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About DeadStatix

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    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
    Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
  • Favourite Game
    Elder Scrolls: Skyrim

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  1. Enjoy A collection of Halo cinematics along with the beautiful voice of Malukah, just gives the tribute that heart felt feeling. Spent a few hours recording them from the Halo games and just timed it nicely with the song.
  2. Seriously wtf lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SG4vlmgGmWk&feature=youtu.be&a
  3. Just a short piece together movie really some of it is quite funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBD2Kibi_yU
  4. We need as much help as we can we have lots of great ideas for the mod.
  5. I had a little blast at creating Chuck Norris I hope turned out okay. http://www.youtube.com/user/DeadStatix?feature=mhee
  6. Ill re-edit it then Its annoying when people make simple videos but get tons of hits must be because I only have 25 subs lol. Not only that some of my videos are cool. Must be my editing then I need to work on sorry for the s*** video guys I understand!!! :(
  7. Will do in future thanks :) I am still learning guys
  8. Why don't ya I am just having a laugh with one for the women you fight with in a pub (Bannered Mare) makes perfect sense to me. But I understand I guess its quite hard to please anyone on communites these days gotta be a girl or some guy with a s*** cam or software lol.
  9. Funny video me knocking Uthgerd the Unbroken out enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t639g544ZZU&feature=channel_video_title
  10. Smell that fresh cheese lol Short clip I put together enjoy!!! With the power of a daedric shout http://youtu.be/BXGMgsVZoCE
  11. I love running around with no cloths on punching people lol!!!
  12. DeadStatix

    Sub 4 Sub

    Would love to get more subscriptions for my youtube channel, I will subscribe to anyone who subscribes to me. I upload content on a regular basis and will soon be making my own Machinema. Come check me out. http://www.youtube.com/user/DeadStatix?feature=mhee
  13. I just had to upload this footage of me walking under water so funny. I kinda glitched into it being a werewolf when I turned back into a human!!
  14. Yeah I was expecting them to be like wolf men so I am glad of the outcome kinda reminds me what the Underworld Werewolves looked like.
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