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    Dragon Age: Origins (For the 10.000th time)
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    Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

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  1. I just recently installed ME3 back on my computer. After I had the idea to play as an engineer character. Which I thought was boring previously. And I saw this mod called Expanded Galaxy Mod. Before I started downloading mods willy nilly, what do I need to get started? I read through the descriptions as much as I could. There was mention of ModManager. But there weren't any links provided. I must say that I am new on the ME3 modding front. Any help you can provide would be much appreciated.
  2. I have been tweaking this mod to suit my tastes http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1159/? I use combat tweaks. And I have just learned from here http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/3469/? that the combat tweaks "compatible" version that he has provided. This isn't so much a mod troubleshooting thing. Because seeing his mod inspired me to make my own mod solely geared towards arcane warriors. With the philosophy that Arcane Warriors weren't very "martial". To arcane warriors have always been just boring warriors with magical abilities. I want make a mod where mages who want to become genuine warriors actually have to train mundanely. By increasing their dex or con attributes and learning combat abilities. An arcane warrior shouldn't just be a mage that picked up a sword. An arcane warrior should be a force to reckon with in battle. But the way the class is designed is to be a support specialization for Blood Mage. I find this to unacceptable. I have done the rearranging of skills and adding additional requirements for abilities. (Because... IMMERSION echo echo) But none of the skills actually land >.< Right now, all I have are skills that won't be useful to anyone or anything. Also, I want to rework the sustained skills so they differ from warriors slightly. (also because frankly, I think Indomitable is kind of overpowered, just a little bit and I want Powerful Swings to be devastating as opposed to the warrior counterpart) What I have in mind is this; Impose a duration for all sustained abilities. I think 20 seconds is acceptable. and impose a small increase in fatigue after the ability expires (if it is possible because they will lack mana costs and might have massive cooldowns) If not, imposing a mana regen penalty would be acceptable, as well And all of this along with Combat Tweaks.
  3. Oh, sorry. It was Awakening in the OC messing things up. I just turned it off. Also fyi, JX - Dragon Age Extended tends to break Awakening also. Horribly. It won't let you transition between areas unless you are in the debug area. Or using the console, I guess. So fix was: disable Awakening in the OC and uninstall JX - Dragon Age Extended (for transition into awakening)
  4. Specifically, I wanna make Arcane Warrior a bit more martial. I know that there are mods that add weapon skills to Arcane Warriors but what they always end up doing is port over the weapon trees over. I want to : - rearrange the weapon trees so I am not wasting skill points for skills I don't want. But more importantly so it doesn't feel like any warrior with magical buffs. - turn the sustained abilities into activated abilities (if it is possible). As I said, I don't want the arcane warrior to feel like a normal warrior with some magical buffs. - rearrange combat training requirements. So far I haven't been able to accomplish this without some skills just having a blank. Blank as in it just says requires: (if it is possible) Tho I never checked to see if they can still be learned. If not, I want to remove them completely. - (if it is possible) add some warrior skills into the mix. I want every skill tree to feel unique. I also want to swap around the requirements of skills a little bit so they suit a mage better. Such as changing dexterity requirement of shield passives to be Constitution or dual weapon passives to be willpower (or maybe keep them as dexterity I dunno) But I know how to do those. I don't need help in that department. What I need help in is in the items I mentioned above.
  5. So I am running into an issue with a mod that I recently installed. Tho I am not sure if that is the cause. What happens is that I get origins backgrounds when I am trying to start a new character in Awakening. Instead of just Grey Warden. The mod I installed is called JX - Dragon Age Extended. I have no clue if that is one of the known issues. Also can I point out that I hate the layout of the site now? I liked how it used to be. A few years ago, when it had technical issues/troubleshooting section.
  6. 1. Is it possible to stylize craftable and looted armor according to the race of the Inquisitor? The default appearance works well for a human, but I can't imagine the 'average' Dalish Elf would actually like to wear boots, instead of going barefoot. Or a Qunari hiding that sexy bulk in armor that is clearly meant for a human. All armor look differently on companions. Why shouldn't they look different depending on Inquisitor's race? 2. Headgear for Qunari is very limited in DAI. The 'headgear' you get are vitaar and they are essentially face paints you may never want on your character but condone it because they have some useful stats. It makes sense for looted headgear to not be wearable by a Qunari since the smith who crafted it did not do so thining "Hmm, a random oxman may wear this." Harritt should be able hook you up with something. I know DAI modding is literally at its infancy, right now but these are mods I would like to see. I find it utterly boring to stare at the same thing and I do intend to make several playthroughs. So if there are other who feel the same way.
  7. I was wondering. When HDT Physics Extension came out, xp32 went ahead and created SHPP- that is, Skyrim Hair Physics Project- but I believe that's only a fraction of what HDTPE can do. So here I propose creation of weapons that use the HDTPE. There are only a handful of weapon that can use it unless people get creative. One such weapon is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flail_%28weapon%29 in recorded history or a more creative mind can come up with something like the sword that Isabella "Ivy" Valentine uses from Soul Calibur. A mod like this would be an interesting addition to Skyrim.
  8. Didn't try Better Vampires. Belua was my Vampire overhaul mod. So I guess I 'm still a virgin when it comes to vampire. But I won't just go away without saying a few things. From what I've read in Elder Scrolls wiki, in vanilla Skyrim, if you were a Vampire, people attacked you at Stage 4 of Vampirism. Which gave you a bit of an incentive to feed. Because if you were aiming to fit in, you had to feed. In Dawnguard, I think the whole concept of being a Vampire was destroyed in that DLC. Because at Stage 4 of Vampirism no one attacked you, everything was groovy and calm, there is a Vampire in town and no one gives a s#*&#33;. In Belua, if you are Starving for Blood, you alerted everyone that you're a Vampire. And at that point you were special. Only guards respond to "your nature being revealed" but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Another thing that I like about Belua is that the concept of "Power comes at a cost," is well-realized. Before Belua, you can obtain vampiric ablities without feeding even once. With Belua, feeding is essential to obtain greater power and the more you feed to master your dark nature, the more you have to feed on the next level. So if you enjoy being a vampire only to show off your friends that you're a vampire, you'll be very satisfied with the Vanilla and Dawnguard interpretation of how vampires are like. One disagreement that I have with Vanilla, Dawnguard, Belua Vampires is that they all seem to weaken after feeding, to a lesser extent on Belua definitely, which I thought was always stupid. Not sure if BtV has this, but I love BLV too much to give upon it.
  9. Are you a Skyrim veteran? Have you ever fought a mage who didn't use healing magic or even a vampire that spammed Vampiric drain like a retard? Does this annoy you? If so, then you found yourself a haven. As you can understand, I am having collossal problems with the games' spammy mages. I must have invested 600+ hours playing Skyrim and not even once did I come across a mage or a vampire who didn't use healing spell of some form. Is there a mod that limits their use? Like bind restoration spells to usages so they'll be limited and cooldowns so keeping their distance form enemies will be a greater priority. And Vampiric Drain... oh, man! I don't think I came across a spell in any RPG that AI was so spam-happy with. If the Vampire is strong, it can drain magicka, health and stamina. And to spice it up it is at an acclerated rate. Can Vampiric Drain be limited? For example, 10 seconds of juicy restoration of stats, then five second cooldown.
  10. I was wondering if there are any mods that allows marriage, or rather a romantic companionship, in an "unorthodox" manner? Like kidnapping a young girl from a village for ransom (or so she an serve as your blood source if you're a vampire), and Stockholm sydrome kicks in as you take care of her/him, make sure she/he survives until ransom is paid (or until she/he bleeds so much during one of your feedings that she/he dies). Or upon realizing the parents of the girl/boy you love does not want to make their little daughter/son your wife/husband because, I don't know, because you're adventurous and can't provide for her/him so, blinded by love and youth, you elope and vow to never grow apart till either one of you dies. I am asking because my lovely goddess character is Belua Vampire and shrines just do nasty things to her. I know that being in even remote vicinity of those shrines is pretty much a death sentence. And I am also wondering if anyone else thought to make an alternate marriage that doesn't necessarily involve any god or any "favor quest" completions (as I call them) to marry someone but proves to be so much more interesting. Because, any level of viable romance aside, I thought that the greatest flaws in marriage was the lack of something interesting. NOTE: It would be collosal if you or your love interest had someone who loved you or her/him respectively and constantly tried to seperate the both of you. It could be their parents (not yours' though) or another love interest of yours or your lover's. And being a werewolf, vampire, or any kind of interaction with a Daedric Prince and perhaps connections to the Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild or even other non-faction related crimes should add to this factor. Naturally the more you do, the more lovers you should be able to attract. NOTE2: One can never know who may be or may not be interested in her/him. The decision you make in various quests should have an impact on this. Some people may be interested in the rebellious personified, like a badass woman/man who openly defies daedric princes or maybe a woman/man who regret the crimes he has committed and willing to rectify them, be it serving his time or paying his bounty for the more civil and good personified people. The point is you never know who that is round the corner who is stalking you. Is it an assassin looking for her/his chance or a moon-stricken peasant who had been dying for the chance to get away from the farm? It can even be an assassin who was impressed by your actions so much that she/he forsakes her/his contract to serve you and can even grow to love given time. Either way, you should examine your food and drink closely just in case. NOTE - NOTE2: I don't mean there should be a chance of death from poisoned food, drink or even genitals, if you know the relationship heads toward that direction.
  11. I have a few questions about Vertex in ECE (Enhanced Character Edit). What is Vertex? What does it do? How can I use it? I tried using it but I could hardly make any sense of it. Not that I invested a lot of time trying to figure it out. So being lazy :P I thought I should ask here. People who help are appreciated. People who troll... not so much.
  12. So as you can plainly undestand from the title I am getting CTD every time I happen to be in Soltheim during the day. Anybody know why that happens? Has anyone else ever been a... "victim" of this? EDIT: To clarify, when I say "victim", I mean "Did it happen to you?"
  13. So this might be one of the most awkward posts I've ever submitted. But this time I am not the cause. So here's the problem, a few times in the last few I've been getting these "saved CTDs" after I downloaded and installed HDT Physics Extension. By saved CTDs I mean when I least expect it, Skyrim crashes and when I start it up, I see that the last save is right on the spot where it crashed. I appears that Skyrim saves the moment before it crashes. Which is considerate, I guess. But why does it happen? My character is no longer wearing the Ponytail, by XP32, ever since I found out it was incompatible with BS - Dynamic Vampires. In case you're wondering, the problem is whenever I use Sumo Mortalis, the "physics-y" part of the hair get attached to this very exact spot in the air. It's frustrating to turn the game on and off just to get the "physics-y" hair. I think it's an SKSE issue, though I am no authority on it or modding really.
  14. Does anyone know where can get a mod-user-friendly UI that can combine some of the plugins for Skyrim? I know that for Dragon Age there's a UI that helps you with that chargenload nonsense, so I was hoping there would be one for Skyrim that isn't necessarily restricted to just character hair or cosmetics and stuff but more of an .esp merger that'll help you ease up on your load space so you can download a few more mods to increase the level of your "enjoyment" (not sure that's a word). Because I'm using a lot of NPC appearence altering mods, some of them are already packed into a single file like http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40038/? or http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45578/? which doesn't contains a single .esp for every NPC but just one .esp for a bunch of NPCs. Any help or guidance in this matter, regardless of magnitude, is appreciated.
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