Hey guys. So I've been playing FO3 for a while now, and I've killed some people and looted their armors/clothes. And the first question that came into mind is, who the hell wears underwear like that? I mean, I (men) wear boxers, and chicks wear bras, and if they have the body for it, thongs . I have yet to meet people who wear whole body "underwear" like our FO3 friends (or maybe I've met a strange variety of chicks... and I myself am also wierd). My question is, is there a mod I can DL that can make this a little more realistic? The ones I've found are either minor touches to the default underwear, or nude mods. I want something a little more in between. The Oblivion underwear was perfect in my opinion, but, you know, a little less medieval. Thanks in advance, and before you say it yeah I get bothered by stupid things. But the beauty is in the details in my opinion.