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About PyroDarknessPanda

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  1. I’m creating my first mod that actually involves using the render window in the CK and have run into a few issues. The mod itself is just repositioning the fish tanks added by the Fishing creation in lakeview manor to the wall behind the forge instead of on the left-hand side of the first room. I moved everything and can add fish to the tanks, and they swim so…Success! However there a few problems. The floor and roof I added to extend the forge room into the fish room is flickering with the other connected floor bits.(KINDA FIXED) There are some clutter items that for some reason refuse to appear even when everything is built. (FIXED) When you enter the basement, you stare into the void until you come closer to the hallway.Any help would be greatly appreciated! I can send the ESP, take more screenshots or hop in a discord call to share screen if needed. Link with sceenshots: https://imgur.com/a/EnMB9rI EDIT: fixed one issue and kinda fixed the flickering problem
  2. I gotta hit the hay so i hope you fix it sooner than later i'll be on tomorrow if you still need help, good luck!
  3. As i don't know anything about MO i can only suggest you look up a video on how to completely uninstall a mod through MO just to make sure its actually uninstalling it not just disabling. an other things you could do is google around for mods that aren't compatible with parallax and go from there up to you really.
  4. in your case it's more then likely a conflict.
  5. If you can live without them Unistalling and removing all parallax textures would fix the problem of your screwed up parallax textures by definition, You can more than likely fix the messed up textures but that would require either alot of trial and error or someone more knowledgeable of parallax textures than I, if you still need it i'm always happy to help out.
  6. Sorry i'm not sure, I don't use Mod Organizer.
  7. Ignore what i sad about them editing meshes i went full retard on that its not true but parallax relies on default meshes not to be edited "or something to that effect".
  8. Parallax textures are *from my experiences complicated and annoying so i dont mess with them" as they edit the mesh of an object.so if youre bent on having them you could try to copy and paste all the things from 4K Parallax Skyrim by Pfuscher and override when prompted but that could override things you dont wont and may only fix a couple of the textures that are bugged as you dont know if thats the only conflict.
  9. just disabling it wont work as the conflict comes from the meshes, The easiest and quickest solution would be to uninstall all parallax textures and set both entries in the enb to false. Baring that you could find which specific meshes and in conflict and overwrite accordingly.
  10. Okay first things first this mod "4K Parallax Skyrim by Pfuscher" is NOT compatible with "Enhanced Lights and FX" as stated on By Pfuscher in his mod description. Know is it only some textures that are wacked out like only rocks or grasses or railings...etc because if thats the case then its only those meshes that are not compatible with each other.
  11. Set both "FixParallaxBugs" and "FixParallaxTerrain" to False tell me what it does. Also what Enb are you running and are you running any texture packs?
  12. Jesus you guys went all out! Can't wait to play it!
  13. Sweet can't wait to play this always loved the Dark Brotherhood but it felt pretty boring in Skyrim. Make Assassinations great Again!!
  14. Sorry for the late response. Okay,so the definitive is The Amazing World of Bikini Armor (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/83383) which has additional pieces for certain sets compared the standalone version. There is a second mod Bikini Ascend which adds Orcish and Elven but is not and will not (unless Nisetanaka changes his mind) be posted to the nexus. The TAWOBA version has more pieces but NONE of the followers or additional things like the dwarven dungeon there is a very basic male follower added but none of the female ones,TAWOBA is the most up to date version. I can give you the links as i dont think i can post them.
  15. Love pretty much everything minus the NPC ammo part wouldn't that create incompatibles with anything that added new npcs?
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