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  1. I think it could use a bigger crossguard/midsection to be in proper proportion with the handle and blade. Maybe just make the horns on the crossbar longer.
  2. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/947844-playing-as-multiple-characters-in-one-game/?hl=%20player%20%20the%20%20same%20%20game There is already a thread I created about this very idea. It might be possible.
  3. Well, I think this could be the beginning of a great quest and house mod. Create a dream world where you encounter a struggle with deadra like Vaermina and end up in a quest that gives you a house you can access by entering the dream world.
  4. Yeah, I found that out recently, thanks anyway.
  5. I like the idea of adding abient sounds to dungeons. A backround howl or scream, rattling chains, creaky door hinges. There are already mods that make dungeons darker. I don't know how someone might go about shock events. The closest thing I could imagine is a creature that works like a jack in-the-box jumping out and in all speed attempting to tear you limb from limb.
  6. Indeed, but this is just one of many things that could be done to make make the wilderness more immersive and perilous alongside mods like Frostfall and RND.
  7. You know, I've recently begun playing theHeroes of Might and Magic games again. It brings back memories from the Might and Magic RPG games and I think it would be great to be able to permanently change into a Lich or skeletal being as in heroes of might and magic. If someone added a skeletal transformer in a lich lab to Skyrim it would fit in much nicer than replacing the vampire lord. I'm sure much scripting would need to be involved, and some armor created to go with it, but it sure would be awesome.
  8. How about a mod that let's you turn into a great big smoky flaming demon. Now, as a counter-opposite to this without using were-style animations only standard animations, how about being able to transform into a large bright winged angelic armored being with a powerful flaming sword in one hand and some fire spell in the other with some symbolic references to the divines. Then add a quest about becoming aedra/daedra that rewards you with one of these two forms upon completion.
  9. Blocking is nice, but it should be better. It should always block all incoming damage from blocked attacks (otherwise it's not really blocking). Furthermore it should protect (somewhat) against dragon's breath, and better with the aid of enchantments or a dragons breath blocking perk. The problem with blocking all damage is obvious: invincibility (to melee attacks) while defending. Hence the title of this thread, 'Block Breaker and Real Blocking'. Blocking all damage would work out favorably and strategically if there was a way to break open blocks staggering the defender. Well, if someone could make bashing, or better, yet power bashing break open blocks, then we'd have good defense and no invincibility problem, ta-da. Not only that but blocking would really block damage without creating a way to avoid all melee damage. In real life, blocking doesn't work for very long because it's easier to strike than to catch a strike and shields can be grabbed or used against you when your opponent gets in too close. After a block breaking attack is in place, the AI has to use power bashes to break open your attacks. How often or how easily they can should be dependent on how difficult you want it to be to block. On a side note, I think that (with animations) it'd be very spectacular to have a high level blocking perk that allows you to block from all directions. An animated reflexive block from behind with shield and weapon to block both missile and melee attacks would make blocking much more entertaining and worthwhile. Second, a perk with a chance to deflect arrows while blocking with bare hands or with your weapon. Please share your thoughts.
  10. I'm always interested in mods that make the wilderness more dangerous without spamming players with wolf attacks, bandits and monsters. The game has about enough of that. I noticed water falls and rapids are not too strong, nor are rivers. Anyone with the know how, please create a mod that makes water the force of nature it is. It should be preferable to use a bridge for more than the Frostfall mod's cold water effects. I want rivers that can pull you down randomly and cause you to ragdoll down rapids or a waterfall with deadly force, taking small to large percentages of health. Maybe if it took stamina to cross large falls and made it so you have to walk when crossing rushing water shallow enough to wade across. Also, the force of rivers on swimmers should be much stronger in certain spots and in certain rivers. I'm not sure if script extenders allow for all this, but if they allow for any of it, there must be a talented modder who can make this happen. Let me know what you think.
  11. It's actually rather simple to disable killmoves and it shouldn't be too hard to have someone overwrite the blood textures and effects. Then all you need is for someone to remove certain lines of dialogue, skooma dealers and alcoholic beverages from the game, and as you know replace some nasty creatures with something more appropriate. I think having children play the game (after it's made clean) should be no big deal. In fact the 'complexity' Jaradin refers to might be developmentally helpful for problem solving and learning. Not that I condone long hours of gaming for children. That has had a bad impact on my social skills and my willingness to try more constructive, useful hobbies.
  12. If I may make a suggestion, perhaps when you enter the hall at Sovengard you could have Ysgramor be wearing this armor.
  13. I'm kinda concerned that people feel the need for that level of immersion. I like the eating and drinking for the immersion too, but mainly for the survival aspect (the problem right now is food is too easy to find and steal). The wilds should be a place to prepare for, and add a sense of authenticity to running out into the open. While were adding useless things for realism, why not make gong pits for s*** and have NPCs do it too, with actual 24 hour days. I assume that given how time passes in Skyrim, there is time for your character to excrete his/her waste and move on without interrupting. For stupid fun, I could understand someone wanting an idle or something to allow pissing or crapping, but it's not necessary for immersion and it adds almost nothing to gameplay.
  14. Put (Skyforge) quality above legendary for weapons and armor forged by Eorlund. Perhaps allow the player to make things that good when using the Skyforge.
  15. Thank's, but that's fine. I don't use media fire, ever. I use Ely's Uncapper now, which does the job since I found out that you can alter how much skills contribute to the experience for charter levels.
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