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About Jalex69

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  1. Thanks Again for all the help. I have it running great now.
  2. No It didn't. Since then I tried to install it manually and put the files in the folders it told me too. Now it's there but all the store keepers and the sign out front has been replaced by large exclamation points.
  3. Thank You very much. It runs fine now. I have one more question now and I will just ask it here. I have the Oblivion 5th anniversary edition with shivering isles I installed the appatchi goddess store with the mod manager and it's not there. Does it work in this version?
  4. That's what I thought. Where can I get Klite basic codec pack?
  5. I have Oblivion running on Windows 7 and it looks good and plays good for 5 to 10 minuets. At this point the game keeps on running but I have no control. This does not seem to be caused by anything in the game as it always happens in different locations. I do not have any problems like this in any of my other games on this computer. If I am moving foreword my character just keeps going until she hits something and then I have no control and the mouse freezes and the keyboard does nothing but the game still runs. It has an ATI 9600 video card with 512mb of ram, 2TB hard drive, Intel 3.4 gig processor, and 4 gigs of Ram. There are no mods in it yet. What should I look for?
  6. I just thought I would add this in case it might help some one. I now have 4 gigs of Ram but it wasn't the problem. Here is what I found. While running Regedit I saw 1000's of Nero entries in register. CCclean didn't clean it. I remembered I had a messed up install on Nero and finally un-installed it but of course the un install did not remove all the crap. I deleted them all from the register very carefully and after restarting the computer Oblivion ran just fine.
  7. Yes, That was kind of what I thought too. I have been with computers since the old Commodore 64 days so I do know a little. My hard drive is a Seagate 2 TB drive with 3 600Mb partitions. The Windows 7 system is installed on a 250 MB drive. I will have to take it all off again now and I forgot about securerom so I will need to get that remover and use it too I suppose. Where do I get that? I am going to order more Ram now so it will be a while before I try again. I also have the new dungeon siege III game and it does the same thing and I know my system doesn't have enough ram for it either. Thanks very much for the help Here's another thing that is blowing me away. I have another Compaq that has Oblivion on it and it runs fine except for a little bit jerky at times. It only has 1 gig of Ram and is an Intel 2.8 gig single core processor. They all have ATI 9600 512 Mg or equivalent video cards.
  8. Ok I still have the same problem after doing a complete clean-up and following your instructions. I put in a 4gig memory stick and dedicated it to ReadyBoost and it still did not run after it was installed. I am going to get more Ram but I don't have it yet. Is it possible that Oblivion only looks at the Windows System Ram? Because that was still showing 1 gig with the memory stick operating. I really appreciate all your help with this.
  9. I would like to know if you think a 1 gig memory stick would help if I configure it before I install. If it works I will buy more Ram. I think now I didn't loose Oblivion. It was installed and ran in XP and when I scrambled XP I installed Win 7 and that's how I lost it. It is possible that Win 7 needs more memory to run it.
  10. Thanks I hadn't thought of that as I haven't used daemon tools in quite a while now. I will do that.
  11. I like to run my Oblivion with a No-dvd patch to protect my original disk from accidental scratches. When I do this the game runs but none of the mod will be in it even though they are checked in the data files. Is there a way I can do that?
  12. ...do you mean this one? Qarl's Harvest edit: ...you can try Improved Signs Thanks , Those are the ones I was thinking of.
  13. HI bben46 Thanks for your help. I went through all your instructions carefully and ran your regcleaner and got the same results. Next I will clean it again and try to install on C:\Games\Oblivion like you said. I have the room, I just didn't want it there. What is the UAC blocking mod in win 7 and Vista you wrote about? Could this be my problem? I also have Dungeon Siege III that runs on my compaq and not my Asus. I think this might be for the same reason. The compaq has 4 gigs of ram but I don't think it's ram problem as it ran on this computer before but I might have had XP on it when I played Oblivion before. I like Win 7 but I have seen install problems before on other programs. I have written many programs with MS Visual Basic and it sometimes hard to get them running too. I did some research and I now know what it does and is doesn't look like the problem. I have been trying to install it on My K drive (K:\Oblivion) It's a 600mb partition on a 2 tarabyte drive.
  14. Thank You again. I keep nothing running in the background on my computer so I don't think that could be a problem but I will try that. I will try to go through your instructions today sometime and install it again when I get time. I pretty much did that already but like a dummy, I forgot to restart before I installed it again.
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