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Posts posted by Jjiinx

  1. That sounds pretty tedious, although not all that difficult to accomplish, except for making it so that you couldn't loot people. Tons of leveled lists to edit. I'd be interested in seeing it. Can you think of a realistic reason why you would be unable to loot enemies, though? I can't, and that would bother me. Maybe making it instead that they all wore lower-level gear that people wouldn't be that interested in looting instead?

    I know it sounds weird that you wouldn't be able to loot an enemies' armor and weapons when you previously could in that game, however, in other videogames where you kill an enemy and can't loot them you wouldn't think twice about it. (If you pick up a Zelda game and kill a lizard man you don't try and take the sword from his corpse) The truth is; it's a videogame, and not being able to loot them is simply a design decision to make the game more structured.


    It's something that would seem odd at first but eventually wouldn't feel out of place (hopefully).


    After looking into it, it looks like the best way to accomplish this is to duplicate weapons and armor, make sure the existing gear isn't able to be used by the player, then with the copied gear place them into the game manually (on corpses, in chests, and in stores)

  2. So I've had this idea in my head for quite a while, but I have absolutely no idea where I would even start or if anyone would even be interested in it. I call it 'Structured Skyrim'


    Basically the idea is to disable the ability for the player to loot gear from npcs and instead the player must find gear upgrades primarily from stores, chests, and quests.


    An example would be mage quests rewarding the player with a spell or a mage robe, the harder the quest the better the reward.


    The player would start with basic gear as well (perhaps just the prisoner clothing and a wooden sword), and will find upgrades from quests, stores, and dungeons


    Chests have random loot except for gear and spells, these will be hand placed and not based on a leveled list


    Dungeons should have unleveled monsters that are around the same level as the gear found there (so a dungeon that has an Ebony Sword as it's reward will have fairly powerful creatures in it)




    So that's the basic idea, remove the random gear and spells from skyrim and make it structured, not unlike other structured games such as dark souls and zelda.


    If there's any kind of demand for a mod like this I could start on it and figure out exactly how complicated it will be

  3. So I've had this idea in my head for quite a while, but I have absolutely no idea where I would even start or if anyone would even be interested in it. I call it 'Structured Skyrim'


    Basically the idea is to disable the ability for the player to loot gear from npcs and instead the player must find gear upgrades primarily from stores, chests, and quests.


    An example would be mage quests rewarding the player with a spell or a mage robe, the harder the quest the better the reward.


    The player would start with basic gear as well (perhaps just the prisoner clothing and a wooden sword), and will find upgrades from quests, stores, and dungeons


    Chests have random loot except for gear and spells, these will be hand placed and not based on a leveled list


    Dungeons should have unleveled monsters that are around the same level as the gear found there (so a dungeon that has an Ebony Sword as it's reward will have fairly powerful creatures in it)




    So that's the basic idea, remove the random gear and spells from skyrim and make it structured, not unlike other structured games such as dark souls and zelda.


    If there's any kind of demand for a mod like this I could start on it and figure out exactly how complicated it will be

  4. So I'm trying to add a new spell that summons a hoard of rats to fight for the player, for the most part is works, however, once the rats are summoned they are VERY aggressive, they even attack eachother. I've tried lowering the creature's agression both through the creature editor and through script and I've tried adding playerfaction and removing all factions, nothing seems to work...


    Scriptname summonratswarm extends ActiveMagicEffect  
    Faction Property PlayerFaction  Auto  
    Actor rat1
    Actor rat2
    Actor rat3
    Actor rat4
    Actor rat5
    EVENT onEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    		rat1 = akCaster.placeatme(rat, 1) as actor
    		rat2 = akCaster.placeatme(rat, 1) as actor
    		rat3 = akCaster.placeatme(rat, 1) as actor
    		rat4 = akCaster.placeatme(rat, 1) as actor
    		rat5 = akCaster.placeatme(rat, 1) as actor
    EVENT onEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) 


  5. There's a lot of talk about how the game starts out difficult, but becomes too easy around chapter 2 and 3. Yes, there's a mod out there that attempts to solve this issue, but it changes way too much about the game for my liking. I think this issue can be solved with a minimalist approach, by simply lowering values on each skill in the skill trees. This doesn't really weaken you too hard at the beginning, and as you gain more and more nerfed skills you become much weaker compared to a geralt using a non nerfed skill tree, thus balancing out endgame to make it harder, or at the very least, not godmode.


    So what I'm really asking is, is there a simple way to edit the skill trees? Is it as simple as modifying the geralt_skills.xml file?


    EDIT: I figured it out, making the mod now.


    EDIT 2: Finished: http://witchernexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=215

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