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Posts posted by Akrid

  1. I am used to cheating on video games for my whole life, so I was sort of shocked to hear this.


    OMG dude try a game without cheats, or are you disabled adn cheats are the only way you can play? Otherwise thiers no exuse. I only cheat after I beat a game honestly the first time, but with guild wars is thier any real beating it? cheating is a no no

  2. A stern warning here: As I've been on many, many, MANY debate forums in my time, I'd like to give a personal warning against religious topics. They always deteriorate into flame wars -- note that I'm not prohibiting these, but I feel that unfortunately since opinions are so strong on topics like that they near always fail and end up with moderations or potential lockings.


    Dr. Corbett, The debates Forum thread, Aug 31 2003.


    Sorry couldnt resist.

  3. I think if there was coop it would allow for many cool things, like you go to do a mission while your freind is off in another city as a thief to try and steal some supplies for your guild. But I guess I would get more pleasure from having NPC companions that do stuff like that than humans. It seems strange but I used a companion script in morrowind and i could give my dude orders and equip him, and it was fun. In neverwinter nights expansions you could have a NPC party and equip them and level them and it was more fun for me than playing with random people, the key to good multiplayer is to know who your playing with, and you can know everything about NPC's, they obey they dont log out with key items, they dont kill you for fun unless thier programmed to, and they are always willing to play.


    I find when I get into a single player playing mode I dont want to be bothered, while I don't deny multiplayer can be fun, I just hope for smart NPC's and a truly dynamic world. I think bethesda knows what we want better we know ourselfs.


    I have always supported coop for morrowind. I loved playing dungen siege on the lan, and NWN, and Diablo 1&2. I think if they did go ahead and make a coop with 2-8 players it would have to work like each chooses a preset fate when they make thier character, so you have the main, the second the third etc. thier can only be one main per game he would be like the DM, or somthing. That way one guy follows the main quest but he can get help, and players that help him may get rewards along the way. But then thier there is major lore problems. People wont always want to play, so Death master starts a game as the main char, and he has two friends playing to help him, and then they leave and he get to lv 40 and they come back stil lv 5, then they cant play, need a anew game, but if they import characters then they need to reset quest and remove quest items and rest journal entries. AHHHH!!!!!!


    Or they can make it so thier is multiple endings and multiple fates, lets face it morrowind was a bit disapointing, !!!potential spoiler!!! I wanted to become a god with the tools and the heart thingy and I couldnt. Would it have hurt to have a more options at the end or morrowind? well then for oblivion they should make it so the you can do the main quest a number of diffrent ways, and multiple people could all do the same main quest, maybe one becomes a god, and another becomes a vampre lord, and another becomes a powerful mage, in any case there should be the player fates then the main quest seprate. If a player drops out of the game, so-what its still playable, if they rejoin, ok they have lower level they just have to play more, if a character fufils the main quest before everyone else? I dont know that would suck.

  4. Acrids Ghost appears on one of Peregrines ships


    "hey I need to job, is anyone hiring?" Acrid Asked to a officer, the officer seemed to have more important task and send Acrid to work with the missle systems on board.


    "Great! I know all about missles" Shouts Acrid, he then runs to the missle bay.

  5. The ghost of Acrid returns............


    "Behold the time has come!!!! I shall destroy all my old enemys!!!!!

    Hey wait.... Who are you guys?"


    .........Acrid looks around confused.....


    "Well, um ok... sooo, uh whats up?"


    ..........Acrid feels out of place and slowly diapears whimpering...


    "nobody remembers me"

  6. The whole point of the snow arena is that it's far out and crazy and you can do anything. having snow from a nuclear winter simply fulfils the minimum requirment to call it the snow arena while it's being used as somthing else. I love the Mad Max movies, I only met one other person who didn't and I kicked his @ss! how dare he? but what is it going to be like? riding around in trucks and trowing snowballs at other snow trucks? I think the snow arena needs to come to a end, it's played out, it should just be a winter season thing we do each year, then it's locked and a new one the next christmas. If anyone noticed nobody was posting here for like 20 or 30 pages into the snow arena. It got lame, it was cool before but now everyone is like, this isn't fun and I don't like this and that.... think about it, everyone is asking for more solidness (not a word) If enuff people want it to end, or when that comes, sombody email me and I'll join in for the end.
  7. Mechlin awakens drunk from all the free drinks he got and only remembers being hit on the head


    What? uhh.. who? my head... ARRGG!!! what silly fairy hit me on me head!? OH wait Why am I so drunk!? Uhhh.. better yet, where the head!? I have to pee so bad it hurts! Dar! Out to sea we just wee off the side of the boat. I'm going to leak to bad it'll flood this place! Har Har Har

  8. Whoa are you really in a asylum? Wow the Dark0ne really knows how to pick em, LOL. I'm in a air craft carrier, I wish I was in asylum, less work.


    The snow arena did get less fun, maybe just for me. because of it's crazy freedom to do anything and reverse peoples effects, it's lacking in solidness. Oh well it's fine the way it is, maybe I'll join the RP forum...

  9. (Acrid @ Dec 29 2003, 02:30 PM)

    Wait I hope you where not refering to me. Are you trying to start a flame war with me?  Ok sombody hold me back. 



    Consider yourself held. Participating in a flame war is just as bad as starting one (as I've discovered the hard way!).


    Hmm, I've never been held by a bird before, LOL.


    I stopped throwing snow ball's once I realized the power of missiles, however they too became boring after a while, I eventually ran out of ideas completly for the arena.

  10. *Acrid is in a snowball? that's gay. Acrid sit's in the snowball........................................................................


    ................... :whistling:

  11. *Acrid shows up to check on eveyone


    *You alls is still playing this game?! your never going to get to 40 pages! Acrid yells.


    *Acrid then summons the most giant massive snowball ever made, bigger than 20 earths and packed into ice. Acrid hurls the snow ball in the genral direction of everyone and demolishes everyone! Then Acrid pinches himself to ensure it's not a dream, and checks his blood for drugs, and cast a disable time travel spell.


    *Acrid; Now carry on this new snowball should make a better planet I call it AntAcrida.

  12. Ok Ok fine I'll do it I'll kiss @ss then if everyone else is, ok um... how is this done? Ok, "Wow Dark 0ne your site is the bomb, I am so impressed England was cool too I had the chance to visit this year and go to london, The English make damn good websites.
  13. I don't understand, how does the Dark One have it going on? What does he get from this site? if anything it's only work. I respect what he's made but I wouldn't say he has it going on, I would say thanks to him we have it going on, I kiss my ass :P
  14. *Acrid realizes that Leonardo diCaprio has been in some less than straight movies, and runs for his @ss


    *Help!!!! I'm being chased by 50,000,000 less than straight Leonardo diCaprio's!!!

  15. *Acrid is suffering from amesia and dosn't know his name or where he is.................................... maybe my ID card will tell me, Acrid pulls out a card, hmmm... my name is visa?..... Visa then goes back to sleep, if anyone needs me they'll just just have to come get me.


    *Acrid trys summoning a Ice shade, but forgot how instead a diCaprio clone apeared, oh well he can hold a gun, Acrid summons a army of 50,000,000 diCaprio clones.

  16. *Acrid walks outside and see's all this chaos


    *"hmmm, good just the way I like it"


    *Acrid steals a snow cruiser (inerstellar snow fighter/bomber) and heads for Peregrines ship, coming to a stop when Peregrines ship send the warning to stay so far away, Acrid replys "oh I'm just a trader, I sell cavewitches" Peregrines incomptent security team allow Acrid to dock on his ship. Acrid makes his way to the command center dressed in snow-trooper uniform, Then they meet, finally Acrid and Peregrine face to face. Acrid takes off his helmet and says "Peregrine the toilet on earth is frozen do you got one here, I got to go real bad! like number two!"

  17. *Acrid see's IamthatisMatthias walk in, he was buried under a rock and has no idea of history.


    *Oh come in, just what I need, a ally, here take this ultra ice beam hand cannon and go kill the following people, Peregrine, pack rat, shinjioh, mojlnir and Malchick, thanks;) Oh hand don't forget the dark one, he's a easy target.


    *Acrid hides deep in his castle, he then see's the Dark One and nails him in the side of the head with a icey snow ball and poor spelling! ha ha takke that!

  18. *Acrid heals with the spoon, and then sit's down and waits for the next one...... "damn I was about to launch a massive attack on Peregrines forces and then turn around and attack pack rat, It was going to be the bomb...."


    *Acrid starts drinking heavily

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