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Everything posted by mystikhybrid

  1. The only thing disabled for me was settlement placed items, which was kind of a big deal. And wierd.
  2. As a long time bethesda supporter, and modder since Oblivion, this confounds and saddens me if this is intentional blocking. I really hope this isn't for some sort of weak DLC ala Horse armor. DLC is suited for quest storylines.
  3. Need ENB Screenshot Expert FInishing up my Skyrim Horse Armors mod, including all my current released armors plus a few noone has seen. I am looking for someone to test my mod an take beautiful screenshots of each horse armor in each of town. (this mod will add a different purchasable horse armor to each major city in skyrim, 6 total) check my profile for screenshots of stuff: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/modules/members/index.php?id=294935
  4. specifically this is for horse meshes, thanks Jim I'll try that
  5. After trying that, reloading and re-navigating to each specific model in the CK seems to take as long or longer for multiple models... I really do appreciate the reply tho It would make for an epic modding tool to be able to use a console command to reload a tweaked mesh or texture, hopefully scriptdragon or someone else can do it...
  6. Is there any easier way to test rigged meshes ingame? Loading up a game to test a rigged mesh takes around 2 minutes, and slowsme down a lot... is there any trick or easier way to preview rigging/BSDismemberSkin if its working? Basically any way to view a modified mesh or texture ingame without having to exit
  7. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/images/294935-1330487665.jpg
  8. I am looking at the best way to implement armored horses into skyrim. 1. Buy a separate armored horse from a horse vendor, bought separate from normal horses Issues: Will not be compatible with other mods that change horses in the CK, because it would be a series of new unique horse IDs 2. Somehow have your current horses saddle mesh swapped with an armored saddle mesh *This would be ideal but I dont know if it is possible.*
  9. @ Greenlion, yea I agree much and that was my first mod, I never thought I would be making different versions, I will likely revisit that soon and use the horns elsewhere (nordic).
  10. it needs to have a special bone applied to it, I think the hip or thigh
  11. I think you would just make a new dragon NPC using the CK, and in NIFskope** find a ghost model, copy the shaders it is using over to the dragon.
  12. Got a tie with ~20 votes left... Cmonn Daedric!
  13. The steel version will be simple/generic enough that it will look good with Steel plate, Imperial Steel, or Nordic
  14. Hm, thought Daedric would be the easy winner, now its looking like Dragon is coming out on top
  15. Apparently voting (26/100 so far) doesn't bump the post :( so please add a comment or suggestion when voting so I can get a good amount of votes please :tongue:
  16. Once I reach ~100 votes Ill consider that a good enough gauge, bump the post with suggestions to also get more votes = quicker decision
  17. May be worth adding: I plan to also use these meshes as a starting point for dragon mount armors (which I am hopefully assuming it will be a playable mod in the next few months) So if you dont like horses, but plan to use a dragon mount, you should still vote.
  18. Thats a big question on a lot of peoples minds (especially the 'adult themed' modders haha), as far as I know it cannot be done yet
  19. ************************************************************************************************************************* Thanks for voting. I will be making Daedric and the runner up votes (Dragon and Nordic) as time allows. You may continue voting for the 2nd armor in line. ************************************************************************************************************************* Going to be making another horse armor soon, vote now for the next style. Please reply/post any image references that you have in mind. Dwarven Horse Armor: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=7882 Ebony Horse Armor: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=5526 WTB minor CK help: Also if anyone can assist me with making these separate from normal saddles (standalone), and purchaseable via the horse vendor NPC, I would be eternally grateful. I am learning the CK but it is going slow. For helping you would either of the following: - A horse armor of your choice, created by me from scratch, released to the community (separate from this vote) - An ingame credit to you, near the stables (book/plaque/carving/monument)
  20. I spent a bunch of hours in the new CK before I decided, hm I think I need a hand with this lol. Or even a point in the right direction via the CK, so I can try to do it myself...
  21. Hi all, I have created a few horse armor mods, and I would like to make them either craftable, unlockable from a quest, or probably easiest - making an armored horse buyable from the existing horse vendors, separate from regular horses. If anyone could lend a hand I would credit you as co-author and you can also edit/have control of the nexus file etc. collaboration style :) http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=7882 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=5526 I had few more models in mind but I wanted to see about this first. PS: I spent a bunch of hours in the new CK before I decided, hm I think I need a hand with this lol
  22. After trying to install some other random tools, it seems to be the steam tolls in genera i cant open...
  23. I am trying to open the Creation Kit after installing through steam. It wont start. I have tried reinstalling everying from the ground up (aside from my OS). While installing, everything seems successful. Upon first start, I see something about "Microsoft © Register Server, for a split second, and then I get the message "Steam Error Game is currently unavailable". When checking the integrity of the tool, steam supposedly finds a missing file and redownloads/installs it everytime I check the integrity. Any ideas? :unsure:
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