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About oreflam

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  1. I've just test it again and no, with all the perk in the sneak tree the attack aren't silent, i've just forgot to turn on detection when i try the last time. I really need a mod.
  2. Hi, I recently begin to played a khajiit assassin who uses his claws to kill his prey. Unfortunately the attacks with bare hands are not silent and the enemies detects me. It's very annoying and I have not found a mod to fix that. Sneak tool allows to assom not to kill with bare hands and I do not want any weapon other than my bow and my poisons. And I do not want to use the pickpocket skill for poisoning because it would not go with role play and I could not create so much poison. I found mods that improve discrete hand-to-hand attacks by giving them the same bonuses as daggers but none of them make them silent. Maybe at a certain level of stealth it will not be a problem anymore but it is not logical and it blocks me in certain situation. Can someone create a mod for that or explain to me how I do it? I've got the CK.
  3. Hello everyone, I recently start a skyrim game in which I just joined the guard of dawn. The problem is that the helmet has an enchantment that only activates in case of full armor, so I use the dev room (coc qasmoke) to have it but I put the armor light (that's the one I want to use) and the enchantment did not activate. I try with the shield (which bothers me because I use a sword and a dagger) and heavy armor with and without the shield but nothing works. All of a sudden I tested with the light armor perk that activates when one wears a complete light armor and the one where it has to be uniform: nothing has activated ... Someone knows how to fix this bug? PS: I wanted to ask on Skyrim Universe but the forum to close I do not know when.
  4. I created the folder "chargen" and "presets" and i'ts doesn't appear in the racemenu
  5. Hi everyone, like the title said: i got a "bug" with that armor but i don't know if it's this mod who got a problem are there is some problem betwween with one and one (or more) of my other mod. I got 2 thing to show for this: first the bug itself with a this video i recorded: and this screenshot of my list of mod: Like you see in the video I'm over the armor cap with are without the bug but i want to correct it.
  6. I give up, if someone can do it I download it but I don't gonna mane it. If a moderator see this, could you transfer this topic to "mod request"?
  7. He does it but not how I want it, now the blessing of Kynareth give 20% stamina regen and -10% shout cooldown (-25% when moving).
  8. I find this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/47265/ who seem to do it, all the blessing was in pourcentage when I try to modify them so I gonna test it.
  9. I don't search a command I search were are the blessing in the creation kit, I know there is some mod who change the blessing and I want make one, sorry if I'm not clear I don't often speach english i'm french.
  10. Hi all, I'm creating this topic because I need your help to create a mod to improve the blessings, I'll just put them in percentage: for example the blessing of Kynareth giving 25 endurance points will give 20 or 25% endurance but I don't find them in the creative kit. If an identical mod exists, tell me.
  11. When i wan't tochose the skin texture i don't see anything in the folder character assets when i modify body texture , i don't know if it's normal and if it's the good thing i tried to modified.
  12. Hi everyone, i wanted to use 3d model of tekken character to create armors mods for skyrim, i also really want to got a mod to use the clothes of Sagat with my Khajiit who fight unarmed and unarmored with the mod "the way of the monk". I got the 3d model of Tekken but i don't have it for Sagat and i don't know how to use it. I can't use blender, it's not working on my pc. Somebody can do it? There's the model: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oin9a9ju2ok0nx4/mod%C3%A8le%203d%20pour%20mod%20skyrim.rar?dl=0 that's not mine model.
  13. Hello everyone, I tried to create my 1st race mod with the creation kit using this guide: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_a_custom_race_for_Skyrim but I can not use the textures that I modified. Someone can help me? PS: sorry if I make mistakes, I use Google translation to talk to you because I am French.
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