I always just shake my head when people rationalize their preference for the skimpy, slutty female armor by saying something like, "If I'm going to have to stare at a character's butt for so many hours (days), I'd just as soon it be hot." Really? Do you actually get some sort of gratification from a video game avatar? Having the entire internet with which to satisfy you every erotic viewing pleasure, it still has to permeate other areas of your life so? Even your video games? Don't get me wrong, I am very much a "different strokes for different folks" (pun intended) type of guy, but letting that mentality affect the extent to which you enjoy a video game is beyond cheapening for both the player and for the game publisher for catering to it in the first place. Personally, I very much prefer a much more pronounced line between an immersive RPG game play experience and a guilty pleasure.