Blocking is nice, but it should be better. It should always block all incoming damage from blocked attacks (otherwise it's not really blocking). Furthermore it should protect (somewhat) against dragon's breath, and better with the aid of enchantments or a dragons breath blocking perk. The problem with blocking all damage is obvious: invincibility (to melee attacks) while defending. Hence the title of this thread, 'Block Breaker and Real Blocking'. Blocking all damage would work out favorably and strategically if there was a way to break open blocks staggering the defender. Well, if someone could make bashing, or better, yet power bashing break open blocks, then we'd have good defense and no invincibility problem, ta-da. Not only that but blocking would really block damage without creating a way to avoid all melee damage. In real life, blocking doesn't work for very long because it's easier to strike than to catch a strike and shields can be grabbed or used against you when your opponent gets in too close. After a block breaking attack is in place, the AI has to use power bashes to break open your attacks. How often or how easily they can should be dependent on how difficult you want it to be to block. On a side note, I think that (with animations) it'd be very spectacular to have a high level blocking perk that allows you to block from all directions. An animated reflexive block from behind with shield and weapon to block both missile and melee attacks would make blocking much more entertaining and worthwhile. Second, a perk with a chance to deflect arrows while blocking with bare hands or with your weapon. Please share your thoughts.