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About Staind716

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  1. hey euhm i saw you deleted the countervide enb and i was wondering something. i tried a lot of enbs which "claims" to be performance friendly. since i saw in every enb an fps drop i was wondering if your enb is performance friendly my specs are gtx 650 ti boost sc i3 core 8gb ram and if you can please send me a copy of your enb it looks wonderful i really like to try it :D (thanks in advance)
  2. You can rule out ENB. While all ENB's will affect your fps they won't cause a CTD. It is simply a post-processing graphics enhancement and doesn't contain any files that will conflict and cause crashes. So you should look elsewhere for your problem.
  3. Hello!

    Just wanna give ya a kudos for your images! ;)

  4. XII. If thou art not willing to help thine brethren who downloadeth thy mod and ignore questions and pms, do not release thy mod. Nothing irritates me more than modders with zero sense of responsibility to their users. When our mods were still available we never failed to answer one single comment or question. If your attitude is "use at your own risk, you are on your own" then at least make that clear in the description. Then we can just not bother wasting our time with garbage.
  5. This helps quite a bit also. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6387
  6. Shadows are crazily fps intensive in Skyrim. 8192 is really high and is very likely one of the causes if not THE cause of your lag. Try lowering them to 4096 and they will still be very good quality for much less of an fps hit. I really doubt you will even notice a difference in quality. Let me know how much that helps and if need be I will give you a few more suggestions. :thumbsup:
  7. I always find the laptop comments funny because I play Skyrim with everything set to ultra except shadows which are high, well over 100 mods, a very intensive ENB with all the bells and whistles (ALWAYS the latest version from Master Boris, using 12.12.12 currently), custom inis for even better graphics, AND my resolution forced to 1920 x 1080 when native is 1680 x 945. And still have zero lag or freezes. My lappy is also over 2 years old. ;) I see people all the time whose specs blow mine away not getting nearly the performance I am. Why? Because they don't bother to start at the root of their problem which is optimizing their pc for gaming. Granted it took me a ridiculous amount of research and trial and error (mostly error :P ) to beat this poor thing into submission. But I am more than happy with how incredible my game looks and how smoothly it plays. Sure I still hit some very fps intensive areas that slow me down enough to disable SSAO and DOF in my ENB but that is the only sacrifice I ever have to make and only in areas that are intensive for everyone. No matter the hardware, knowing how to use it and squeeze the most out of it is essential, especially in Skyrim. So a laptop can and will play Skyrim beyond max settings. You just have to know how to use every possible trick in the book to make it happen and spend a silly amount of time setting it up. ;) Now as far as the OP, I will send you a pm and see if I can help. Not promising anything since all my work has been geared for my particular system, but if you want to put a little time and effort into it, I'm willing to see what we can do. :thumbsup:
  8. Well, to be fair MOST of the HD texture mods have optional versions with different resolutions so that people without a powerful machine can run them. I use 1024 as much as possible for big mods (landscapes, trees, that type of thing) and higher res versions for smaller items. I also like the higher resolution textures for characters because you do notice a difference with them. Not arguing, just saying there is room for both the 1024 and higher resolution mods for users that want them.
  9. Also there was no need to reinstall your game Unless you leave a file behind there isn't anything in MOST ENB mods that will have any lasting effect on your game. Oh, and to disable DOF simply go into the enbseries.ini and change this line from true to false. ;) Under [EFFECTS] EnableDepthOfField=true Simply change this from true to false and DOF is disabled. :thumbsup: And when you uninstall any ENB redownload it and compare the files in your game folder to the ones in your download. That way you know that you removed them all.
  10. Hey slick, I was wondering if I could grab a copy of Countervibe ENB off of you?
  11. If by the latest driver you mean the beta then you might want to roll back to the previous one. A lot of people are having issues with the latest beta. Also make sure you completely uninstall your current driver before updating. :thumbsup:
  12. Just go in the console and type "showracemenu" without the quotes. It will reset some of your appearance settings but will also fix the dark face.
  13. I know some people have had trouble with CTD's when they enable Dawnguard mods before the Dawnguard quest is actually started. Silly I know but it IS Bethesda. :rolleyes:
  14. Just a quick tip for those who don't want forced updates. Skyrim Unplugged with prevent Steam from updating your game until you are ready. Even if you set Steam to not update Skyrim it ignores it and does it anyway. This will prevent that and save a lot of headaches. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12744 So any feedback on 1.8? Haven't seen much about it yet.
  15. Thats a shame. Its a great mod. You folks have some falling out with nexus? We are just so busy with work and other things that it's really hard to find time for ENB right now. We still play around with some but I doubt we will be uploading anything. When it's not fun any more then it's time to quit. Glad you like it though and if you ever need a copy let me know. :thumbsup:
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