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Posts posted by Firemans

  1. Now I'm uncertain if there are just no mods for thrown weapons or if I'm just missing them.


    There was one mod for Javelins posted on the Nexus and one overall Throw weapon improvement mod (Skirmisher).


    But where are the mods where you throw bricks, stones, giant hypnodisks, glaives, pieces of furniture, picket fences, barbed wire poles, heck even regular poles would work, harpoons and what not.


    These are things I would love to see thrown around in Fallout: New Vegas.



  2. I simply want to change the armor rating of an item and looking through all the tutorials this is too difficult to find, because all the mods are too advanced, I just want to change the armor rating to make the item "unarmored" so it'll work with the Way of the Monk mod.


    Anyone can help me? Didn't want to start a new topic for it.


    EDIT: Looked around for a pretty long time, couldn't solve it myself.


    Ended up using SkyEdit to copy another mod's .esp and modifying that by changing the model of the robes (which already had 0 armor) to the armor I wanted to have 0 armor.

  3. I'm using RealVision as well, looks great. It's closer to vanilla but still looks good.


    I don't want all colors in something that is suppose to be a rotting cave. Caves should be dark and parties should be colorful. RealVIsion covers them both imo.

  4. Hey guys,


    I made myself a combination of mods to make for a more fun and interesting playthrough as monk. This monk also forces on the mind, by using alteration spells.


    I personally felt that even though there are a lot of seperate monk mods, they don't add up to actually fun gameplay (by lack of abilities or attack). That's why I went looking for a good combination of mods to make a fun pack. First following the suggested mods (as I started off with Way of the Monk).


    The following is a combination of Way of the Monk, Martial Arts (animations), Dual Wield Parrying, Dance of Death, Spell: Master the Time and Space, Dodge and Advanced Alteration - Telekinetics. And ofcourse your choice of monk armor, I like Dragonfists, so I took Dragonfists ^^.



    Other mods that may have influence on what you see here: XP32 Maximum Skeleton and Realistic Ragdolls and Force.


    I personally love playing like this and was lucky enough to record three (different) killing blows here. I didn't show enough ot the telekinetics, but could record that later. I'm having so much fun with it that I decided to share it. AFAIK the load order of these mods does not matter.


    As you can tell, it's not an overpowered combination (unless you use slowmotion all the time, which I don't prefer) as I almost die in the video against some bandits, durp. :tongue:





  5. Nice! I play this game for this stuff.


    Of course it's just hearsay now, but way back in Fo3 I remember pasting some fellow at Wilhem's Wharf (Grandma Sparkle's shack) from across the Potomac, perched on a corner of the Anchorage war memorial. When I swam over the bloke was still propped up in his chair, headless.


    Same here, it's always great when such long shots go the way they should :P

  6. Wow that was a good shot :thumbsup: Accidental or on purpose?


    On purpose actually, cause I kept failing at the quickly freezing the screen I had to do it over a few times.


    Guy always spawns there so :P

  7. I would love an RPG with no 'main' quest line, an immense open spherical world


    Imma stop you right there, is that what you really want?


    Basically you're running around aimlessly constantly doing fetching letters and bringing them from one location to another, sometimes killing a few enemies for a quest. It'd just turn into a Hack, Travel & Slash.


    You MUST have a good storyline to make a good RPG.

  8. Larry - Leisure Suit Larry Series

    Roger Wilco - Space Quest Series

    Guybrush Threepwood - Monkey Island (anyone remembering the famous "duel" ? :laugh:)



    Moira Brown - Fallout 3

    Svetlana - Dead Island



    Is it sad I don't know of ANY of those game characters?


    Well I would be quite ashamed of myself if I didn't know Guybrush Threepwood, but that's just me.


    So it's not sad per se.


    Also, Jan Jansen, Jon Irenicus and Sarevok from Baldur's Gate. Especially Jan Jansen he's great.

  9. You're probably looking for Divinity 2: Ergo Draconis, which is quite fun/good if you can ignore some of the bad animations.


    You will be able to turn into a dragon after you get your Dragon Amulet, it all looks pretty decent as well and the gameplay is good enough to get through.

  10. Interesting!


    Unfortunately, I need to also review gameplay/story balance as well as how the interactivity works within the story. So I can't just review the story presented in cutscenes.


    Cool idea for a channel though for people who may have missed previous games in a series!


    I'd definitely play and review Mafia if you haven't already finished it before, not only because it's an awesome game, but it'll also attract a lot of views because of Mafia 2.



    Either way I like your reviews so far and your argumentation, even though as always there are things I don't agree with :P

  11. I've started a similar project with Mafia, but without giving a review, I've simply cut out the things that have little to do with the story (which does indeed leave mostly cutscenes and in-game scenes left).


    I'm on 50 minutes now and about halfway through the game. I suggest you review it as well as its one of the best written storylines I've ever played (also Baldur's Gate, Planescape Torment, Sanitarium and some others). And this way you don't have to play the game, you can just take my "movie" :P


    Here's the first four parts:




  12. Another update, you can read the Blog update here!


    Featuring an old familiar, Val Hella from C1! Val Hella seems to have some kind of anti-aging creme (or maybe she's a time traveller) because she ended up looking (or being?) younger than in C1, this is the C1 mugshot:




    In addition they gave her a cute lil' dog based on this picture:



    Now isn't that cute? So here she is (with dog, by Doug Telford):




    Here's the image link (bigger version)


    Now, if you played C1, the car Val Hella drove was the Cleaver (which was also on the cover of Carmageddon II, even though the car wasn't actually in the game). I quote:


    The Cleaver. As it was a pretty strong design in the original game, we decided to just give it the lightest of makeovers


    So here it is, the rejuvenated Cleaver:




    Here is the image link (bigger version)



    I personally love the blades on the side of the wheels as they were in C1, I just hope they would actually contribute something this time to the combat, ripping the metal from other cars.


    There's another of the Blog here by Simone, she's a woman. Really? Yes. And she makes games of which the main goal is to drive over people and destroy eachother? Yes. Pretty cool right? Be sure to check out her part of the blog here: Designer's Digest.


    Another competition has started as well, called "What a Prat". If you don't know what the prat cam is, it's the image that was shown in C1 in the upper left corner. Basically it was a camera inside the car that would film the driver as they were driving into people, crashing into cars and bumping into walls. Here's how Max (Tony the madman on the forums) looked in the prat cam:




    Now you get to make your own prat cam with whatever you want, however you want. Just make sure it's funny!


    You can win a goodie bag, with a signed T-shirt! I'm kinda late with the contest :x You only have 10 days left!

  13. Finished the game and somehow I don't feel the need to play it again.


    Not such a great game after all.



    It's always fun to play with people :)


    Yeah but after doing it for a while it all gets the same. After all it's just killing zombies. And most people who play online (I don't have any friends that own Dead Island) either kick you as soon as you join, or they rush through the storyline/quests for no reason. Most of them don't even know how to type hey.


    And the game itself wasn't that amazing, hardly repeatable.

  14. I'm Dutch and I recently bought a game off someone for 10 Euros through e-bay and the price on the cover said 100 guldens. The game's from 1998 and it cost €45,45.


    That's around the same price a game is nowadays, I don't know what you're talking about. They've always been way too expensive.

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