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The Samurai Orc- Ken Ralliman

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About The Samurai Orc- Ken Ralliman

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  1. "I drink... I drink to relieve myself of the stress and burden of my umm... 'occupation', you could call it... hmm... I never had the thought of memories from my homeland." Ken laughs at this. "I would then have to have a mug of Matze about" and with a hand gesture: "...about that big...Hahahaha" His hands spaced pretty widely apart. "So... He-Who-Is-Not-Seen, well I thats a hard name to remember. Can I just call you Friend or Argonian? That's much easier. So....Friend-Argonian, what is your story, it does seem everyone who comes here has a worthy-of-listening-to story..."
  2. Ken, who has been quiet for a while, sleepily drinking his ale looks over to He-Who-Is-Not-Seen from his seat the other side of Shazdon(still there from their conversation earlier...) "Well, another Argonian, I was unaware at how much you people drink. Well, I enjoy time with a drinker occasionally..." Ken stops to drink for his mug, only to realize it empty, so he orders another and continues, "Ken... Ken Ralliman pleased to meet to you, and your name is...?" Ken returns to his filled-to-the-top drink, his eyes tired from sleepless days.
  3. OOC: Hahah.... you loooooove doing that don't you....?
  4. Ken sips his is ale, then looks thoughtfully at it. He turns to the new voice with a quick jerk. I didn't even see him come in! He looks back at his drink then back at the new patron. "Greetings, yes please do tell us your name."
  5. OOC: Cete is more a person we may want to meet then.... Ken watches as the new Patron enters, waiting to introduce himself...
  6. Ken laughs at Has-Big-Axe's tale and that he may be the next. "It must be shame to have to watch your back almost every waking and sleeping moment of your travels." Ken laughs again "I am sure though, if an assassin is in this tavern with an intention to kill you, if not anyone else, at least I will help if the help is needed...." Ken laughs and takes a drink. "It must be no coincidence that you have met this assassin argonion who angers at the world if they are not to his liking. Hahaha. I mean no offense argonian, you are surely a good man and respectable, you do not want to kill our other argonian friend, now do you?" Ken reaches down to the hilt of his yellow-bright blade(just in case), but still smiles at his own joking.
  7. Ken sits.... silent.... I... have had no comrades.... I... He shakes it off. "Argonian, the one who was here first: you are very seclusive, if you ask me, you care only about your own kind.... and hardly that, at times(from what I see), then you trust one who merely looks at another race of imprisoning, law-loving, rats of the Empire...." "I dispise the enforcement of these days," Ken seems to be talking to himself now, "the Emporer must be way over his head, and to think... allowing such things as assassinations of someone uncriminalized. Disgusting. I ended up here because of uproven accusations of that law... muder...ha! I hadn't killed more than a scurrying rat back then... now, of course, I am much different. Accusing me of murder is an understatement." Ken stops.... Did I say that out loud?
  8. "And a prevention must be made to these assassins, and their so called: 'rightful duties'. Or is maybe not the assassins we should blame, but more... the person behind it... the one who hired the assassin. Because, you should know as well as I, an assassin does not kill without pay, unless its personal. Did your comrade know anyone of such occupation? I am sorry to not feel your pain, but I have never met anyone to mourn for their death, merely a travelling pertener, or a mercenary, none much of importance to me. I have fought battles, and lost comrades in the fight, but, like I said, none worthy of mourning for." The words dont seem right to Ken... had he met a personage that much in his comraderitial(is that even a word?) favor? This makes Ken think about his battles and his encounters with such people as assassins.
  9. "A drink is a drink, in my eyes. I think our red winged friend is the only one around here with a sane mind.... haha. Well, at this later hour, many new patrons have arrived, it seems only fit to intruduce myself. I am Ken Ralliman, to anyone that bothers to care..." Ken's spirits seem to have lightened from his earlier mood. "If there is a request for somehing, Ken is your Orc, depending on what it may be. I can take many a few three or four assassins on at once, but I have no intention to brag..." Ken laughs to himself at this.
  10. "The argonian between our conversation was the one to hate others who does not have the same blood as him. I look down only to weaker ones, even my own orc kin. I can't tell with you or the argonian, for the fact at the moment. The argonian hates your kind, merely because two-thirds of their population imprisons his kind as slaves. The other third is judged the same way, because of majority influence. What I am getting at, is I am not hateful towards another race merely because they are not my kind, I hate others by their own judgement of things." Ken takes a drink of his ale. He drinks the last bit slowly, to finish it off. "Argonian, just because I am twice a breton's size, does not mean he could not defeat me with magic, now does it?"
  11. "First off, I would like to say: you'd better watch what YOU say Argonian, if you know whats good for you. And secondly, I am on equal plane with no one, thank you. I do not want to start any kind of fight here, because I do not want to do something I might regret." With this ken takes another drink of his ale. "So, you should show more respect Argonian. And I would also like to revive a remark I made earlier: I would expect better. From anyone for that matter." Ken looks at both the strangely darker Argonian AND Shazdon. "You'd better know that. Oh, by the way, Do any of you have names?" Ken smiles, but knows it's only amusing to him. He takes another drink, waiting for a reply to what he just said.
  12. Ken glares at Shazdon for a moment and returns to his drink... "My story, huh? Well, I came from the other side of Tamriel, you might say... only about a year or so back... Orsirnium(?sp?) our orc city, I'm sure you know of it..." Ken says from from inside his mug. "I was outlawed by the disgusting Imperial law of crimes I did not commit. The only thing I could do was run. I ran from from my city all the way to Morrowind. I had many perilous adventures along the way... much too many to tell you here in one night..." Ken takes another drink, "even fought a Giant, i did. Yup, he was five times taller than me, and you have seen an orc's size. I killed him with my axe... it was a tough struggle though..." Ken pauses for a moment, thinking, "real tough... the whole thing I mean. From wherever I was in Morrowind, i made my way here. I'm Ken Ralliman, nice to meet you, I don't talk to people much. I normally fight my way through things. I don't need to say much more do I?" Ken returns to his drink, but stops in the middle, as if he forgot to mention something... "and I don't need any herbs, thank you..." "by the way that remark back there, I didn't really expect anyone to hear that, you've got a keen ear." Ken smiles at Shazdon, and returns to his drink in the manner he was when he came.
  13. Ken just laughs quietly at this conversation..."Pathetic local ingrates... I'd truly expect better" He mumbles to himself.... for he is to full of himself to believe anyone can scratch him
  14. introducing: Ken Ralliman, call him Ken pronounced: KEN RAL-lee-men sex:male armor:almost all orcish Ken is an escaped outlaw once named Rada Gro-Dairgrosh. He now goes by and lives under his outlaw name Ken Ralliman A bulky orc walks into the tavern. He is wearing a hooded robe, the hood is not on. Instead, he has a Gondalier's Helm shadowing his face. a peculiar choice of fashion for his type. On the shoulders of the robe, rest two orcish pauldrons, fixed on tightly. At his sides hang two sheathed swords, both of them a strange curved shape. From the cracks between the blade and sheath on one, a strange yellowish light glows, on the other, a bluish light comes from within the sheath. The orc takes a brief look around the room, eying everyone(he seems the fighting type)and then goes and takes a seat at the counter. "Bartender, I'll have an ale..." he says, almost quietly, as he waves his finger towards the bartender. Then he smiles to the person in the seat right next to him. Merely briefly.
  15. anime! ya! i mean... ::ahem:: petty pleasures... :shifty: cursed signature thing. :oops:
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