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  1. They don't, it's used to calculate movement speed for "fast walk". I believe it's only used for NPCs ? Nothing to do with acceleration.
  2. Try something like this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38572/?
  3. Immersive First Person View: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49036/? Open configuration file in Data/SKSE/Plugins/FirstPersonPlugin.txt On line 15 there are these two: ;!bindkey2 0x66 0 "TurnFreeLookOn" ;!bindkey2 -0x66 0 "TurnFreeLookOff" Remove the ; symbol in front so it becomes: !bindkey2 0x66 0 "TurnFreeLookOn" !bindkey2 -0x66 0 "TurnFreeLookOff" Now when you hold numpad 6 you can look around without character turning there.
  4. Try if this is working: static BSFixedString GetStringValue(StaticFunctionTag * base) { const char * result = "yay"; return BSFixedString(result); }
  5. In response to post #25064894. Agreed, also preferably "not a bug", sometimes intended features are reported as bugs.
  6. Easier to just use CK and no scripts. Your spell for example lets say you want to heal 30 HP and have cooldown of 10 seconds. Create a new magic effect with "Dummy" archetype and set it fire and forget. Create a new spell and add the healing effect and also add this dummy effect. Set duration of dummy effect 10 seconds and in conditions of spell add "Not have magic effect" and select that dummy effect.
  7. If you are using SKSE there's a function in Game script: Bool IsObjectFavorited(Form form) Returns whether the specified base form is favorited by the player.This is not for ObjectReference though. If you have an object reference use Form GetBaseObject() Obtains this reference's base object.and check against that.
  8. I think this was caused by hair pack mod? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15411/? In FAQ the first question is: I'm getting a color mismatch\Black face bug. How can I fix it? I uploaded some mesh files for users experiencing this problem. Please download those. If that doesn't work, you can read the readme that I placed here on the Nexus. If you're using UNP's body mod I haven't discovered how to fix it yet. This is working 100% with CBBE's body mod, please use that instead. It's better anyway if you ask me.
  9. Looks very similar to http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49517/? But more is always better, can choose which you like.
  10. I agree with ragnaroklucifer better would be if you made SKSE import the assemblies and use as native papyrus function implementations so you could use real C# code to write papyrus scripts. It would be faster and easy to use. Example in papyrus psc file: scriptname MyNetCode int function ParseInt(string x) global native and in C#: int ParseInt(string x) { int r; if(int.TryParse(x, out r)) return r; return 0; } Then load this DLL with SKSE and register this implementation to MyNetCode.ParseInt function. It's already possible to write papyrus functions in C++ so why not C#. :)
  11. You don't need a script for this. Just add the condition to spell in CK.
  12. I have written scripts that are over 2000 lines long and they work fine from start to late game, it depends on how you write the script. If you are going to have more than a few hundred or even thousands of objects to iterate you can also try this papyrus library it's meant just for that - storing large amounts of data and iterating it fast. If you still have worries you can also try updating the objects in batches. You say one update cycle is 72 hours you can divide this update over that time instead of doing it all at once.
  13. I think it's file name. If you rename the esp file and it breaks then it's your own fault :P
  14. This maybe is what you are looking for. Skills can go above 100 and you can configure everything about leveling up.
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