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Everything posted by GamingSageBug

  1. Giveaways are cool and appreciated!!! Good luck everyone!
  2. Wooooooooo increase by 9000 social media presence!
  3. Always nice to see some giveaway action. Good luck to all fellow participants. If I win I'll finally buy Rocket League, when it is on sale, of course! ;p
  4. I myself am also curious about this. However I am looking to build a new rig to get rid of this old laptop and I've been looking into some mods myself, mainly large overhauls. I am going to go with STEP, GEMS, and Requiem for the 3 big overhauls then a bunch of individual/random mods such as CBBE w/ HDT, better vampires 7.0 or newer, some of the popular werewolf mods too, and other mods I can't think of right now. Also for this setup I'll probably be going with Dark Fantasy Overhaul paired with Bleak ENB, some fog, among other dark themed mods of whatever category. I can say STEP looks towards keeping things as close to vanilla as they can while improving the look of it. While GEMS does the same thing but game-play wise. Requiem is a large undertaking of game-play revisions much like old CRPG's such as Planescape: Torment, and the series of Baldurs gate & Icewind Dale. I know STEP has a detailed mod install guide, GEMS does not currently (at least officially), Requiem has a manual and a website to help with installation and incompatibilities. There are also a lot of mods with requiem patches. So I myself am looking to see if STEP, GEMS, and Requiem will be compatible with each other and if anyone has made a guide for all three. If I find anything I'll either edit my post or make a new one with my fruitful findings.
  5. I would love to see a set of enchanted items for alchemy and smithing that are within the vanilla game limits. I would do it myself but I have no experience with the CK but it does seem like a simple and easy task to do. Such as for alchemy: ring 33% amultet 33% falmer helmet 33% gloves 33% circlet 33% and smithing: gloves 33% chest 33% necklace 33% ring 33% The ring, amulet, and gloves could have both enchantments to cut down on item count. The type of ring and necklace doesn't really matter but I would prefer a plain silver or gold ones. For the gloves they can simply be the plain cloth gloves and the chest for smithing I would like to be the dark red apron. The circlet for alchemy can be gold and emerald. As to the naming the items that have both enhants could be named along the lines "Crafting gloves" and "Crafting Ring." For the alchemy and smithing ones I would like just simply "Smithing Apron, Alchemy Helmet, Alchemy circlet, etc... As for getting the items to the character perhaps somewhere near the start of the game? Doesn't really matter to me as long as I could get it early and its easily accesable.
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