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  1. I used Mod Manager to download Barrewood, but after activating it the boat that's suppose to be the starting point does not show up in the bay. Just thought about this, like some other mods, is there a need to have F4 DLC? Pertinent info left out, you need Robot DLC to run this mod.
  2. Found the problem, I moved the mod up in the load order and it seems to be working.
  3. General Ward is typing on the computer to get updated about what has happened since they were in cryo-sleep. Problem is, there is no further dialogue just the others standing around and him typing. I found a YT video and he continues that "it's been 200 years!" I don't any further dialogue. One other thing, as I approach the Cryo room the Dr. can be seen already outside the chamber before I bring them out of hibernation.
  4. As was expected, I just had to go back to the mod entry to find my answer. As the presenter stated, he wasn't going to tell what awaits you down there, you'll find out!
  5. I must have not paid attention to the location of the Hell Fire x-03 power armour. How do I obtain it?
  6. Was wondering if the mod author can assist. Is there any way to remove the animation that causes reloading to be so slow because you have to look at the clip before each reload?
  7. Haven't been here in quite some time, so I may be in the wrong discussion group. I got Fallout 4 and decided to mod it to change some weather effects (fog), but NMM will not download from the Nexus page. Gopher in his video simply clicked the line at the top and NMM went to his desktop. I'm on my Vista hard drive by the way.
  8. Can I turn off the vats death animation? The game has begun freezing in the power plant north of Minefield whenever I use vats.
  9. You guys are alright. I did a clean install of FO3, MMM and FOOK2. Started a new game so I'll see what happens.
  10. Nothing else seems to work so it's the old uninstall FO3 completely and re-install :confused: .
  11. Thanx for replying. There are three prompts, grenade, melee and I forget the third. The message says that they are set to default already, such as the grenade default is G. I press ok but it still asks for hotkey assignment. Never the less I'll take your suggestion and re-install. Thanks again for responding.
  12. FWE was the cause of many crashes while in Point Lookout, so after determining FWE was the culprit I just deactivated it. FOOK2 seemed like the less problematic overhaul mod, but I have an issue with the unassigned hotkey pop-up. No matter what I press the prompts keep popping up. I'm stuck with no way to move past the "unassigned hotkey" message. Please help!
  13. Everything else has failed so far, so I'll give it a go.
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