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About Baronsworth

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  1. Hey guys Well I'm sure some of you are familiar with the lightsaber quest. Thing is I entered the cave, killed the alpha guardian, and now I have the schematics. But I can't seem to find that unique saber crystal no matter where I go. Can any of you tell me exactly where it is?
  2. Hey guys. So I've been playing FO3 for a while now, and I've killed some people and looted their armors/clothes. And the first question that came into mind is, who the hell wears underwear like that? I mean, I (men) wear boxers, and chicks wear bras, and if they have the body for it, thongs . I have yet to meet people who wear whole body "underwear" like our FO3 friends (or maybe I've met a strange variety of chicks... and I myself am also wierd). My question is, is there a mod I can DL that can make this a little more realistic? The ones I've found are either minor touches to the default underwear, or nude mods. I want something a little more in between. The Oblivion underwear was perfect in my opinion, but, you know, a little less medieval. Thanks in advance, and before you say it yeah I get bothered by stupid things. But the beauty is in the details in my opinion.
  3. Fixed! Close topic plz. Turns out only the ESM files have to be copied.
  4. "C:\Program Files (x86)\GeMM\fomm.exe" is where I installed. And version 0.10 according to the readme Thx for quick reply!
  5. Hi So I've read all these posts about how easy it is to install mods with FOMM, so I dled in and installed FOOK 2 (which has an installer...so that made things pretty simple) Yay, it works! Then I download Beauty Project, Enhanced Weather, and other mods, and they are just random folders. So I'm like this :O But, not giving up on the first hitch, I go to these forums where I read "Just copy that stuff to Data folder in FO3 and good to go!" So I do that, and open my FOMM, waiting anxiously to check those little boxes... Only that they didn't show up. Reinstalled FOMM, still nothing. What did I do wrong? I feel pretty stupid right now because thousands of people play with these mods, and I just can't seem to do it. Thanks for your time
  6. Yeah they are. Just sounded better that way :P I guess I'll try steam now. Though my friends told me that steam sometimes gives it to them in russian. Go figure.
  7. Thats too bad :( I have no idea, it was a digital download, and had no details as to language. Nah, money's not the issue, just spending so many hours downloading again. Ah well, thanks anyways :(
  8. Hey guys! I've recently acquired a copy of Fallout 3. The problem is, the game is in spanish! I don't like it one bit, and have no idea how to change the language. My question is, can anyone tell me how to play the game in english? (as in translate the game...not get a whole new copy) Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! PS: I'm new on the forums, so a big hello to everyone!
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