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  1. Went for a few more tests. Worth noting is that there's tons of pop-in and stutters when I head into town. First one was crash as normal upon looting a bandit. Second one there was no bandit attack, at least nearby, nor did I loot anything. It just crashed. I tried to enter a building, but before I even got to the door the game froze. After that, I slowly approached the village and managed to get to the inn. No bandit attack, and no stutters inside. Lots of pop-in when I started walking around outside, and I went past the Dawnstar Jarl huse and instant crash.
  2. Can you enable the debug log and post the last few lines of the crash results?
  3. Been going into Dawnstar, occassionally crashes before I actually get in, but always crashes when I try and loot a bandit. OBIS and/or ETaC may be at fault here, but here's what the MO debug logs have given me after I forced the CTDs a few more times. Might it be a PerMa thing having to do with loot lists? I got the loot screen to open up one time, but then it froze. I ran PatchusMaximus again before doing these and it didn't help.
  4. Hey there all! After a bit of experiencing Fallout 3 again, I have decided to finally install New Vegas for my next adventure. First time playthrough, so I would like it mostly unmodded. However, I certainly get a little concerned at the number of issues the game seems to still have, both in terms of crashing and average bugs. With F3, I just downloaded the unofficial patch, but the New Vegas scene seems to be more nebulous. There seems to be at least three primary mods which are bugfix compilation, and thus no "central" fixer-upper which is accepted by the players. So the question is, which patch mods would be best to have and continue to have for a modded playthrough? I ask the second bit because there seem to be a few patch mods (such as MMUE) which require hoops to jump through in order to get working with other common mods. That in mind, I'd like to go for the least problems possible when I later get back to my modded playthrough, unless the fixes are truly worth it. The only other two mods I have currently installed are NVSE and the 4GB loader. Thanks!
  5. By jove, I think you've done it! I was naturally suspicious of the Immersive Patrols because of how many esms it had, but also because the mod itself was rather old. I've never had issue with SkyTEST, though I'm not naive enough to think that there couldn't be a problem. As soon as I deactivated Immersive Patrols though, everything seemed to be a lot better. It made a lot of sense too. When I was checking out Falskaar I had an Immersive Patrol pass by outside, and when I reloaded the autosave and tried to go outside, it crashed. Doing my marathon without Immersive Patrols, I experienced no crashes. Thanks a ton prod! I'll refer back to the list if anymore troubles arise, but I think the inevitable crashes have been soled. Jolly good job!
  6. Just read this now... in the process explorer or some other monitoring software it will show the full amount of RAM used under the tesv.exe, this includes the mirrored VRAM. So when you say, 2.4GB, do you mean that performance monitoring says tesv.exe is using 2.4GB or does it show tesv.exe as 0.7GB and another piece of software shows VRAM at 1.7GB? The game will crash at 3.1GB RAM used ... regardless of how much VRAM is used. High res textures influence RAM usage because the game is DirectX9 and as such mirrors VRAM into RAM, except for the things your videocard does in hardware which eat away VRAM as well (like Anti Aliasing). So unless your tesv.exe memory usage says it is exceeding 3.1GB your problem lies somewhere else, most likely in your mods. The game engine runs perfectly fine until that limit... so you really have to exceed it for it to crash (I frequently hit 2.8-3GB RAM usage and had no issues with it). Well as it comes to the character creation issue, that has been resolved, and I think it was more about the climb because when I (miraculously) got some RAM to go down, the character creation screen would still crash if the RAM and VRAM climbed like it had. I did mean that it was .7 GB VRAM (which is my usual constant whilst in game) and 1.7 GB RAM. Mainly whilst in game whilst VRAM can climb to 900, it hovers around 600. I do however think you may be right about it not being a RAM issue. I have very rarely seen RAM reach 1.9 GB (where VRAM also hits 1 GB by default) and usually it does not crash around there. I have seen it crash at far lower values, like recently. Thank you a lot for that. I hadn't really considered it since I got the (false) notion that the RAM added up. Hence, the question is a new, but familiar one: What is breaking my game? (mod list as above)
  7. Afraid it is a 64 bit system, though thanks for the try. I run an Nvidia GT 650M (yes, it's a laptop) with 8GB memory as well as a Readyboost 16GB flash drive. I know RAM amount is irrelevant in this situation, but perhaps the loading of things is an issue?
  8. I have solved the character start up issue thanks to a user in the chat who pointed me to this mod right here. However, it has not prevented rather random crashes when wandering the overworld. To be fair, I have mosty been crash testing the game, running from hold to hold on horse and foot to see when the game will inevitably break down. However, my most recent crash was in the swamps outside Solitude, having used the wait function, then started to go forward when the game shut down. That is certainly not playable conditions, and as far as I can tell my RAM usage was not breaching the limit. I know the RAM limit is one of the problems, but I might have a new one arising. Here's the updated load order. Any further advice? Active Mod Files:
  9. Okay, so the constant patterns I am recognizing are a rather consistent reach in RAM usage. When I being the game, the RAM will slowly climb from 300 all the way up to 1500 once it reaches the character select screen, at which point the VRAM will rocket from 300 to 700. If I change sex, it has a 50% chance of climbing the RAM to the volatile 1700 which will immediately crash Skyrim. When exploring, it takes a while for enough content to stream in with it, but it will eventually climg up to 1000MB VRAM and 1900 RAM, which is stable for a little while bu will inevitably crash. I've continued to uninstall mods with absolutely zero fluctuation, which worries me a great deal. Any insight out there to this issue? Here's my mod list from Wrye Bash for clarity's sake: Active Mod Files:
  10. I'm sure many are aware by this point about the 3.1 GB issue that has arisen for Skyrim. I've been remodding, and attempting to be very aware of this issue, trying to note where this problem occurred. I have reached the limit, but in a rather unusual way compared to that video. What happens for me is that my 1GB VRAM is reached, then over 2GB in RAM will crash it. Another unusual issue is that if the RAM exceeds 2.4 GB (.7 VRAM, 1.7 RAM) when I am starting my character via Random Alternate Start then it will crash. Sometimes it makes me unable to go on, other times it doesn't. Regardless though, I just want to get rid of that added RAM, since I can assume that it was just something I had installed breaching the limit. I seemed to start breaking the limit after I installed a group of mods that modified some overworld things, but I found that uninstalling them will kept my game on the same road to ruin. So I uninstalled some more. Then even further back. It seems that no matter what I do, I can't shed this RAM problem. Hell, I went and uninstalled Automatic Variants because I knew it to be a RAM hog, and absolutely zero effect. At least, I believe that I uninstalled it, but several of the remnants remained, even after taking care to follow all those instructions. At this point I feel like I'm uninstalling mods that I want to play that don't even remotely effect the problem like this. I don't think it's a mod conflict issue, as I've been keen on checking pages and constantly Wrye Bashing (as well as using Automatic Variants before uninstall). However, it is about 137 mods now (after uninstallations) so I could just be too in over my head with it. Can anyone shed some light on this issue? Might it simply be improper removal and struggling to emulate a missing file, or are certain mods more RAM heavy than others? Thanks in advance!
  11. Well it seems I was a bit mistaken thinking that Deadly Dragons mostly amended the situation. Walking around some more I again came upon inordinate dragon spawns, some from the ground and some in the air. So I decided to disable Bellyache's, which seemed to solve the problem a little better. However, there are still lots of dragons floating around, and worst yet they are from Dovahkriid. The Dovahkriid dragons shouldn't be spawning until Alduin attacks Kynesgrove, so I am at a loss as to why they're being spawned as soon as I start the game, and just barely out of my range. I reactivated Deadly Dragons, and I'll try deactivating Dovahkriid to see if the problems are yet amended.
  12. Well I've gone and disabled Deadly Dragons, and that seems to have fixed the spawning as appeared before. However, I discovered a new inherent error, probably due to Bellyache's Variants. He mentions on the page that his dragons spawn on the ground, and I have hence run across three identical dragons on the ground as well as another random one from behind a hill that I could not see. This likely caused the double dragon along the road error from before. I hope I can reconcile all these issues though. I am certainly fine with vanilla dragon spawn rates, but the case is rather unusual in its possible complexity. I will likely have to take away the New Dragon Species if the issue isn't resolved, and hope that the other mods don't cause further issue. A shame to miss out on that content though!
  13. I have fixed the MCM problem, and tried out something which also was hilariously out of whack, and not the problem I've encountered. There's an 'assault timer' in Deadly dragons which allows you to pick through what time dragons will eventually catch up to you. I thought that this might be my issue, given that the timer was set to zero, so I srt it to 72 hours. I also set it to "two dragons" to make sure the testing was valid. It was not my issue. When I spawned, I all ready saw two random dragons, not in the same location, then going down the road I was assaulted by two powerful dragons at once! Now I know why it's a hardcore mod. Still searching for a solution to the dragon spawning problem.
  14. Greetings all! I have been remodding my game, taking it very slowly, checking for both my RAM and stability of my game rather than all in one burst as I once did. Glad I stopped where I had, because I found a bit of a problem with the dragon mods I've implemented. Nothing game breaking persay, but rather unusual given what the mods state on their page. As of now, I am using these current dragon mods: Dovahkriid Bellyache's New Dragon Species Deadly Dragons (plus Armory) Enhanced Mighty Dragons Dragon Combat Overhaul They are essentially in that load order as well. What I am experiencing is a high dragon spawn rate, despite doing as I could to prevent many random dragon spawns (I used ERSO's 3x delay on random spawns). I have tried this on a high levelled file as well as a new file, using Random Alternate Start to get further into the world. What I experienced was almost always a dragon in sight (not near a usual dragon location) and even if I avoided that dragon, there would be another further down. This suggests to me that the respawn rate is somewhat broken, though I obviously could be wrong. I tend to like the vanilla spawn rate, and would like to know if anyone has information about this problem. These are, as far as I'm aware, the most popular dragon mods on the site so I assume that people have combined them before with similar results. A couple of other mods I have that may or may not have something to do with the behavior could be: SkyTEST SkyRe One other thing; I have not been able to get my Deadly Dragons configuration to show up in SkyUI, as well as a few others like iHud. Am I doing anything dreadfully wrong there? <(Fixed this)
  15. I'm not extremely worried, since there is a Medieval 2 mod all ready available, but I still have a bit of concern. Martin has explicitly stated he hates fan fiction. I honestly don't think anyone but he himself would care all too much. I will try my best to do justice to the world though. I have contacted a great number of mod composers and have been trying to gauge their abilities, but I myself am the only one putting in anything for it. It's a complicated process. Thanks for the support!
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