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About meeking

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    United States
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    cant say lots of good ones out there

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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. so you came to spy on me huh you know who you are
  2. 안녕하세요 an nyeong haseyo happy new year to you as well my friend hope yours is great
  3. Just passing by today to say hiya :)
  4. dont think ill be sharing pics anymore .i think i do an ok job yet i am over looked .. by far not near the best but im ok and some here could take a pic of a foot and it will blow up with praise ... not really worth it if thats the case ..
  5. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. made some invisible endorses,cant write anything useful today =)
  7. yeah, know what youre saying....my son gonna trun 11 in 3 month.....enjoy it as long as their little and don't talk back to you ;-)
  8. ty for the nice words and wishes yah my son he used to jus sleep now its more cry then eat and sleep ahhhhhh !!! =)
  9. ty man yah enjoying my lil bundle of joy and the week i got off work =)
  10. Best wishes to you and ur lil' family. And don't worry too much about stupid comments on the Image site. You take great shots ;-)
  11. ty for the comment its been a tough few days but had some time to myself today so its been nice being a dad is great but taking a lot outa me at the same time lol but my son seems to love his sleep so il pop in from time to time =)
  12. hey ty man being a dad is great =)
  13. congratz to family and hope u came back once,take care my friend!
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