saved the game since yesterday, so it couldn't have been the plugin change; because, to my save file, it never even happened.... right? You may be onto something. Especially considering the experience I just had^. Skyrim is the most 'binge-y' of my games, as in, I even leave it open with my person sitting in an inn if I'm afk. It runs for a quarter to half an entire day at a time. Buggy 2nd Session Details: Since I'm an aspiring Succubus mage, I raid every bandit fort I come across. I also, in that same session, traveled across the continent checking about 15 nordic ruins looking for Linen Wrap to make some Nightwinder mage armor. I also murdered like 20 people in markarth because I wanted Eltrys' money. I ALSO have a few 'Random Encounter' mods, so I come across people trying to kill me more often; Where you would encounter that creepy Khajiit wanderer, I encounter a 10v10 between bandits and Imperials, or a war skirmish, etc. My load times were never more than 2 seconds, usually instant, so I assumed everything was fine. Above all that, one of my better healing spells turns the corpses of my victims into ash piles, giving my a % of their negative health; I turn 1-5 of the 15 battle corpses into health. Lots of other huge events happened, but I've typed enough already. The only thing is, my game crashed once during the Dibella's Sybil quest. I noticed the entire dungeon was still having the lags after a game restart. This makes the first paragraph of this post that much weirder. I'll probably do a 3rd session today. I'll set the sleep menu to 48 hours instead of 24, so if things start save-lagging I'll do the 24 'resetting' hours+however much to get me to 8 or 9 am. If that somehow is the 2-step magic solution, I'll let you know. The ESP File? Doesn't that have the Racemenu&MCM&stuff? I kinda use those for FNIS animations... I also use the Racemenu plugin to edit individual body pieces, like thighs or something. The dual wield mod doesn't use any custom animations. What it does is allow you to block as if your left hand were holding a torch when it's actually holding a weapon. Multiple configs, the one I chose being right-click to block, left click will randomly use left or right hands while dual wielding. This is necessary since Perkus Maximus uses a lot more timed-blocks in combat. I think my largest ever save was 17 megabytes. I completed all of one of the DLC's, Wyrmstooth, explored most things, was level 35 or something, completed various other mod quests, etc. -
Skyrim: Taking FOREVER to Save
FierySwordswoman replied to FierySwordswoman's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Script latency test in a village with 30 ish people: 48ms average across multiple tests at various locations. ~About 10% slower than other people's, but they may not have taken the test in a semi-busy spot. Well, removing XPMSE will break a LOT of things. And you make it sound like it should be making my save file a lot larger than what it is. Right now, it's 11 megabytes, compared to a vanilla 9-10 ish megabytes. Not very 'bloated'. Also, the save file has only grown 0.4mb since it was taking 1 second to save versus 25 seconds. Probably from all the things I did in Markarth. -
Skyrim: Taking FOREVER to Save
FierySwordswoman replied to FierySwordswoman's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
The last time I added/updated a plugin was a month ago because I don't want anything breaking. I've got it pretty much crash-free despite having a 20 gigabyte 'mods' folder. I know it's ridiculous to look through a hundred plugins to look for conflicts (it's only there because someone asked me for it), but I can personally say I remove any redundant/stupid/unneeded mods, don't even know what a 'bashed patch' is, use the LOOT in Mod Organizer with no red flags (I had to manually re-order a couple small things), and can confirm it started immediately after finishing my first session on a new character. Again, all the 'high-res' mods have had their textures reduced to be 1024^2 maximum, so it's really just a cleaner, better-looking version of Bethesda's HD pack. I don't add things like SMIM because framerate. The only thing keeping my framerate down to 50 in common places in the crazy-good ENB preset I found; Skyrim, to me, can run ad sub-60 to a degree. 70% of combat is in 60fps indoorss. But yeah, most other games I don't let it drop below 60 no matter what. I somehow ran out of memory at defaultHeapInitialAllocMB=850 (most intensive in-game area) so I bumped it up to a gig just to make sure I never run out again. I told myself it's safe. Has worked fine. Sound mods? Like, replacing the cheesy sound effects with better ones? Not sure how that would cause bloating where mods with heavy custom voice acting wouldn't. I just can't get over how, after my first session with the character, the time to save grew by over 20 seconds. I literally was having nice, 1 second saves, then logged off for the night to go to sleep. Woke up the next day, booted my pc, and went straight into the game without touching anything else to find a ridiculously slow save system. The script thing seems like it'd be good to look into, and I've always wanted to do that, but I really don't want to mess around with convenient horses since I already have a couple small mods that touch the same area.