- What am I looking for? A simple house that has everything you could need for crafting, enchanting and whatnot. Believe it or not, such a thing does NOT exist on the nexus and I have really searched and looked and tried out a bunch that claimed to be simple. But every one of them either had something missing or was over-complicated. I don't want a castle, fort, mansion, estate, town or city to live in with too much decor and npc's. Just a simple house. - What location I prefer? Riverwood (or anywhere as long as fast travel is possible). As long as it's not a cave, nordic dungeon or whatnot I don't really mind where it is put. A house out in the snow is just as fine. Just not over-complicated by being on a massive island, floating in the air or on a mountain. - How many rooms and cells should be used? 1 cell, no more than 4 rooms. Main room/hall (entry exit to house) - Some weapon racks, maybe 2-4 display cases and 6-8 mannequins and 1 chair. Left room - Tanning rack, anvil, chopping block, grindstone, workbench (you know, the crafting tools) // and 4-6 chests, Right room - Alchemy and Enchanting station, 1 pouch on each table, 2 large bookshelves and a chest. Back room - Bed, cooking pot, 1 mannequin, 1 chest, fireplace and a wardrobe closet. (Basement - One vampire cattle behind bars) I mean, just all the essential stuff for crafting, sleeping, storage and a tiny bit of showoff with racks and quins. - What about decor and light sources? As little decor as possible, it really doesn't matter much to me. Just want a warm, wooden home that is functional. As for the light, common sense here. Bright and warm (not overdone of course), but no dark dungeon or dim lights where you cannot see the corners or a darn thing. (Maybe a lantern outside the house and a place to park the horse.) - What about kids room, follower rooms and dlc/expansion compatibility? Don't care about any of that, I play as a stealthy character and followers ruin everything so I do what I can alone. I'm a murdering vampire, ain't ever gonna have kids and I have killable children mod installed. I don't see why any sources from the Dragonborn, Hearthfire or Dawngard would be needed for a simple, basic and functional house. For gods sake, no NPC's, I will just kill them immediately upon sight. - Why haven't I done this myself? I have tried, many times, watched countless of youtube vids on how to use creation kit and I mess up every time and cannot make it work. Believe me, I wouldn't be here otherwise. Any way, hope someone is up for the challenge :) Thanks in advance!