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Everything posted by unclepress

  1. Figured it out....in the NPC's greeting dialogue window I had "player address" checked, because I thought it made the player say "hey there" to the NPC but it really makes the NPC greet me as Codsworth does.
  2. I'm making a follower mod and for some reason every time you talk to her, she will begin by saying "Miss Ham" just like how Codsworth greets me, but with no audio. She then says the intro lines that I gave her. She has a custom voice type and I don't think I gave her any Codsworth stuff (e.g. combat style). I have no idea what's making her use Codsworth's greetings but I need to get rid of it...any ideas?
  3. Thank you!! I had conditions set to make sure only she could say it on the specific dialog lines, but not the whole quest, which totally fixed it. I still have the Codsworth greetings problem though.... her voice type is custom so it's not that, and I'm not sure what else would make her say Miss/Mister player everytime you greet. any ideas?
  4. Hey yall, I'm making my first legit mod which so far has added a follower who you can talk to and start a quest for, and a merchant. Somehow I messed it up apparently so that when my mod is loaded, settler NPCS wont talk to me, random diamond city residents wont greet me, and when i do "Talk" with hancock the dialog just closes instead of letting me do the relationship, thoughts, dismiss etc wheel. I'm pretty certain that I didn't edit any of the fallout files though I did look at maccready's dialog and things like that for reference. I'm a total beginner so it's pretty likely i did something simple & stupid but i can't for the life of me figure out what it is?? please help im dying Also for some reason my follower will say Codsworths greeting with no audio, so when you activate her it says "Miss Ham" and then goes on to my custom dialogue. help
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