Ken glares at Shazdon for a moment and returns to his drink... "My story, huh? Well, I came from the other side of Tamriel, you might say... only about a year or so back... Orsirnium(?sp?) our orc city, I'm sure you know of it..." Ken says from from inside his mug. "I was outlawed by the disgusting Imperial law of crimes I did not commit. The only thing I could do was run. I ran from from my city all the way to Morrowind. I had many perilous adventures along the way... much too many to tell you here in one night..." Ken takes another drink, "even fought a Giant, i did. Yup, he was five times taller than me, and you have seen an orc's size. I killed him with my axe... it was a tough struggle though..." Ken pauses for a moment, thinking, "real tough... the whole thing I mean. From wherever I was in Morrowind, i made my way here. I'm Ken Ralliman, nice to meet you, I don't talk to people much. I normally fight my way through things. I don't need to say much more do I?" Ken returns to his drink, but stops in the middle, as if he forgot to mention something... "and I don't need any herbs, thank you..." "by the way that remark back there, I didn't really expect anyone to hear that, you've got a keen ear." Ken smiles at Shazdon, and returns to his drink in the manner he was when he came.