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About Zachcuden

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  1. The mod is okay. It really doesn't match the body I use unfortunately haha. No blinking is kind of freaky too. It's not a bad piece of work if you can get it to match well and all that.
  2. Fail hard? If they fail so hard then why do they have so many endorsements? Anyway, somebody will change it eventually, just wait for it. And don't complain so much if it doesn't exactly fit your needs. Mod makers aren't making it for YOU. They make it for themselves and release it or just how they think the general audience would most enjoy it.
  3. How about instead of complaining about it you just ignore it? Even if it does come, it's optional. I personally would like to play co-op, not mmo.
  4. It's not uploaded. He ported it himself or made it himself. Which for now is a very very long and difficult process without the skills
  5. Just out of curiosity, you play at 25-35 fps? I'd much rather lower some things and get a very minor visual loss with huge fps gain.
  6. Happens with me too. Stupid consoles http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/psyduck.gif Aww lame. I wonder if it is possible for a mod to even fix that.
  7. I don't know if it's just my game but is it true that your person can only give off one body shadow on the ground at a time. If you have two different light sources from two different angles it still doesn't give off body two shadows on the ground? And also do some light sources not even give your player a shadow on the ground. In the dark brotherhood for example some of the fires give my player a shadow but some bright candles and stuff don't. Is it something wrong with my game or settings or is this true for everyone?
  8. Hey guys I've been trying to remove pieces from the nightingale armor such as having a piece in the back out to show skin. So far everything I've done just makes the part completely see through, even through the body, or just hasn't worked. The mod below managed to do it very well but I just can't figure out what they did. Even looking at it through gimp. I've tried threshold alpha and color to alpha but I'm new to all this and know I'm making a mistake somewhere. If somebody could just guide me through it, that would be fantastic. I've also tried looking this up but either I got nothing or the answers didn't apply to me. Like the person who asked the question already did something right and just saved it as the wrong format for example while I have no clue where to start. This is the mod that does it very well! http://skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=239
  9. Hey guys i've been coloring some armor and didn't even notice these dots for some reason, probably because I didn't zoom in much. But is there any way to fill them very quickly with neighboring correct colors instead of one by one which would take years? These places where there are "holes" make my armor transparent in the game so I need them filled quickly. Thanks a lot! If there is no way to fix this then I guess I just wasted like 5 hours working on this thing. The holes are EVERYWHERE though. All over the texture. http://i1141.photobucket.com/albums/n597/zachcuden/Holes.png
  10. More health and damage wouldn't make it any more fun. So repetitive and boring now imo. The game looks and feels great and all but there's so little to do. Sure theres 500 hours of gameplay, if you crawl everywhere. Theres not much enjoyable gameplay. Until modders fix it. Hopefully.
  11. And if you eat too much you get slow and gain weight hahaha. Yeah this would be a good idea though. I like how vampires have to drink blood but people don't have to eat.
  12. The drivers itself don't seem to cause any fps loss, just when you add things like ssao or forced aa
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