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Posts posted by dek55

  1. Is playing with this old exe version going to be problem if having several SKSE dependant mods? Is this just about replacing Skyrim.exe with the old version or there are other game files updated that would cause problems playing with SKSE modded game?


  2. So this is something going for a while, whenever it starts raining, mountains in the distance are white/grey with almost no textures, clearly some sort of bug but can't figure the culprit.


    I don' use any ENB's.


    Anyone with similar issues?


  3. I'm a bit confused how followers level up. Do they increase all their skills evenly or just those they specialize in?


    Take Faendal for example. If he levels up, will he get increase in all skills or just the ones he specializes in (archery, light armor...)?

  4. Okay, so I'm playing with my imperial character but would really like to know how to remove ''voice of the emperor'' racial power beacuse it makes me feel overpowered.. You can practically storm anywhere and ''calm'' enemies and then backstab them one by one..really gamebreaking


    Is there any way?



  5. This is one of my favorite mods, it really makes Skyrim look much better with no FPS loss at all. Personall, I don't use ENB's, this small mod gives me everything I need.


    However, there is no Dawnguard and Dragonborn version, so it would be great If someone could make something similar for both Skyrim DLC's.



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