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  1. So after a break I have returned to skyrim, downloaded some new mods updated old ones and removed some. Start a fresh new character I was hoping for a few role playing ideas. Thing is I have never been good with the whole backstory part and how they came to be. Any help is appreciated. Name: Drake Ravencrest Sex: Male Race: Nord??? Skills: One-Handed Marksman Illusion Sneak Pickpocket Speech I have all DLC's also so any info regarding dawnguard and dragon born and reasoning behind it is welcome. Profession: Thinking something like a Gang Leader so any tips on mods for hideouts jobs armours that sort of thing are also a great help. Gang Leader You can be any of the criminals you want, and you can even make up your own ideas, but have followers, and a hideout. Have a name for your gang and make it relative to something like your favored weapon, or race. You could start a gang called 'The Khajiits', or 'The Swords'. You could engage in any activity you would like. For example; Drug dealing, murder, thievery, and more. Your followers worship you, either because they are drugged up, honor you, or are scared of you. Make sure you wear the same apparel and use the same weapons, unless each person has their own specialty. Most of the things in this idea are optional to the kind of gang you have. Download a follower mod that allows more followers.Start small and make a new character You can then start to get money together and buy a small house and have a follower . Rob houses and sell drugs to people.Create your own drugs using alchemy. Move into a bigger house and get more followers.Design a ranking system and RP extorting each week of business's and use the console once a week for that . Join the thieves guild so you can sell to fences. You could also have a "drug farm" in a farming area . And buy a few drugs and roleplay planting seeds. You could then use the console to add drugs each week.Bribe guards by dropping money closeby. Dont have a farm right inside a village because guards would find it .Lets say a guard raid descovers your drug farm and there is an investigation and one of your people rats and is in protection in dragonsreach. Find him and kill him. Steal from houses and sell to a fence. An example for drugs could be: A drug lab that makes Sleeping tree sap - 75 gold per vial A farm that farms ingredients for skooma - 25 gold per vial You could also extort farms and go as far as corrupting the jarl of a city for a large sum. You would have to Name your gang of course and as it gets bigger move to a bigger house or download a castle mod . Raid Bandits and use their HQ.Murder Officals for messing with your business and kill innocents as a warning to others.Maybe you have "girls" in your HQ.Kill people that look at you wrong just because of who you are. Hide bodies in lakes or maybe bring them out in public. Put a dead body in the local Inn owners bed!Become rich and start to takeover city's.Maybe you get caught by the guards and are offered life in cihlad mine or you rat.Own a big house and keep your drugs in a shelf. Escape from Jail. You could become a drug addict and start to kill people over small things like bumping into you .The possibilites are endless![/url] Please any help is grateful
  2. @ CabelD I think I love you haha that's a heap of help. After reading it several times I have some finally come up with some answers for you. Drake was born in Skyrim He was raised on a farm then moved to riverwood and established a small home and farm to sell to the locals and passing merchants. He is a believer in the 9 divines Extremely bitter against the empire for selling out talos. I think he will live a simple life then go investigate Helgen. I use the mod random alternative start so you have to investigate Helgen to start the Dragonborn quest line. Anyway he will live a simple life then join the stormcloaks, then he will go join the imperials upon getting the crown. I want to think of him either being adopted or living/growing up with his uncle? Maybe. Father was killed (assassination attempt?, for worshiping talos?, giving information about the Imprrials to the Stormcloaks?,) Kills (or atleast tries to) every thalmor patrol regardless, because of deep hatred for them, fears the Khajiit, something about them unsettles him. He will mainly use his bow at first, always been good at hunting so he will use this to his advantage then will work on one handed (hate two handed) will use light armour and clothes. I already use frostfall, haven't really tried ones that require you to eat and sleep though, don't want to really be half way through a cave then have to sleep, that breaks immersion for me. Sleeping while in a cave you would be most Likly captured.
  3. Ok so I know this gets asked a S#%? Load but anyway, I'm starting my game again. Can't seem to log up very many hours with my characters. Anyway I'm using my riverwood fishing shack mod and started a new character a nord called drake ravencrest now he uses normal clothes and boots with a steel sabre imperial bow and steel arrows with a travel cloak and backpack. His home base at the minute will be my mod. Anyway. How can I role play successfully as a nord living off the land and then joining the war effort (which side?) and taking over Skyrim. Amy help would be amazing. I also have all DLC'S
  4. fortie


    How can I increase my LOD so trees and grass appear further away. I'm using vurts flora overhaul as I'm sure almost everyone would be yeah? Anyway I want trees and grasses to show further away like when I'm in the tundra In whiterun it's very immersion breaking looking a few hundred metres in front and seeing a rough texture barren land but then move a little further and it all appears. Same as when I'm out near solitude looking from the mountains down. Anyone can help with this. I think it's to do with my ini file
  5. Thank you I think that should be ok haha
  6. Sorry, when I meant world navmesh that's what I meant exterior world cells. Like in the ck riverwood1 riverwood2 and so forth.
  7. Where can I find information on how to change the world navmesh like navmesh of riverwood and so forth
  8. Ok so I am FINALLY getting skyrim to look how I want it to without use if enbs or anything. But I have thought about using one. Any ideas as to what enb to use. I don't want one that will make everything too dark I want one to just increase the vibrancy and colors I think. Ha Also I'm using fantasy music overhaul but what other sound mods could I use. I want ambient sounds like birds and such. Is there such mod I can't seem to find one.
  9. I would love for someone to overhaul Markarth. Its a city I don't visit alot because it doesn't appeal to me. All i'm asking is to make it more inviting. Trees, pines and aspens seating lanterns hanging from bridges. I have all DLC's so you can use whatever you like. I have tried many times but failed miserably. It could also lead on to other cities and towns which i have many ideas for also.
  10. I use two mods that let me leave calling cards. One is for the dark brotherhood similar to the "we know" except I changed it into something like "your sims have been repaid in your blood and death" And for theft I use a mod that lets you make a small silver fox which I leave behind Otherwise I leave For murders Deathbell/dragons tongue/bleeding crown/bear claws. Whatever one I have at the time. For thefts 2 empty wine bottles, 1 ruined book, 2 lock picks and a basket And for every murder/death I make I add 1 skull to my inventory using console commands
  11. Ok so I have had skyrim since it was first released and I have never played as a Breton or argonian until now I finally made a decent argonian. What I want though is what roleplay could you use as an argonian and do you know of any good mods to suit an Argonian retextures of their skin house mods for them that sort of thing.
  12. Like what Bhanqwa said some items can not be equipped by the player. So when you add the item but it doesn't show up in your inventory that is one of the items. You will find though that even though its not in your inventory it will still add to your carry weight so you could be over encumbered but be carrying nothing this way. When you add an item and it doesn't appear use the command player.removeitem (item code) # So for an easy example player.additem 000000f 100 adds 100 septims but player.removeitem 000000f 100 removes 100 septims. Hopefully that helps
  13. Yes it's a "can" not a "must" you can activate it when skill hits 100. Don't have to though. It's to make enemies once again stronger then you on the end game. Although I don't know why you would reset say smithing. It wouldn't achieve anything.
  14. ok so it all works so far with all my mods installed and ones made by me which is good. shouldn't (touch wood) break anything
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