Hey all, I have a problem with my mods... when ive downloaded and installed a mod correctly and activated it at the Data Files, they will never appear to me in the game... i tried too walk around and find the Heroes Store as an example, but i'll never see it. Same thing with some other buildings. I also tried it with a new account, i completed the Tutorial etc and tried to get there and see if the mod was working, but it doesnt. Please Help... I dont know why it doesnt work for me.... I have Windows 7, the Original Oblivion and the game itself works perfectly. I never install new patches so i dont know if thats the problem. I also dont use OBSE (Oblivion Script Extender), BOSS (Better Oblivion Sorting Software) or OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager). I always use WINRAR. Please help me... i want to get this mod problem solved. Thanks!