Definitely. One of my favourite features about DA:O was that any class could use any weapon or armour if they put their points in the dexterity or strength. Nothing was restricted from any class, but not all classes could allocate talent points to make them useful. That said, some of the warrior specific specialisations made made it preferable to have heavier armour and I don't think rogues could learn any shield abilities even though they could equip shields. The racial restrictions in DA:I annoyed the s#*! out of me.... but I also get why bioware might have wanted to do it, if they're trying to maintain a spirit of realism regardless of the fantasy nature of the world. Maybe they could have tweaked it a little. Crafting, for example, can let you make each piece of armour for a specific race (or races, if they're similar in size) or give it a penalty for using the wrong race (ie, an armour rating reduction if a qunari wears dwarf armour, and the model wouldn't cover everything it would on a dwarf, leaving a larger part of their midriff exposed). Let qunari wear helmets that make allowances for their horns, but are useless for other races because they leave big holes that are vulnerable to arrows to the head. Or AT THE VERY LEAST they could have given us more vitaars for qunari inquisitors. Before I go into my own thoughts on this, the character creation screen on all the dragon age games already have skin tones that correspond to african and asian ones, and you can alter the various facial features to correspond with more regional inherent facial structures, (slavic cheek bones, mediterranean noses, etc). I know that Hawke's family had a number of alternative models to try to make them have more of a familial resemblance to the the player's character, if they chose not to use the default. I don't know if these also automatically altered skin tone & Hair colour to resemble Hawke's but it would have been cool. I would love to be able to import & play the same character from sequel to sequel but I guess the plot just wasn't written with that in mind. I suspect that they may have intended for it to be a stand-alone game. At the end of Origins' main campaign, the Hero of Ferelden may have given his or her life to kill the archdeamon. And, if he or she survived and was in a relationship with Morrigan, they may have left through the Eluvian together. So the publishers are left with the options of writing 2 campaigns for either an imported character or a fresh one or just writing options for one. (This line of reasoning may have also given rise to the fact that you could only choose a single race to play as in DA:2). They could have let us continue with Hawke to import from DA:2 to Inquisition, but then there were those of us who didn't like being stuck with 1 character option. One of the things I liked most about Origins were the 6 background options (Circle Mage, Noble Human, Noble Dwarf, Common Dwarf, Dalish Elf & City Elf). I missed these in DA:2 and was disappointed with their absence in Inquisition. I would have liked it if we could have the choice of background in our Inquisitor (probably only one for surface dwarf or Vashoth qunari, for human and elf magi could have had a choice of hedge mage (former) circle mage, humans (rogue/warrior) could have been nobles or templars (rogue templars could have been 'templar' in name only) and the prologue, whichever that might have been, could have lead up to the moment when your inquisitor walked in on Corypheus making a sacrifice of Divine Justine in the Sacred Ashes Temple.