I really feel like the NCR is viewed much to cynically in these threads, but then a huge shipment of optimism is dumped on the Yes Man ending. Why do I always side with the NCR on a good play through? It's pretty straight forward that the legion isn't going to end well. Each ending was supposed to bring order of some kind, and the legion will bring the most of it. However, it's obvious it was never built to be long term. When Caesar dies, the Legate takes command. Problem is is that, and Caesar tells you this, the Legate doesn't care for his men at all. He follows Caesar and Caesar alone. That's why he's the on-the-ground commander of a military with built-in cannon-fauder. Problem is is that under his rein the Legion slaughters anyone who dares resist. He sacks Vegas and destroys Hoover Dam. By doing this, he insures the NCR will never do more the allow Caravans to pass through some areas, but otherwise there is no point in southern Nevada anymore. And though this seems like the perfect world of the Legion, with a major city of their own and a victory against the most powerful military on the planet, they will crumble. Without a consent fight, a cunning leader (or hell, one who wants more then to kill) and the symbol that was Caesar, they will fall. And then the NCR may sweep back in and annex, but there's not much to keep. Now, House's ending is, in my opinion, one of the more interesting ones. By putting house in charge, you give one brilliant man with a 300 year plan the control over thousands of self-automated combat tanks that can fix themselves. The NCR will probably keep an embassy and a base or two, but they'll be no point in doing anything but watching. Under houses rule, anyone with a Securitron will be safe, no raiders or Khans or Vipers to worry about. House will have to depend on travelers from NCR to keep the economy floating, but otherwise Vegas becomes a state. The problem is is that House is the ultimate controller, and he has a plan. Anyone in his way is dead. And everyone who doesn't directly prosper from his help will likely catch the backlash. Some people forget that house's plan left freeside in its current state, forced the NCR to deal with security of the desert, ignored westside, and generally has a lot of people in bad situations. Why would he care for those people all of a sudden? I feel House is the Neutral choice. Anything he does he will do right, and he has many plans for the future. But do they take the new world and its people into account? Now, Yes Man, he's the wildcard, right? The courier, with or without the secuiritron army, kicks both major factions out of the mojave and basically declares him/herself leader. But, a non-direct leader. The problem with this, especially without the Securitron army, is that no one can hold everything together anymore. The legion is heading east to collapse, the NCR west to lick the wounds, and now the Khans and Jackels and raiders have no standing army to stop them. The powder gangers don't have to worry about NCR sharpshooters blasting them if they cut down a few law men. How long can the Kings fight off invasion of Vegas by the fiends? The Yes Man ending sends the wasteland into anarchy without the Securitrons, and with them an awkward dictatorship by the Courier has to start. Now, the NCR. The big, bad Californian's no one on the Nexus likes. Lemme explain why they are both good for the Mojave and not as bad as they seemed. For starters, their nation isn't falling apart. The gun runners, sharecropper farms, hoover dam, crimson caravan, and every other major business or technology you see in the game are part of the NCR. They have a strong economy in a State with many cities, factories, Military bases and the huge breadbasket of the Sacramento Valley. All of the troopers apparall and weapons are freshly manufactured back in California, unlike any other faction, who either scavenges or steals what they wear. The NCR controls everything from at least Oregon to Baja California, and as east as Barstow and Reno. They have an economy that taps the money making wants of people, and tax those cities heavily enough to have a huge budget. Now, this seems to go against what many people said, right? That the NCR is bleeding dry. That is caused because citizens and soldiers are spending money hand-over-foot in New Vegas, the Army is defending it AND caught in a major war, but they make no money here. When the NCR takes over, so do their taxes. Imagine the huge supply of caps a tax on Vegas brings in. The money stops flowing out of the NCR, and instead into the Government and pockets of casinos under NCR control. With the NCR done fighting the war, they can instate police forces to keep order in cities and keep small supplies of troops to fight off raiders and clean up south Vegas. Who knows what other buisnesses will pop up to take advantage of a bunch of new land, a huge city, electricity and a thousand other positive things under NCR control. The NCR isn't perfect, sure. They're not as strong without a dictator-like ruler, and the Senate can get bogged down, but the NCR excels at letting it's people get s*** done. I feel that a steady leadership, with many possibilities to expand will lead the Mojave on to greater things.