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About zotman12

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  1. I just really loved the outfit used in the preview pictures of HentaiLovelyHouse2, and wanted to know if there was a way for me to get the same outfit. I love your work, thank you for all you've done! :D
  2. Where you been man! You think you could bring something like Hentai Mania to Skyrim, but work with someone like a mod team to give it a full realized questline (dialouge included)?
  3. hello ,

    Do you allow me to make vampire retexture for you clothes (Vidala's Dress)?

  4. Hello Hentai (or zotman12?), I tried sending you PM but it wouldn't let me for whatever reason. I'm asking around to use popular weapons in an overhaul mod and I was wondering if you would allow me to use some of yours. It will work by compiling weapon mods and adding them to levelled lists rather than being resticted to forging or single locations. Let me know if your interested ;)
  5. I am making a complete overhaul of all the non bandit,forsworn, villian NPC's in the game.It is a complete make over of faces,hair and clothes. I would like to use your Karliah Armor as one of the components of the default outfits that I am making. I of course would credit you as the original author when mandating that your mod Hentai's Karliah Armor is a required mod for mine to function.
  6. whoops it didnt post right

  7. whoops it didnt post right

  8. are you going to add any more of elysees mods to this? like this for example
  9. are you going to add any more of elysees mods to this? like this for example
  10. Can you make Queen's Blade armors? Any chance?
  11. Go henti Go :D

    That is all.. ^0^~

  12. i would like to use wings from one of your mods in a race mod im working on
  13. i would like to use wings from one of your mods in a race mod im working on
  14. Brilliant mods man!
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