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About sanwyrth

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  1. Eeh do I have to add anything to IA Packages in order my followers not leaving me after I load a save? :/ It also causes me troubles with "Jordir: Seems like u've got a follower already" and Jordir is the same follower I had before the load >.< (also respawns to the cell I have set him to spawn by default/start).
  2. Just load the .esm in TESnip, open the TES4 record and un-tick the .esm box, save that window, then just save the whole thing as an .esp instead of an .esm. Ow that was easy enought :). Thanks
  3. A small question (a bit out of discution) : How to convert ESM to ESP? TESVnip doesn't seems to do the job
  4. That's what I did the 1st time, but I failed to find the path with the FO3Archive. Probably coz i am using the FS mob which changes the NPC's to use the same textures and meshes, or i guess.
  5. Everyone belonging to the same race share the same body meshes and textures. So, if you want an actor to have a unique body texture, you need to make a new race for it. I have tried to change the textures of 1 race but with no success, can u give me a path example for 1 race texture/mesh?
  6. Did you create new NPCs are just modify old ones? It's giving you textures and meshes for Skyrim.esm if you selected old NPCs. Probly he means the old one's, newly npc's must be esm'ed for the extraction to work properly
  7. The ctrl+f4 isn't working for me either if the file isn't esm (for newly created npc's) anyway, is there any way to make our created npc use different body texture from the rest of npc's (& player)?
  8. To all reading this the "Is CharGen Face Preset" at character's sheet must be UNCHECKED or the textures won't export with ctrl+F4.
  9. Yes he was saved .. I guess thats the only thing I have left to try. I'll be getting to it in a couple of hours and let you know if it worked, thanks for all the help so far tho :)
  10. I have the same problem too :/ I did everything according to your descriptions but still nothing. Only thing I got was the \Data\Textures\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\Follower.esm\code.dds, still the game doesn't seems to read it >_< Any other suggestions? :s Thanks. Are you sure you've made your .esp into an .esm? Loading an .esm in the CK and highlighting an actor (or several at the same time), pressing ctrl + F4 should also exports the face mesh to meshes\actors\character\facegendata\facegeom. If you use an .esp, you only export the texture, which isn't enough for custom actors. 1) I converted the Follower.esp to Follower.esm with TESVnip (i just saved it as esm, nothing else modified) 2) I opened CK loaded up the Follower.esm. Took the actor i have setted as follower and pressed CTRL+F4, confirmed. (at character's sheet i've also checked the "Is CharGen face preset" but anyway tested with both checked and unchecked) 3) Deactivated the Follower.esp and Activated the Follower.esm at Launcher>Datafiles for not getting double NPC's Still textures hadn't changed :( I also checked the datafiles just to be sure and seemed pretty fine to me: Data\Textures\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\Follower.esm\code.dds, for the textures and Data\meshes\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\Follower.esm\ a CK file with a code, for meshes Any suggestions?
  11. I have the same problem too :/ I did everything according to your descriptions but still nothing. Only thing I got was the \Data\Textures\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\Follower.esm\code.dds, still the game doesn't seems to read it >_< Any other suggestions? :s Thanks.
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