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Everything posted by Serkonos

  1. Same thing happened to me when I first installed this port, it was looking for my plugins.txt in the oldrim file. I had to manually replace it.
  2. http://www.everplanet.tk/SkyrimSSE/Requiem_v3.x/Requiem_v3.3.0_FULL_FOMOD_INSTALL.zip
  3. It would make the most sense for this to be a Requiem bug since the plugin.dlls which are highly recommended for a bug-free experience in requiem have yet to be ported for SE. And since Requiem was to only file not properly loaded in the purged save (Im feeling stupid for stating the obvious but whatever) it would have to be somewhere in there.
  4. I dont know if its that, since if had those files in the folder (Im not sure if im using the term "loose files" correctly") it wouldnt let me check due to it forcing me to go back to the main menu
  5. When I loaded the purged save all the plugins were active, I just removed the loose files from the Requiem folder so that the esp would still be there but it wouldn't send me back to the main menu
  6. Okay, heres what I did: - I moved all the files except the esps from my requiem folder - I loaded the purged save and met up with Anum-la - Made her my follower, the bug did not happen! What can we do with this information?
  7. I will try that method later, thank you for your help so far. Also, its not me choosing not to continue the game, its when I close the messagebox it forces the game to return to the main menu
  8. Okay I was able to find the messagebox in xedit (Requiem.esp (0761848A) \ Message \ 119715CA <REQ_Message_Setup_NewGameRequired>) I just need to know how to disable it
  9. ok Ill try to disable the messagebox script in xedit, Ill be back soon
  10. After loading the save a message appeared claiming that since I had install requiem on an existing save it would have to send me back to the main menu
  11. Sorry about that, here is the ess file https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NU_nnm_96X2pN3Tld0ps1cpBFeeX4UCh I will upload some more save files with only the mods used (AFT and 3DNPC) very shortly edit: It seems I cant save the game with only these mods (CTD)
  12. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1QRx7xWzSyWGvTdnttW5Fnu8sjCaiBfu5 This google drive contains the save files (both ess and skse) Because the nexus wont allow me to upload them directly for some reason.
  13. Loading (original) AFT after 3DNPC and vise versa made no changes. just saw your post, I will send you the file now
  14. I understand. Ill do some experimenting with the original AFT mod and see what happens.
  15. I loaded AFT before all 3DNPC plugins and still nothing, Ill try the other way now edit: vise versa didnt do anything.
  16. I am using Mod Organizer 2 The version of AFT I am using is Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14722
  17. I loaded my save with only 3DNPC and Amazing Follower Tweaks (The save would not load if AFT was disabled but could be reset/disabled in game which I did last time but with no changes to the bug) and the bug still persisted.
  18. "what your going to look for is data not default...on the right listings. Those are what you need to inspect. Not default code." How do I search for non-default code?
  19. - Interesting NPCs SE BSAs - Interesting NPCs SE Alternate Locations - Interesting NPCs SE Don't call me Dragonborn
  20. @Mystic Arts https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29194 Link to the mod in question. How do I look for non-default code? Also thanks for giving me that clear info and bearing with me so far, I know it can be frustrating to teach a newbie.
  21. @Mystic Arts I was able to put the correct fromid into sseedit, but I'm a bit confused with these instructions: "Click on the left side to allow targeting the data strings , on the right side menu windows, there are tab's bellow that indicate all associated links, each also have sub links when you double click on each line" On the left side of the window am I supposed to right click on something so a drop down menu appears? And on the right side I can only see Referenced by/messages/information/ and then item spreadsheets. I can't find any references to in the Referenced By tab, I assume this is because I haven't targeted the data strings yet.
  22. @Mysitc Arts I'm very new to SSEEdit, would "scanning the fields" be the same as filtering for conflicts? If not, please tell me how, thanks for the help so far.
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